
Liujiang District: Rice snail symbiosis promotes income growth and helps rural revitalization and development

author:Friends of the Farmer

In recent years, the development momentum of Liuzhou snail powder industry is fierce, and has led to the vigorous development of related industrial chains. Riding on the east wind, Ligao Town, Liujiang District, has made every effort to build a rice field ecological comprehensive breeding demonstration area, actively built a rice field snail brand, driven the masses to increase their income and become rich, consolidated the foundation for industrial development, and boosted rural revitalization.

Liujiang District: Rice snail symbiosis promotes income growth and helps rural revitalization and development

On March 28th, I walked into the Muxiangtun Snail Breeding and Breeding Experimental Base in Banliu Village, Ligao Town, and saw the vast paddy fields connected into pieces, sparkling under the sunlight, and the clear river water was like a turquoise ribbon running through the mountains, forming a beautiful landscape and pastoral picture. The workers at the base are taking advantage of the good weather to step up the construction of field foundations and pavements.

Liujiang District: Rice snail symbiosis promotes income growth and helps rural revitalization and development

According to the base administrator Wei Yi, this year the base in the organic rice planting and snail breeding on the basis of continuous improvement and construction, the current construction of the roadbed, field foundation, pavilion, promenade is expected to be completed in mid-April, at the end of April will be put into snail seedlings and planting rice, this year will produce about 600,000 pounds of snails.

In another part of Banliu Village, the newly built core demonstration base of ecological comprehensive rice cultivation is also a busy scene, with large machinery shuttling back and forth in the field, and workers are also grasping the progress of laying the foundation, and the construction of the field foundation has begun to take shape.

Liujiang District: Rice snail symbiosis promotes income growth and helps rural revitalization and development

This year, Ligao Town has made every effort to build a rice field ecological comprehensive breeding demonstration area project, which has driven the development of the rice field ecological comprehensive breeding industry in the town and even Liujiang District with the layout and idea of "one core, four bases and multiple points". "We take the Muxiangtun Snail Breeding and Breeding Experimental Base of Banliu Village as the main core area, and the four bases of Xincun, Guolang, Mindong, Devil Zi Pass and Banliu Village as the sub-core areas, consolidate the results of poverty alleviation through industrial revitalization, lead the masses to increase income and become rich, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the local economy, society and ecology." Ligao Town Propaganda and United Front Work Committee Member Shen Haiyang introduced.

Liujiang District: Rice snail symbiosis promotes income growth and helps rural revitalization and development

It is understood that the ligao town paddy field ecological comprehensive breeding demonstration area project plans to add more than 2,000 mu of new paddy field ecological comprehensive breeding and breeding area, the project construction content includes the improvement of the Muxiangtun snail breeding and breeding experimental base on the basis of the construction of the new Banliu village ecological comprehensive breeding and breeding core demonstration base; respectively, the reconstruction of the new village, Mindong, Devil Zi Pass three low-yield field ecological comprehensive breeding base 150 mu, 160 mu, 120 mu; the reconstruction of The Guolang (Sandou Reservoir) beach comprehensive utilization demonstration base of 400 mu Radiation has driven the villages of Zhongtuan, Po Soap, Sanhe and other villages and surrounding townships to promote the ecological comprehensive cultivation of rice fields for more than 1,000 mu, and it is planned to be completed in 2023.

With organic rice planting and snail breeding as the leading industries, the project explores and popularizes the comprehensive rice field ecological breeding mode such as "rice + snail", "rice + lotus + snail", "rice + snail + shrimp" and "rice + snail + fish", so as to enhance the production capacity of comprehensive ecological breeding and breeding in paddy fields, promote industrial integration, and improve the comprehensive benefits and modernization level of agriculture. At the same time, it takes into account the functions of snail seedlings, processing, feed, as well as outdoor expansion, scientific research and science popularization, agricultural activities and events, etc., forming an industrial pattern of "one yuan and diversified development".

Source: People's Daily - Guangxi Channel Liao Lingxi, Wei Yixing, Wei Xinna Photo report