
What are the "characteristics" of people with strong female "hormone" secretion? You may wish to check it out against a self-test

author:Dr. Yan Kop

Women's bodies contain estrogen, ovaries, and adrenaline secretions that dominate the female body.

If women secrete less hormones, it means that the level of estrogen in the body is low, which will also bring some gynecological diseases and other diseases.

Estrogen, is the most important hormone in the female body, which is a woman from adolescence into middle age, estrogen plays a vital role, the content of estrogen in the body gradually increases, and women's age gradually increases.

What are the "characteristics" of people with strong female "hormone" secretion? You may wish to check it out against a self-test

After the end of the female menstruation, the level of estrogen in the body is stable, the state is still high, reaching the ovulation stage, estrogen will appear a peak period, and after ovulation, estrogen will form a second peak period in the body.

If the female body secretes excessive estrogen, it is easy to induce uterine mucosal diseases and skin problems of menstrual fat metabolism in the development of the reproductive system and breast development.

If the secretion of estrogen in women is too reduced, the decline content gradually decreases, and many women will have menopause-related manifestations.

According to relevant experimental studies, women between the ages of 18 and 29 are the peak period (the most exuberant stage of endocrine).

According to relevant experimental studies, women can also regulate hormone levels before the age of 30

According to relevant experimental studies, after the age of 30, the hormone level in the body will gradually decrease and cannot be adjusted

Doctor's reminder: These 4 behaviors of women may reduce your "hormones"

1. Sit for a long time and do not exercise

Long-term sedentary inactivity, fat after ingestion of food, triglycerides, a large number of accumulation in the body, resulting in high triglycerides, obesity problems, affecting their own hormone levels and hormone levels, so that the amount of hormone secretion gradually decreased.

What are the "characteristics" of people with strong female "hormone" secretion? You may wish to check it out against a self-test

2, long-term stay up late, do not sleep

For women, staying up late for a long time will make their own endocrine disorders disorders, hair loss, hair loss and mental atrophy, which will not only damage the skin, but also accelerate aging, affect the secretion of hormones in the body, and reduce the quality of their own uterine ovaries.

3, long-term negative emotions, love to be irritable

For women, women are emotional, it is easy to be depressed because of a small thing, sullen and grumpy, tantrums, long-term negative emotions, will directly affect their own secretion disorders, disturb the hormone level in the body, resulting in a gradual decrease in hormone levels.

4. Long-term overeating and unrestrained

For their own diet is not controlled by prevention and control, long-term eating fried food, greasy food, high-sweet food, it is easy to cause a large number of unhealthy substances in the body, long-term past, it will induce physical obesity problems, but also affect the secretion of their own hormones.

What are the "characteristics" of people with strong female "hormone" secretion? You may wish to check it out against a self-test

What are the "characteristics" of people with strong female "hormone" secretion? You may wish to check yourself,

First, menstrual regularity

From the beginning of puberty, women are inseparable from the arrival of menstruation, and menstruation will come once a month, while normal women generally cycle about 28 days, usually lasting about 4 to 7 days.

When menstruation comes, we can observe the color and amount of menstruation to determine whether our menstruation is normal, which can be observed through sanitary napkin tablets, (usually use 1 to 2 packs of sanitary napkin tablets in a cycle)

What are the "characteristics" of people with strong female "hormone" secretion? You may wish to check it out against a self-test

If the female menstrual cycle is normal, then it means that the woman's uterus and ovaries are very healthy, if the estrogen secretion is insufficient, it will affect the endometrial shedding, menstruation will be affected, the formation of menstrual disorders.

The women with strong hormone secretion, the secretion of estrogen in their own body, are very stable, and there will be no abnormal phenomena of disorder, so menstruation is also regular.

Second, the skin is smooth

As we all know, everyone's skin state is different, some skin is dry, some skin is oily, some skin is dry and oily, and women want to have a smooth and elastic skin.

Women with strong hormone secretion indicate that their hormone levels are strong and stable, because hormones affect collagen in the body.

What are the "characteristics" of people with strong female "hormone" secretion? You may wish to check it out against a self-test

If women have enough collagen in the body, it means that their protein content is also very rich, and the nourishment of the skin is also very stable, so that the female skin state will be very smooth and delicate.

The relatively low hormone level will accelerate the loss of collagen, so that its own estrogen will also be affected, which will make the skin state of women yellow and poor.

Third, there is no extra flesh in the lower abdomen

For women, the most annoying thing is the long meat on the stomach, many women have found that they only have a small belly fat all over their body, this state indicates that their hormone level secretion is abnormal.

The growth of meat on the small belly and the obesity on the small belly prove that the lack of hormone secretion in your body is induced, indicating that your uterus feels dangerous and needs to automatically accumulate fat in the abdomen to protect your health.

What are the "characteristics" of people with strong female "hormone" secretion? You may wish to check it out against a self-test

In such a woman, there will be a bunch of fat on the lower abdomen, and if there is no fat on your small belly and shows a smooth and flat state of development, it means that the hormone levels and hormone secretion state in the body are normal.

Fourth, the quality of sleep is good

Most people cannot enter deep sleep before 23:00 at night, often feel mentally tired and sleepy, but physiologically can not fall asleep for a long time.

In fact, this kind of problem is related to some external factors, such as life pressure, work pressure, and there is an important factor related to their own hormones, which affects the regulation of melatonin and the poor sleep state.

If women can fall asleep well at night, fall asleep quickly, and there is no insomnia, it means that their estrogen level secretion and hormone secretion are stable and vigorous.

Extended Extension - How to Improve Female Hormone Secretion?

1. If you want to effectively improve the secretion of female estrogen and hormones, you can first start in terms of eating and living habits.

2, in daily life, eat more foods containing estrogens, such as: soybeans, soybeans, black beans, black sesame seeds, peanuts, papaya, soy milk, tofu.

What are the "characteristics" of people with strong female "hormone" secretion? You may wish to check it out against a self-test

3. In addition, women should pay more attention to going to bed regularly every day in their daily lives, maintain adequate sleep, and avoid staying up late and exercising.

4. If the lack of estrogen hormone secretion is more serious, it can be stabilized according to its own physical state and under the guidance of a doctor. #夏方养生指南 #
