
6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

author:Balcony garden vegetable garden

Usually many people like to raise flowers, the flowers and plants raised at home, in fact, most of them are southern flowers and grass plants, for friends in the south, raising up is like a fish to get water, casually raised can bloom into a large flower ball, the leaves are oily green all year round. But in the northern region to raise these flowers and plants, it will take a lot of effort, because the soil and air humidity in the southern region is not the same as the north, the north is alkaline, and the south is acidic, so most of the flowers and plants like acidic soil.

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

We should appropriately add some acid when raising flowers, otherwise, it will not take long to raise acidic substances, resulting in yellow leaves, zombie seedlings do not grow, and finally go to death. So we raise these flowers and plants to often water them with acidic water, the faster the long watering, to ensure that the plants are oily green all year round, the flowers grunt out, so which plants we raise at home like acidic soil? Add a little acid to it from time to time, and see if you have any of these plants at home?

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

If there is a special ferrous sulfate or chelated iron and wood vinegar liquid at home, water the acid-loving flower plants once a month, if there is no such regulator, then you have to add some vinegar when watering every month, drink some vinegar, and the leaves are oily and fragrant.

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

First, the rhododendrons drink some vinegar, and the branches are leafy and the leaves are not yellow

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

Rhododendron is a representative of acid-loving plants, although most of the flower friends in the north like rhododendrons, but it is difficult to cultivate old piles, many of them cultivate disposable flowers, and after a year of blooming stubble flowers, directly on the yellow leaves fall to the dead warp. Rhododendron likes acidic plant representatives, the pH is relatively high, so every month to give it some ferrous sulfate, if there is no vinegar can be added or soaked orange peel water is OK.

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

The soil in the northern region is easy to salinize, and it is easy to lack acidic substances, resulting in plants unable to absorb iron in the soil, and the leaves will cause iron deficiency yellow leaves, so add some acidity, adjust the pH of the soil so that plants can normally absorb nutrients, and rhododendrons will grow more luxuriantly and flower more.

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

You can add three to five drops of vinegar to water each month, dissolve it in a ratio of 1: 1000, and then water it in a pot of rhododendrons. If ferrous sulfate is used to melt within five minutes, it should be poured quickly to avoid causing ferrous sulfate oxidation to appear brown and deteriorate.

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

Some friends use orange peels to soak in water, put orange peels in a drink bottle and soak water after opening will have a fragrant orange flavor, and it is also very good to use them to water the azaleas. The soil pH of rhododendrons is well regulated, and the leaves will always grow in oily green, so that the flowering will be particularly vigorous. However, the soil of rhododendrons should be particularly loose and breathable, and it should be ventilated frequently so that rhododendrons can grow and flower smoothly

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

Second, gardenia flowers drink some vinegar, not yellow leaves bloom large

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

Gardenia is also a representative of acid-loving plants, because there are many friends who raise gardenia flowers, and it will not take long to find that the leaves have green veins and yellow leaves, which is iron deficiency yellow leaves. Without acid in the soil, gardenias cannot absorb iron, so new leaves begin to yellow, gradually spreading throughout the plant.

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

At this time, it is necessary to quickly supplement acidic substances, you can use ferrous sulfate or chelated iron and so on.

Argon sulfate is a divalent iron ion, dissolved in water, water is pale green, but if the time is long and the oxygen in the air oxidation becomes brown iron oxide, so this time there is no effect, so many friends with ferrous sulfate does not work is this reason, to be used up within five minutes, the soil will continue to become acidic.

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

Watering it once a month when its leaves are oily green can prevent yellow leaves. If the leaves have turned yellow, it is more difficult to adjust them, and it is necessary to pour ferrous sulfate once or twice a month. If you don't have ferrous sulfate at home, it's okay to add vinegar once or twice a month when watering gardenias. It can also adjust the pH of the soil, so that the acid in the soil increases to effectively absorb iron, and the leaves will always grow green. If you are afraid that ferrous sulfate will turn into yellow iron oxide, you can drop a few drops of vinegar when the flowers melt, and you can also make ferrous sulfate remain pale green and always strong.

