
4 ingredients rich in "natural high folic acid", it is recommended to eat more after the age of 50, eat early and benefit early

author:Gourmet petty official home

Introduction: 4 ingredients rich in "natural high folic acid", it is recommended to eat more after the age of 50, eat early and benefit early!

Food can not only satisfy everyone's appetite, but also many ingredients have high nutritional value and are also very beneficial to the body. In the spring, everything recovers, and I believe that the variety of natural ingredients on the market makes everyone pick and choose.

I don't know if you have ever understood the concept of natural high folic acid, which is a very important B vitamin. The bioavailability of folic acid in food is very high, so it is especially appropriate to eat more folic acid-rich foods in the spring.

4 ingredients rich in "natural high folic acid", it is recommended to eat more after the age of 50, eat early and benefit early

In fact, folic acid is widely present in various animals and plants, and the human body needs to consume 400 micrograms of folic acid per day to supplement energy. The following 4 ingredients rich in "natural high folic acid" are very good, it is recommended to eat more after the age of 50, eat early and benefit early!

1. Spinach

The folic acid content in spinach is very rich, and it can reach nearly 88 micrograms of folic acid per 100g of spinach. If you want to absorb folic acid better when eating spinach, try to mix it cold.

4 ingredients rich in "natural high folic acid", it is recommended to eat more after the age of 50, eat early and benefit early

In fact, its approach is also very simple, it can be said that it will be handy, and it is also a good choice to replace fat-reducing meals. As long as you prepare an appropriate amount of spinach, wash it and put it in water for 30 seconds to blanch and change color, let it cool and remove the excess water and cut it into segments, add the appropriate seasoning and stir evenly, it is a delicious cold dish.

2. Walnuts

Many people eat walnuts because they think it can play a role in tonifying the brain, in fact, every 100g of walnuts contains about 102 micrograms of folic acid. However, because the oil content of walnuts is relatively high, girls who usually pay attention to body management should still eat appropriately, otherwise it is easy to cause the problem of fat.

4 ingredients rich in "natural high folic acid", it is recommended to eat more after the age of 50, eat early and benefit early

If you feel that the original walnut is a bit unaccustomed, you may wish to try the method of amber walnut kernels, if you make it at home, it will be more assured of hygiene. You only need to put water in the pot, put the peeled walnuts in it and cook, remove the bitter taste, then fish out the excess water to dry and sprinkle sesame seeds, sugar and other flavors.

4 ingredients rich in "natural high folic acid", it is recommended to eat more after the age of 50, eat early and benefit early

3. Artemisia annua

Artemisia annua not only has the effect of promoting digestion and delaying aging, but also rich in folic acid, and 100g of artemisia annua contains about 115 micrograms of folic acid. Garlic artemisia is definitely a dish that everyone is familiar with, the taste is crisp and tender, the garlic flavor is full, and it is very appetizing.

4 ingredients rich in "natural high folic acid", it is recommended to eat more after the age of 50, eat early and benefit early

You only need to prepare simple ingredients such as artemisia and minced garlic to make a very delicious dish. Wash the artemisia annua and dry the water, cut it into two pieces from the middle, divide it into rods and leaves and fry them separately, so that the taste is better. Heat the oil, add garlic cloves and stir-fry to bring out the aroma, stir-fry the artemisia stalk until it is emerald green and then add the leaves of artemisia annua to stir-fry quickly, add a little salt, so that you can better highlight the fragrance of artemisia annua. If the taste is lighter, you can also add oyster sauce directly.

4 ingredients rich in "natural high folic acid", it is recommended to eat more after the age of 50, eat early and benefit early

4. Soybeans

Soybeans are rich in a large amount of protein, which can effectively reduce the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, in fact, it is also a food with a high content of folic acid, and each 100g of soybeans contains about 180 micrograms of folic acid.

4 ingredients rich in "natural high folic acid", it is recommended to eat more after the age of 50, eat early and benefit early

If you want to replenish folic acid every day, you may wish to make soybeans into soybean paste, which can be seasoned through it when you usually eat. Just soak the soybeans in advance and boil them in water, remove them and set aside in cold water twice. After pouring oil into the pan, add ginger slices and stir-fry with soy beans. Add spices according to the taste, stir-fry until almost pour water, before the soybean stew can be out of the pot, such soybean sauce is definitely a good partner for bibimbap.

4 ingredients rich in "natural high folic acid", it is recommended to eat more after the age of 50, eat early and benefit early

The above four natural high folic acid foods are actually more common in life, but everyone may not know that it is rich in folic acid, in fact, supplementing folic acid can buy more such vegetables when buying vegetables every day. These are all natural foods, and there is no need to worry about the side effects of eating too much. At the same time, learn some cooking skills, you can add some new tricks to the table.

In addition, at the end of the article, the author also shared a natural folic acid eating tips, hoping to help everyone:

Because folic acid is easily soluble in water, when cleaning vegetables or foods containing folic acid, try to use flowing water, do not soak it in water for a long time, otherwise it is easy to cause a large loss of folic acid. And folic acid is more afraid of high temperature, frying and soup, etc., want to better retain the folic acid in food, try to choose raw or cold mix.

4 ingredients rich in "natural high folic acid", it is recommended to eat more after the age of 50, eat early and benefit early

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