
Build a solid safety net, and the government and banks are in the "epidemic"

author:Tanghe County industry Boom Tang

In accordance with the relevant requirements of the county party committee and the county government on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, in order to ensure the "continuous filing" of financial services in the county, the Tanghe County Government-Bank United Party Branch of the CPC took the initiative to actively organize and mobilize the financial institutions in the county, and integrated into the overall situation of the county's epidemic prevention and control work with the style of obeying orders and the courage to fight with one heart, and went all out to build a solid barrier for the county epidemic prevention work.

Deploy in the front and cast a "safety net" for prevention and control. The business outlets of various financial institutions are not only necessary places for the masses of life services, but also places where people are densely packed, especially to raise awareness and do a good job in epidemic prevention. First, strictly implement epidemic prevention and control measures. Ensure that financial institutions formulate effective prevention and control plans and process specifications, reserve sufficient quantities of epidemic prevention and disinfection materials, especially to do a good job in the management and guidance of each business outlet hall, tellers, lobby managers, lobby security guards perform their duties, responsibility to the people, strictly implement the "wear masks, double code inspection, body temperature measurement, one meter line" system, do a good job in the key work of verification and registration of personnel and equipment disinfection and disinfection, to ensure that there are no loopholes and zero risks in epidemic prevention. The second is to carry out visits and inspections from time to time. The joint party branch organized personnel to carry out on-site inspections of epidemic prevention and control of financial institutions in the county, and gave feedback to the main responsible persons of each unit on the spot for the problems found in the inspection process, so as to ensure that the masses are comfortable in handling business, the use of equipment is assured, and customer satisfaction is enhanced.

Build a solid safety net, and the government and banks are in the "epidemic"

Zhao Bo, deputy county magistrate in charge of finance, inspected and guided the epidemic prevention and control work at the postal savings bank outlets

Innovative ways, financial services "acceleration". In the face of the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the joint party branch organized special training on online bank-enterprise docking, guided banks and enterprises to carry out online docking, and improved the efficiency and convenience of enterprise financing. In the first quarter of 2022, 38 online bank-enterprise docking was carried out through the provincial financial service sharing platform, and 60.855 million yuan of loans have been issued, and 36 enterprises have directly benefited. With the help of the "online loan application channel", the county credit union continued to increase credit support, handling 1638 "Jinyan e-loan" series loans of 153 million yuan. In order to help enterprises prevent the epidemic, solve problems and overcome difficulties, with the help of activities such as "10,000 people helping 10,000 enterprises" and "presidents entering 10,000 enterprises", on the basis of doing a good job in epidemic prevention work, in-depth enterprise research, field visits and docking, financial institutions in the first quarter of the year visited enterprises more than 900 times, collected 367 information on financing needs, issued nearly 10,000 brochures, and invested 575 million yuan in corporate loans.

Build a solid safety net, and the government and banks are in the "epidemic"

In the first quarter, online bank-enterprise docking training was carried out

Go deep into the frontline, and the condolences of the war epidemic will warm people's hearts. The first is to carry out card point condolence activities. Under the organization of the county government-bank joint party branch, the county federation donated drinking water, milk, instant noodles and other fast food, worth more than 6,000 yuan, to the Tanghe County highway intersection and other epidemic prevention card points, to comfort the front-line duty staff. The second is to do the epidemic prevention work of the real card point. Under the unified deployment of the county epidemic prevention and control headquarters, the financial institutions stationed in Tangzhou organized the majority of party members and employees to participate in the frontline of epidemic prevention and control, and dispatched more than 600 people to various card points in the county to fully cooperate with the townships and urban areas of the territory to do a good job in epidemic prevention duty card points and investigations, and ensure that the financial team strength is contributed to the front line of the fight against the epidemic with the fastest speed and the most powerful action.

Build a solid safety net, and the government and banks are in the "epidemic"

Tanghe United Agency went to the epidemic prevention and control card point to offer condolences

At present, Tanghe County is in the midst of the battle against the "epidemic", and the party branch of the government and bank will unite with various financial institutions in Tanghe to continue to build a solid ideological defense line and measures defense line for epidemic prevention and control, contribute financial strength to winning the battle against the epidemic, and help the county's epidemic prevention and control work to achieve the final victory.