
15 incredible historical facts, each of which will open your eyes

author:Surprise the world search

1. In the two films spanning 30 years from the first Rocky in 1976 to "Rocky 6" in 2006, the pair of pet turtles that appear in the film are the same pair. Stallone also adopted the two turtles after filming.

15 incredible historical facts, each of which will open your eyes

2. In 1966, a young boy brought three large African snails to Florida, USA, but his grandmother thought the snails were too disgusting, so she threw the three snails into the backyard, and the three snails became invasive species and bred an army of snails. These snails not only nibble on crops, affecting the local ecology, but also spread parasites that cause meningitis. To this day, the Florida government spends millions of dollars each year to remove these snails.

So don't bring or buy non-native species back on a whim, and don't release them in the wild.

15 incredible historical facts, each of which will open your eyes

3. The woman, Mary Ann Bevan, was once named "the ugliest woman in the world," but she was also a great mother. Originally a nurse, she became like this after suffering from acromegaly, and then her husband died of a stroke, leaving behind 4 children. To make ends meet, she had to compete in humiliating competitions, win the title of "The Ugliest Woman in the World," and exhibit with the Freak Circus, enduring humiliation and ridicule as an income to raise her children.

15 incredible historical facts, each of which will open your eyes

4. In the 1830s, the Swedish Navy planted 300,000 oak trees, planning to be used for the manufacture of future ships, until 1975, they finally received the news that these trees had grown into wood, but the Swedish Navy did not cut them down, because times have changed, and today's ships are made of metal.

15 incredible historical facts, each of which will open your eyes

Marcel Pinte, the youngest French resistance fighter in World War II, was only 6 years old when he died. After the surrender of France in 1940, many resistance organizations appeared throughout France, marcel's father was the leader of an anti-fascist resistance organization, in order to contact and pass on intelligence to the resistance organizations scattered throughout France under the eyes of the German Nazis, Marcel Pinte became an important messenger to convey information. Since he was only a young boy, the Germans did not suspect him. Unfortunately, after a battle in 1944, a boom gun hit Marcel and killed him. Marcel was later awarded the rank of sergeant in the Resistance.

15 incredible historical facts, each of which will open your eyes

6. In 2017, a group of undercover cops in Detroit disguised as drug dealers met another group of undercover cops disguised as addicts. At that time, several undercover agents of the 12th Bureau of the Detroit Police Department wanted to pretend to be drug dealers to lure buyers, and then Shunten touched the melon to find out the drug dealers, but they did not expect that the 11th Bureau also targeted here, so they sent undercover agents disguised as buyers to try to eliminate this group of drug dealers. A dozen people from each of the two substations confronted each other in a room, only to find that there was a big oolong. Later, both sides felt that the other side had ruined their good deeds, and began to scold and shove each other, and the two sides almost fought, and finally the Detroit police chief intervened to calm the conflict.

15 incredible historical facts, each of which will open your eyes

7. The Carrington Incident of 1859 was the largest solar storm (solar flare) on record, and the event did not have serious consequences at that time, because there were no artificial satellites, wireless communications, power grids, etc. But if a similar solar storm were to occur in today's world, it would cause more serious disasters, such as destroying artificial satellites, affecting radio signals, destroying power grids, and so on.

15 incredible historical facts, each of which will open your eyes

8. After the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, Liechtenstein modified their flag, because at the Olympic Games, they were surprised to find that their flag "collided" with the flag of Haiti, and the following year Liechtenstein added a crown to the upper left corner of the flag, while Haiti added a badge in the middle of the flag.

15 incredible historical facts, each of which will open your eyes

9. The American novelist Edgar Allan Poe wrote a novel in 1838 called The Story of Arthur Gordon Pym, which tells the story of four shipwreck survivors who fled to a small boat for several days, and at the moment of life and death, three of them decided to kill and eat the youngest crew member, "Richard Parker".

