
Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

author:Rong Kitchen

The importance of diet to us is self-evident, especially for elderly people, pay more attention to diet, don't be too careless, and properly avoid mouth to be good for the body. Especially after the age of 50, it is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", keep your mouth to be healthier, let's take a look at it!

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

6 Do not eat

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

1. Do not eat pickles

It is recommended not to eat pickles or eat less pickles for a reason, mainly because pickles or pickles and pickles, generally will put a lot of salt in the production process, to ensure that the ingredients will not be bad, but also because too much salt is put, so it will cause some loss of fungal vitamins. And pickles are generally nitrites, although it is recommended to pickle 20 days after eating, this time the nitrite will be the lowest time, but can not explain that there is no, long-term intake of acid nitrite is harmful to our body, will add the harm of cancer.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

2. Do not eat fried food

Because fried food is generally relatively high in calories and not easy to digest, this is very unfavorable for elderly people. In addition to being difficult to digest, it is also easy to lead to body obesity, which is not friendly to the three highs. It is recommended to eat more fruits and fresh vegetables, eat less or no fried foods!

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

3. Do not eat leftovers

Eating leftovers is a frugal act, and there's nothing wrong with that. But for older people, eating leftovers is not recommended. Because leftovers may contain aspergilloxins, the longer they are stored, the more toxins there will be, and if they are eaten regularly, they will cause some damage to the liver. Especially for elderly people, it is better to eat more fresh, and it is best to do less every time and eat at one time.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

4, do not eat too spicy and too sweet food

Eating too sweet food in old age is also bad for teeth, and it may also cause the problem of three highs. And too spicy food is not suitable for the elderly people to eat, spicy will stimulate the heart beat faster, will also stimulate adrenaline, but also easy to catch fire, causing gastrointestinal digestion is not good, resulting in constipation and other problems!

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

5. Do not eat foods with too much fat content

After age, some people's blood viscosity will increase, and blood lipids will change from when they were young. And maintaining the smooth flow of blood vessels is the elderly to pay special attention to, at this time the diet to be light and fresh food, high fat food is necessary to reduce the intake, if it is itself there is blood viscous, it is best not to eat too fat food, this is actually very important!

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

6, do not eat too hard food

Too hard food is mainly not conducive to the digestion of the stomach and intestines, for the elderly people, the gastrointestinal digestion function is not as good as young people, too hard food is not suitable, because after ageing, the teeth will become bad, too hard food is not good for the teeth first, if you do not chew rotten swallowing, it will also be bad for the stomach!

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

5 Eat

1. Eat more fresh vegetables

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

Recommended Recipe【Stir-fried Zucchini Shredded】

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

Ingredients: Zucchini, garlic, one green and red pepper, soy sauce, rice vinegar, sugar, sesame oil

1, part of the zucchini planed into pieces, part of the rubbing silk, soaked in light salt water for 1 minute, squeeze dry water for later;

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

2、 Cut the green cabbage pepper into strips, cut the green onion into green onions and set aside;

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

3. Roll up the flake zucchini and place it on the plate in turn;

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

4. Then put the zucchini shreds and green and red pepper shreds into the plate;

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

5, now to mix a bowl of sauce: add two spoons of soy sauce, a spoonful of rice vinegar, a spoonful of sugar, a spoonful of sesame oil, a little salt, stir evenly into the ingredients, sprinkle with minced garlic, green onions;

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

6: Heat the oil in a pot, fry a small handful of peppercorns until fragrant, then fish out, pour the oil on top and stir and enjoy.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

2. Eat more high-protein foods

Fish in high-protein foods is a very good choice.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

Recommended Recipe【Steamed Yellow Croaker】

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

Rhubarb fish, ginger, shallots, cooking wine, steamed fish soy sauce, red pepper

1, a large yellow croaker to deal with clean, the black membrane of the fish belly, the muscles and bones in the throat of the fish, the bone of the fish bone, in the basic treatment must be cleaned with nails, with running water flushing method clean.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

2. Then cut a few knives on each side of the fish to facilitate the taste.

3: Prepare 1 piece of ginger and a handful of shallots, cut the ginger into strips and cut the shallots.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

4, then come to pickle the fish, put the appropriate amount of green onion and ginger in the belly of the fish, put some on the back of the fish, and then pour a large spoonful of cooking wine, marinate for 20 minutes to fishy.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

5: After the fish is marinated, find a large plate, spread the bottom with ginger slices, green onions, put the yellow croaker, and then put the remaining ginger shreds on top.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

6: Then prepare a small dish and pour two spoonfuls of steamed fish soy sauce.

