
The patriotic and Hong Kong-loving camp is unprecedentedly united! Li Jiachao has a long way to go, and Hong Kong's future prospects are promising

author:Han Chengke

Wen | Han Chengke

Former Chief Secretary for Administration Lee Ka-chiu today officially announced his candidacy for the new Chief Executive election and issued a declaration of candidacy. Li Jiachao, who began by expressing his willingness to run, has received attention and solidarity support from the establishment camp and all sectors of society, and Tan Yaozong, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress who was elected by the supplement, said that his goal is to get about one-third of the election committee members nominated and elected by a large number of votes.

On the one hand, it recognizes Li Jiachao's previous responsibilities and contributions in stopping violence and controlling chaos, safeguarding national security, and ensuring Hong Kong's prosperity and stability; on the other hand, Hong Kong is still facing internal and external challenges, the intervention and pressure of external forces, the task of post-epidemic reconstruction, and the sustainable development of Hong Kong, all of which require the unity of social forces, joint support for the new head of state to promote governance, and lead Hong Kong to start again. Li Jiachao showed his consistent humility, enthusiasm and sincerity at the press conference, showing that he was "results-oriented, pragmatic and efficient", emphasizing change, showing his commitment and vision for Hong Kong, and having a clear blueprint for governance for the future. Expectations from all walks of life are very high, Li Jiachao has a long way to go, he must clearly understand his own duties, and the chief executive is not only a job, but also a noble mission for the country and Hong Kong people to make great contributions.

The patriotic and Hong Kong-loving camp is unprecedentedly united! Li Jiachao has a long way to go, and Hong Kong's future prospects are promising

One of the characteristics of this year's chief executive election is that the establishment camp has a high degree of consensus on the selection of the chief executive, and it is unprecedentedly united. Since Li Jiachao expressed his willingness to run, he has been supported by a number of pro-establishment political party organizations and heavyweight pro-establishment figures, and has quickly formed a team of candidates, all of which reflect that Li Jiachao's participation is deeply popular with the public and has received full support from the pro-establishment faction.

The reason why Lee Ka-chiu's candidacy for election is that in addition to his more than 30 years of experience in the Police Force, he was in charge of Hong Kong's security affairs during his tenure in the Security Bureau, resolutely implemented the suppression of violence and chaos after the outbreak of the "black riot", promoted the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, and restored social order; during his tenure as Secretary for Administration, he more effectively safeguarded Hong Kong's national security and made important contributions to the process of Hong Kong's chaos and governance; at the same time, Hong Kong is currently facing internal and external risks, facing unprecedented opportunities, and also facing various deep-seated contradictions in people's livelihood. The "iron-shouldered", capable and visionary chief executive leads Hong Kong to meet the challenges.

The patriotic and Hong Kong-loving camp is unprecedentedly united! Li Jiachao has a long way to go, and Hong Kong's future prospects are promising

Since the "black riot" in 2019, the interference of foreign forces such as the United States and britain in Hong Kong affairs has intensified, not only continuing to attack and smear Hong Kong's new election system and the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, slandering and slandering the law enforcement actions of the Hong Kong police, openly shielding anti-China and chaotic Hong Kong children, providing a platform and "protective umbrella" for them to advocate "Hong Kong independence", and even introducing so-called Hong Kong-related bills, gathering allies to meddle in Hong Kong's internal affairs, and launching unreasonable sanctions against relevant officials.

The world is entering a major change unprecedented in a century, Hong Kong has become the forefront of the struggle between China and the West, in the future, the intervention of external forces in Hong Kong affairs, and even the sanctions and crackdowns on OFFICIALS of the Special Administrative Region, will inevitably become more and more intense, coupled with the recent resurgence of anti-China and chaotic Hong Kong forces, extremists during the epidemic period in the "use of the epidemic to seek chaos", at any time after the epidemic to launch a new round of anti-government actions. Hong Kong's national security and social stability remain at risk.

The patriotic and Hong Kong-loving camp is unprecedentedly united! Li Jiachao has a long way to go, and Hong Kong's future prospects are promising

Stability is the foundation of Hong Kong's development and improvement of people's livelihood, without a stable and orderly social environment, it will be difficult for Hong Kong to maintain its status as a financial center, and it will be difficult to concentrate on breaking through various people's livelihood knots. At present, Hong Kong needs a chief executive who has the ability to safeguard national security, Hong Kong's stability, and break the knot of economic and people's livelihood; Lee Ka-chao has rich experience in police force and government management, and has shown a strong leadership will and ability in his past work.

The unprecedented unity of the pro-establishment camp in the election of the chief executive can not only provide strong support for the new chief executive, but also avoid the division and confrontation between the pro-establishment camp and all sectors of society because of the election, so that all walks of life can unite to cope with the challenges of Hong Kong. In fact, the governance team is like an orchestra, to play a new symphony, the chief executive is the conductor, but the chief executive can not cover the world. There are specializations in the art industry, and different fields need to be led by different talents. All walks of life expect Lee Ka-chao to listen to the opinions of all walks of life with humility, absorb and make good use of talents with inclusiveness, unite the society with love for Hong Kong, promote all walks of life to fight the epidemic with one heart, and seek hong Kong to start again after the epidemic. Li Jiachao carries the expectations of many citizens, and it is even more necessary to defend the interests of Hong Kong and the country with practical actions, lead Hong Kong to start again, and bring hope to the citizens.

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