In 1884, a ship named Mignonette sank, and exactly 4 people on board survived, just like in the novel, in order to survive, three older survivors killed and ate the youngest crew member, and this eaten crew member was also named Richard Parker.

15 incredible historical facts, each of which will open your eyes

10. Garry Hoy is a well-known lawyer in Canada, and he often has interns who study at his law firm, and whenever an intern arrives, he draws a pie and pours chicken soup on them in the conference room, and his favorite action is to crash his body into the tempered glass window, hoping to brag that his company is as impregnable as this glass. Usually Gary Hoy would be bounced back while the glass was unscathed. But in 1993, in front of another group of interns, he crashed into the window as usual, and unfortunately, although the glass was not broken, the window frame was knocked down by him, and he fell from the 24th floor with the complete piece of glass and died on the spot.

15 incredible historical facts, each of which will open your eyes

11. In the 1980s, when the German princess Mary August was facing a financial crisis, the word "princess" in Germany was only a title and had no practical significance. In order to obtain income, she began to "adopt" the rich, because she belonged to the royal family, and her "adopted son" naturally became a prince, so many rich people were willing to give money to let her adopt herself. She adopted a total of 35 adult men and turned them all into princes, and through this strange transaction she earned a large income.

15 incredible historical facts, each of which will open your eyes

12. The "tradition" of buying expensive diamond rings at the time of marriage is actually a marketing campaign created by De Beers in the 1930s, in 1888, De Beers bought the entire South African diamond mine, almost monopolizing 90% of the diamond market at that time, and then De Beers invested huge advertising fees to create a diamond culture of "diamonds are eternal, a forever", binding diamonds and love together. Before World War II, less than 10 percent of engagement rings would contain diamonds, but by the end of the 20th century, more than 80 percent had started buying diamond rings.

15 incredible historical facts, each of which will open your eyes

13. In 1951, a woman named "Herita Lacus" developed cervical cancer, and while treated in the hospital, doctors took a sample of cancerous tissue from her and cultured it in a glass test tube. Under normal circumstances, human cells do not have the ability to divide indefinitely, and they die after about 56 divisions. But surprisingly, the cells extracted from her did not die, but continued to grow, in other words, "immortal cells", which is an important discovery for the medical community, the first immortal human cell line. HELLA cells have become the most ideal research vector, since then, research institutions around the world are using HELA cells for research, the field involves vaccines, viruses, cancer, genetic diseases, etc., so far the culture of HeLa cells has exceeded 50 million tons.

15 incredible historical facts, each of which will open your eyes

14. The target of the second atomic bomb dropped by the United States on Japan that year was "Kokura City", and the remaining alternative cities were Yokohama, Niigata and Kyoto. But on the day of the atomic bombing, the city of Kokura was obscured by thick clouds, the planes could not safely reach the intended drop position, and with the Japanese anti-aircraft artillery spotting, the Japanese began to attack the bombers. After a short period of consideration, the commander quickly decided to fly to Nagasaki instead, because the bombers flew too long to reach other alternative cities, and chose Nagasaki as the bombing target, and after the bombing, they could fly to the nearest Okinawa occupied by the Us army.

15 incredible historical facts, each of which will open your eyes

15 Adam Rainer is the only person in the history of medicine who suffers from both dwarfism and gigantism. Born in 1899 to an ordinary town family in Austria, he was diagnosed with dwarfism at the age of 16, and the doctor said it would be difficult for him to grow taller in his life. By the age of 25, however, Adam's height had exploded, and by the time he was 30, he had become a 2.19-meter giant. This transformation stunned the Austrian doctors, who gave Adam a detailed examination and finally came to the conclusion that at first Adam had congenital dwarfism, but then a benign tumor grew near the pituitary gland of Adam's brain, which prompted Adam to constantly secrete growth hormone, turning him into a giant.

15 incredible historical facts, each of which will open your eyes

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