
Sports story: 32-year-old amateur players stay in the West, and the current situation of Chinese low-level footballers is observed

author:Sink the art of sports

In fact, before the so-called "German transfer administrator" updated the information of a Chinese player in the German amateur league, the author learned that Lao Fan went to Germany to sign a team in the Berlin area, which was in the circle of friends. Previously, because of his working relationship and old Fan's acquaintance, he took the lead in learning about his going to Germany to play football through the dynamics of the circle of friends.

Sports story: 32-year-old amateur players stay in the West, and the current situation of Chinese low-level footballers is observed

The Chinese Super League can not start as scheduled, a number of clubs because of poor management of the salary arrears, players in order to ask for wages complained, the national team lost to Vietnam early out of the round of 12, in this context, even an amateur player playing in the regional league has become a spark of people's expectations for Chinese football.

In this issue of Sports Art, we may wish to talk to you about the situation in which China's low-level football people live in this environment.

Introduction to the author's experience

In fact, whether it is doing sports self-media or in his previous work, the author himself does not think that he is a person in the football circle, and even now he is not even a member of the fighting circle. I had been practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu and MMA for many years during my study in Europe, and I wanted to return to China to develop as a fighter, but this bowl of rice was really not delicious, and the author also lacked the courage to fight with people in the octagon cage to kill red eyes, so he entered the football circle with a crooked face.

In what capacity did the author enter football? To be honest, to this day I don't think this position can be counted as a football practitioner: it was a foreign language translator at that time. Most of the people engaged in this work are a schoolboy, who learned this profession from school, and before becoming a football translator, they were also translators of state-owned enterprises, expatriates and other positions; and the author is different, a person who wanted to develop into an athlete relied on the advantages of foreign languages to embark on a position that he did not like very much, and there was an unspeakable awkwardness.

But in any case, in the position of translator, I did come into contact with a lot of people and things that I couldn't see when I was a fan. Including the above-mentioned old Fan, who was previously a youth football coach; there are also some European foreign teachers, the heads of some football training institutions, the young players of the football school and so on. Let's talk about it in different categories.

Grassroots football coaching: an enviable profession

Sports story: 32-year-old amateur players stay in the West, and the current situation of Chinese low-level footballers is observed

As the author of the football team translation, his status in the work was very humble, so he was also very envious of those football coaches, and even signed up to study the Football Association's D-level coach training class. But what person from a competitive background can successfully transform into a football coach? Obviously, this is a fool's dream.

The reason why I envy football coaches is because people who practice sports have an advantage over others from an early age. For example, the stars you see are accompanied by beautiful women, sports students are actually beautiful from the time they were still in school, and they all have a good income after going to work.

In fact, there are very few grassroots coaches like Lao Fan who are still thinking about football dreams in their 30s, and most football coaches are concerned about their own jobs, and since they have not embarked on the road of professional players, they have developed well in the field of coaching. In general, the income of grassroots football coaches can be regarded as middle and upper class in society, except for some small institutions that also need to take into account the work of selling lessons, the income of professional grassroots coaches is about 7K-10K, or even more.

In addition, there are some coaches who have other statuses, that is, football referees. Don't think that the referee is scolded in the game, the scenery off the field is indeed enviable, whether it is connections, job prospects or income and social status, it is far higher than the average hit worker.

Overall, the group affected by the poor management of the club is professional players, not grass-roots coaches. On the contrary, because the national team's performance is not strong, they may usher in a new outlet, and their income and quality of life will be further improved.

Once the youth training is vigorously developed, there may be more sports students who practice football who will not choose to start a professional career, but will go to the grass-roots coaching position.

Youth players: More people are reluctant to become professionals

Sports story: 32-year-old amateur players stay in the West, and the current situation of Chinese low-level footballers is observed

The word "Pro" carries a lot of weight in the West, and when you are a professional athlete, you immediately feel that there is a watershed between you and amateur athletes. In China, however, the opposite seems to be true.

During the author's time at the Football School and the Football Association, the youngest coach was around the age of 20, which coincided with the early stages of professional football development. Why not play professional football? Not having that ability is only one aspect (injuries, ceiling constraints), but it does not rule out the cause of the Chinese football environment.

In fact, under the premise that everyone is working hard and everyone is not working hard, the pressure of competition is the same. There are always people who say that China's football registration population is small, as if the competition faced by players is not fierce at all, in fact, in the case of a very low turnover rate, it is not so easy to become a Chinese Super League star with millions of annual salaries and N properties in the family.

It's not that there aren't some hard-working youth players, but more young players are playing with a half-hearted attitude. After all, becoming a grassroots coach is also a good job, for their foundation, obtaining the Chinese Football Association D-class, C-level coaching certificate is like probing the bag. Anyway, the probability of realizing the dream of football is the same as winning the lottery, so why not find a job?

This mentality is actually more common in the Chinese people outside the field of football: there are many people who take the civil service examination and think of the iron rice bowl like the carp across the river, but few people want to become entrepreneurs from non-creation, financing and listing.

