
In the mobile phone circle, Xiaomi is to Qualcomm, meizu is to MediaTek

author:Fish without swim bladders

Our human life is always full of regrets, some stories have no ending, some people have no answers; various mobile phone brands in the mobile phone circle ups and downs, why not!

In the mobile phone circle, Xiaomi is to Qualcomm, meizu is to MediaTek

The originator of domestic smart phones - Meizu M8

Today I saw a sentence: "Qualcomm met the best millet, but Xiaomi did not meet the best Qualcomm (high-end road); MediaTek met the best Meizu, but Meizu did not meet MediaTek, which is now in the limelight." "I think this can only be said by the old jianghu that has been in the mobile phone circle for many years!"

In the mobile phone circle, Xiaomi is to Qualcomm, meizu is to MediaTek


Xiaomi not only improved the overall performance and configuration of domestic mobile phones, but also helped Qualcomm defeat NVIDIA and MediaTek, and then let Qualcomm chips occupy half of China's mobile phone chip market; Qualcomm executives once said a sentence "Without millet, there is no Qualcomm Snapdragon 800", which shows the importance of millet in Qualcomm's heart; now Xiaomi wants to use Qualcomm flagship chips to enter the high-end mobile phone market, the market response is not ideal, it is estimated that the image of xiaomi mobile phones with high and low prices has been deeply imprinted in the minds of consumers. So much so that when Xiaomi mobile phones raise prices, everyone doubts whether it is floating.

In the mobile phone circle, Xiaomi is to Qualcomm, meizu is to MediaTek

Xiaomi has made a great contribution to Qualcomm's occupation of the Chinese market


Due to the low price of MediaTek chips, mediatek chips not only got the favor of many copycat mobile phone manufacturers, but also got the fans of Meizu, the originator of Chinese smartphones; even if many mobile phone manufacturers almost abandoned MediaTek chips later, Meizu still supported MediaTek without abandonment; now MediaTek ranks first in the Chinese mobile phone processor market in 2021, and the sales of Meizu mobile phones have become other. Meizu accompanies you when MediaTek sunsets on the West Mountain; Meizu is no longer around when MediaTek is in full swing.

In the mobile phone circle, Xiaomi is to Qualcomm, meizu is to MediaTek

In the top 12 of the global mobile phone sales list in 2021, Meizu cannot be seen

In the mobile phone circle, Xiaomi is to Qualcomm, meizu is to MediaTek

MediaTek chip sales ranked first in the Chinese market