7, boil the water, after the water boils, put in the yellow croaker, steamed fish soy sauce is also put in with the dish, hot steamed fish soy sauce poured on the fish taste more delicious.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

8, steam on high heat for 8 minutes, steam the time we will cut some red peppers, half a piece is enough, try to cut into thin wires, green directly by hand tearing.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

9: Steam the fish and turn off the heat out of the pot, first put the onion and ginger out of the pot, and then pour off the water in the fish dish.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

10, then drizzle with steamed fish soy sauce while hot, put on the chili shredded and green onion shredded, and then pour a spoonful of hot oil that burns until it smokes, and the aroma will come out immediately.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

Delicious steamed yellow croaker is ready, the meat is tender and not fishy at all.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

3. Eat more high lecithin foods

The most typical of high-lecithin foods is actually the most common eggs.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

Recommended recipe【Scrambled eggs with edamame】

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

» Ingredient List « 5 eggs, 300g edamame, green pepper, green onion

1: Clean the fresh edamame with water, then control the moisture and set aside.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

2: Then prepare 2 green peppers, cut into small rings, then cut two shallots into green onions, and then put them together and put them aside.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

3: Beat 5 eggs in a bowl, add 1 spoonful of salt to the bottom, then beat well.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

4, then start the pot to pour oil, oil heat under the edamame stir-fry, micro-fry for 2 minutes after the color of the edamame will become green, then add 1 spoonful of salt into the flavor, continue to fry the edamame, when frying beans, add a spoonful of salt, will be fried faster.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

5, when the edamame around the bubbles indicate that the beans are almost cooked, and then use the spatula to spread the edamame in the pot flat, and then pour in the egg liquid to spread the eggs.

6, turn the pot to slowly spread the eggs, remember to use medium-low heat to let the egg liquid slowly solidify, so that it is not easy to paste.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

7, all solidified after adding green peppers and green onions, and then turn over, both sides are fried, I like to fry the eggs a little older, I feel that it will taste more fragrant.

8. Finally, use the spatula to cut into small pieces and then you can put it on the plate.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

If you have obsessive-compulsive disorder and want to spread a complete egg cake, you must spread it slowly over a low heat, and wait until the surface egg liquid also begins to solidify before turning over the surface to get a complete egg cake.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

The fresh and sweet scrambled eggs of edamame are ready, this dish is particularly simple, the fresh flavor of the eggs and the tender sweetness of the edamame, the original taste.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

4, eat more grains

There are many types of grains, and eating them often is also very good for our bodies, especially corn.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

Recommended Recipes【Tortilla】

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

150 g cornmeal 200 g boiling water 5 g yeast 5 g salt 350 g warm water 320 g flour green onion

1, 150 grams of cornmeal plus 200 grams of boiling water hot noodles, boiled cornmeal taste is more delicate, eat will not have a rough feeling, stir into granules after a little time.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

2, after the warm state add 5 grams of yeast, 5 grams of salt, 350 grams of warm water, 320 grams of flour, stirred into a delicate batter, this batter is relatively thin, probably can flow state, like this can be, cover the lid fermentation to 2 times larger.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

3, the current temperature is particularly easy to send up, about 1 hour less than the look, the surface of the good batter has a lot of pores, and the volume has become larger and fluffy, first use chopsticks to stir the exhaust.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

4, then wash some spring onions, like to eat sweet can be replaced by red dates and raisins, washed and directly cut into green onions on the line.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

5. Then pour into the batter and continue to stir evenly, fully drain the large holes to avoid the collapse of the dough cake.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

6: Preheat the pancake bell with oil, pour in the batter, apply it evenly with a spatula, and then brush the surface with a layer of oil.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

7, then cover the lid over medium heat for 5 minutes, open the lid and then turn it over, continue to burn for 5 minutes to cook, press with a spatula, soft can rebound can be out of the pot.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

8, the remaining batter is also the same method of baking, open the lid to smell the fragrance, the strong cornmeal aroma and green onion fragrance, really too tempting. Cut into small pieces can start, the green onion is full of special appetite, the outer layer is crispy and crispy, the inside is soft and delicate, although the cornmeal is added, but it can not eat the rough taste at all, coarse grains are finely made, good looking and delicious, and the method is super simple.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

5. Eat more fresh fruit

Fresh fruit is recommended to eat every day, like oranges, oranges, kiwis, apples, bananas, grapes, blueberries, grapefruit are good choices. However, although fruit is beneficial to the health of the elderly, it should not be consumed in excess, especially in the elderly with diabetes, because most fruits contain high sugar and water, which will cause blood sugar to rise.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless

6, eat more high-calcium foods

Among the high-calcium foods, the top ones are dairy products, soy products, and seafood. Milk, yogurt, cheese, milk flakes, and milk powder in dairy products can actually supplement calcium. Soy products are all kinds of beans or food made of beans, and the highest calcium content in them is soybeans. Seafood inside the kelp and shrimp skin is actually a very good choice.

Should you avoid eating after the age of 50? It is recommended to follow the "6 eat 6 do not eat", control the mouth is healthier, do not be careless
Committed to using the simplest ingredients to share the most delicious dishes and snacks for you, I am Rong'er, sharing a delicacy for you every day, learning to eat like this, so that your stomach is healthier! Welcome to like, follow, retweet and favorite, thank you for your support! We'll see you next time.