Foreign coaches: Levels are uneven

Sports story: 32-year-old amateur players stay in the West, and the current situation of Chinese low-level footballers is observed

It should be warmly reminded that the foreign coaches referred to here are not Individuals such as Camacho, Lippi, Perrin, Alihan, Zhang Wailong, etc., but all the grassroots foreign teachers who are rooted in the grassroots and responsible for guiding youth players in China. Don't confuse the concepts.

The above-mentioned 20s who became youth coaches not only exist in China, but also have many foreigners. And the experienced and dedicated old coach also has it. Therefore, the level of coaches is uneven. It is undeniable that the income of foreign teachers is high, and the level is indeed much higher than that of Chinese coaches, and the advantage is that they can bring some different training methods and football concepts to Chinese coaches, such as the guidance of non-team members, the use of free people in training, etc.; the disadvantage is that among high-powered foreign teachers, there are also some coaches who come to China to play big names.

In terms of life style, foreign teachers do have big differences with Chinese coaches. Some foreign teachers with bad styles are nothing more than liking junk food, beautiful women, etc., but they will not leave their hands with cigarettes and alcohol, beat and scold players, etc., and these behaviors exist in Chinese coaches.

Football training institutions: mainly profit-oriented, formalism prevails

Sports story: 32-year-old amateur players stay in the West, and the current situation of Chinese low-level footballers is observed

In fact, the development of youth training is an empty phrase, just like saying that eating certain foods will cure certain diseases: how to eat? How much do you eat per day? What is the ratio to other foods? How long does it take to eat to achieve results? These are all questions of detail that need to be taken into account.

There are only a few youth training institutions that can really cultivate professional players in China. Most of the football training institutions in the city are similar to taekwondo classes, piano classes, programming classes, and foreign language classes, which are nothing more than cultivating the interests of children and teenagers.

If you call this youth training, it is like imagining that in the war years, you will fight with the other side's tanks and missiles, which is nonsense.

But why is the essence of such a youth training so little known? And no one has associated these with taekwondo interest classes? This means that the operators of these football training institutions have profound skills: although football is pure layman, in terms of business, it is definitely a master of insiders.

As a foreign teacher translator, the author has participated in many national grass-roots physical education teacher training during his work, and the frequency of such training in the winter and summer vacations is very high. Whether it is an afternoon, a few days or a week or two of training, everyone is a good gathering, and finally take a group photo to commemorate the occasion. But have you ever wondered what the point of this training is?

I remember once at a large training site of hundreds of people, the author stood on the stage with a microphone, and directly laughed in front of the public... Because the foreign teacher's answer to the questions of the grass-roots teachers is simply "car rutted words", the eight strands of text, saying that there is no deeper thing.

Therefore, all kinds of assembly line grass-roots physical education teacher training, all kinds of propaganda, and even various competitions organized, in fact, the essence of formalism is far more than the meaning of its existence. And such activities, marketing, and competitions are still going on, but the organizer's money is probably not less earned.

Other positions in the "football circle"

Sports story: 32-year-old amateur players stay in the West, and the current situation of Chinese low-level footballers is observed

Finally, let's talk about the translators the author has served as, as well as the team doctor, the reporter, and the development of these so-called posts in the football circle. The rumor that Mourinho, who came from a professional footballer, is a coach who has been translated, seems to have made many football translators see the hope of the layman becoming an expert and realizing his football dream.

In fact, the author has personally experienced it, and it is not possible at all. In the author's view, translation is a less glorious profession, and explicit points are tool people. Big V, which once had millions of fans, exposed that a big football school had fabricated some false information during publicity, using the opportunity for players to play friendly matches with the echelons of La Liga giants as bait (in fact, the target of the game was a local amateur team), deceiving consumers into signing up. In the picture of exposing the fake news, I found that the contact information of the admissions was left with the name of a translator I knew, and I had seen him promote the content of these fake admissions news in the circle of friends the other day.

So, soccer translation is actually a very awkward profession. Many translators are from foreign languages and do not have the professional ability and knowledge reserves in competitive sports, so it is very difficult to change careers and enter the coaching staff. However, the people the author knows also have cases of learning through their own hard work, from translation to coaching team members, this awareness is admirable, and more translators choose a road to run to black, from serving grassroots coaches to serving professional team coaches, people have their own aspirations, which is not convenient for the author to comment.

As for team doctors, logistics and other positions, professional teams are poorly managed, and they are also a type of person who has been affected.

As for the journalists, the media, they feed on the news generated in the football circle, and they are not actually people in the football circle, which is why Bell is very annoyed that the reporter of the Maca newspaper calls it a parasite.

Sports story: 32-year-old amateur players stay in the West, and the current situation of Chinese low-level footballers is observed

In short, the environment is like this, whether you like it or not, these are real. If you feel that it is not suitable for you, just leave, pursue your dreams, or do what you are good at.

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