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

Third, the Milanese flowers drink some vinegar and blossom fragrant, and the leaves are green and shiny

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

Milan flower is also acid-loving plants, because it is a typical southern plant, if the family of Milan spends a long time, be sure to adjust the pH of the soil, its PH value is between 5.0 and 6.0, usually in the northern region of the water is alkaline, so to water some vinegar to adjust it.

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

Of course, it is better to have ferrous sulfate, wood vinegar or chelated iron at home, and if not, it is also possible to use vinegar. When watering once or twice a month, you can add vinegar, stir well to make the water sour, and then water in the Milan flowers, so that the leaves of the Milan flowers have been continuously oily green flowering stubble after stubble, so that the Milan flowers grow super vigorously at home and will bloom into small flower trees.

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

Fourth, hydrangeas, drink some vinegar leaves oil green, flowers larger than the head

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

Hydrangea is also a typical southern plant, although in the south, the northern region is very fond of hydrangeas, but in the north of the breeding is a little difficult, because it does not take long, its leaves are prone to yellow leaves, leaf veins green iron deficiency symptoms, so the hydrangea in the growth period must be watered acidic substances, you can use ferrous sulfate, chelated iron or wood vinegar liquid and so on can be watered once a month.

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

Especially in the season when it grows fast, if it lacks iron, it will soon appear new leaves yellow, and gradually spread to the back of the entire plant and the seedlings will not grow. Therefore, it is imperative to regulate the soil for hydrangeas, and when its soil is acidic, it is not only oily and green in its leaves, but also normal. And the flowers will gradually become the most perfect color of blue, which is also one of the steps that many friends like to give it bluening, when the soil is acidic, it can normally absorb aluminum ions, in order to make the flowers blue.

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

Of course, if there is no ferrous sulfate or other acidic substances, it is also possible to add some vinegar when watering every month, but the hydrangea flowers grow rapidly, it is best to plant in the ground or large pots, and it is most effective to use ferrous sulfate to regulate.

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

Fifth, the bougainvillea drink some vinegar flowers to bloom in the popping pot

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

Bougainvillea is a typical southern flower, the flowering is particularly luxuriant, and it grows relatively fast, and it is more likely to have green veins and yellow leaves. Therefore, its soil should be adjusted to slightly acidic soil, and the soil can be replaced by pine needle soil, humus soil and some granular soil when adjusting.

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

When watering, you can add ferrous sulfate or chelated iron, wood vinegar liquid and so on. If not, you can also water a little vinegar every month to adjust the pH of the soil, so that the leaves of the bougainvillea will always be oily green and the flowering will be more vigorous. Of course, in the summer, it needs plenty of light and sunshine, and its flowers will bloom undefeated one stubble after another until late autumn.

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

Sixth, jasmine flowers drink some vinegar and bloom stubble after stubble

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

Raise jasmine, three points of soil, seven points of water. Jasmine is a typical southern flower, although it can be planted in both the north and the south, but it takes a little effort to grow in the northern region, and it is necessary to adjust its soil into an acidic substance. The alkaline nature of the north is large, and it is easy for acidic jasmine to be dissatisfied.

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

Therefore, every one or two months, watering a little ferrous sulfate or chelated iron, so that the leaves have been kept oily green without yellowing, flowering vigorously, of course, you can also add some vinegar, so that the soil is acidic so that it will continue to grow, will not occur the whole leaf yellowing, there is a situation where the zombie seedlings do not flower.

After spring, these southern flowers are the peak season for growth and flowering, so we must not forget to fertilize them, water them with acidic soil and water, and let their leaves grow vigorously in order to achieve the effect of raising flowers.

6 kinds of flowers like sour, half a cup of vinegar, the leaves are thick green, and the flower buds are crowded into pots

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