
Susan Miller Horoscope Horoscope Gemini for April 2022

author:Good luck for the horoscope

Translator: Liu Kitten

[Note: Considering the time difference and the gradual effect of the astrological signs, the dates mentioned in the article can be referred to for a few days before and after. 】

You'll have a dizzying month, and the planets are like little buddies who love you and want the best for you. As you begin the month, a group of planets gather in your ninth house of curiosity, discovery, and intelligence. To hone your professional skills, you may be preparing to go to college or go back to graduate school. If you complete your formal education, you may be asked to share your knowledge through writing, speaking, advanced instruction, or showing up on television.

Long-distance travel is also possible because it is run by the Ninth House, so you may be excited about the trip in early April. The pandemic may have shed your wings (completely or to some extent), so now that the outbreak is waning, you may be eager to pack your bags and set off for a whole new environment. Gemini and Sagittarius are two traveling signs, and there are few activities that will make you happier than upcoming trips, and there are so many reasons.

The new moon that takes place in the adventurous Aries of 12 degrees on April 1 (or March 31, depending on your time zone) will bring you a lot of joy in the coming days, weeks and even months. You're in a critical period in your career, so it would be very wise to focus on what's going on there (more on that, I'll write more about that later). This new moon will add some fun and more time with friends, and you may also develop a new friend this month. If you're part of a community, whether it's a career field or a social one, you might want to check out the list of projects because there's a lecture or event that will appeal to you and you won't want to miss it.

Mars establishes a very direct link between your house of friendship, which also governs happiness (the eleventh house) and your professional house (the tenth house), so now a friend may play an important role in your career. Aries is about entrepreneurship and business, so you're likely to do some innovative jobs right now and in the coming months and years — jobs that few people do. This can be quite exciting.

The New Moon on April 1 may be related to emerging technologies, or it may simply be tricking you into opening the door to your own business. If you already have a business of your own, you may add a new product or service. This new moon also shows that traveling will put you in touch with friends and colleagues you haven't seen in a long time, and it should be wonderful to get back in touch.

If your birthday is five days before and after June 2, you'll feel this new moon on April 1 more easily than other Geminis. If you are in Gemini ascending 12 degrees (or this degree of your Natal Moon in Gemini), 5 degrees before and after are listed here. If you know your astrolabe, see if any planets fall within 12 degrees of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, within 5 degrees of error. If so, you will also directly feel the benefits of the new moon.

Now let's talk about another big event this month, which expires on April 12, representing a very strong phase for 2022. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will be associated with Neptune, the planet that governs art (painting, illustration, music, design, dance, sculpture, photography and the dynamic screen – film). Neptune, as the planet of unconditional love, is also associated with compassion and compassion for those who suffer, and it encourages each of us to work to soothe the suffering of any marginalized group. That's why Neptune is associated with charities.

This is a rare phase that occurs only once every 12 or 13 years, but is always in a different constellation. This year is very special because these two planets will meet in the constellation of Pisces, both of which guard pisces and make it extremely powerful. I think you might work with an artist, photographer, film director, producer, actor or other creative person, whether your main job is related to art or not. For example, suppose you're an accountant or a lawyer — your client or the person you associate with will be someone who works in the arts.

Jupiter was originally designated by ancient astrologers as the guardian star of Pisces, as Pisces had strong philosophical leanings (a quality of Jupiter). At that time, Sagittarius and Pisces shared the guardianship of Jupiter. When Neptune was discovered in 1846, it was thought that Neptune was very appropriate to guard Pisces. The tenth house of your solar astrolabe (Gemini is seen as ascending), the house of honor that represents the Excellence in Professional Honors, is Pisces, which is where your astrolabe shows your ultimate contribution to the world. As a result, you may make a name for yourself by working for a charity, working in the arts, or pursuing a therapeutic and compassionate profession such as medical or spiritual professions. While the ascendant sign always indicates a person's lifelong work, the Middle Heavens– the tenth house – will indicate what a person will contribute to the world at the age of 40 or later.

This month's encounter between Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces is the only encounter in a lifetime. Jupiter and Neptune will not meet again in Pisces in our lifetime. The next rendezvous in Pisces will be in 2188. It's not a mistake, yes, 2188. Do you see how rare and special this is? For you, the impact will be happening in your area of expertise, and it will help you build a reputation for yourself.

Take a look and see what you're concentrating on on or near April 12. You may be dealing with some art or deeply compassionate activity that I discussed above, and if so, you will find that the work you are doing has a special meaning and purpose.

Astrologically, the conjunction is the most powerful phase because it initiates a new energy cycle, in this case, an energy cycle that will last for many years. This time is not only a cycle of giving, caring and charity, but also a cycle of great emphasis on artistic expression. These two powerful planets will meet in your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievements, so take seriously what you're doing right now.

You may need to take a professional portrait, and if that's the case, you can take it this month, on or after April 12. I especially like Wednesday, April 27, to make an appointment for a photo, as Venus, Neptune, Jupiter and the moving Moon are all in Pisces. Lucky Jupiter will coincide with the Moon and Venus. You're not going to screw up.

On a larger scale, I feel that the meeting of the two planets, Jupiter and Neptune, will set a whole new template to sum up the feeling of our time. The epidemic is a very important event affecting all walks of life, especially in some industries. It has also touched everyone in the world – everyone is staying behind closed doors and taking steps to stay safe.

When the Spanish flu was finally brought under control in the mid-1920s (which began in 1918), the joy was palpable and reflected in art, music, literature, architecture, fashion, jewelry design, gastronomy and more – the roaring 20s were born. I think this conjunction will set off a similar climax of artistic expression, because life is back to normal again – and we will all cherish the lives that we took for granted. You won't immediately see this creativity bloom. It may not be until early 2023 or later that the results of this important convergence will be seen.

It's rare that everyone in the world has experienced similar things at the same time, just as we've all experienced an epidemic. Of course, everyone approaches the same challenges in a different, personal way. One thing is for sure, when we finally enter the post-pandemic period, when the virus is suppressed enough to coexist with it, as we did with the Spanish flu, there will be a lot of joy. (If you go online searching, ask when the Spanish flu will end.) The answer will be "never". There's also a phrase on the Internet that says the flu vaccine we get every September is the Spanish flu vaccine – the flu that never completely disappeared. That's the part of the artist's expression, where we hear stories spawned by the pandemic and see newer joys or lives.

Now let's look at the full moon on April 16, at 27 degrees in Libra, brilliantly illuminating your Palace of True Love. This full moon, which occurs on Saturdays, can be a climax of your year when a romantic episode can leave you breathless. This full moon will receive lovely vibrations from Saturn, indicating that if you are happy and feel close to your loved one, you may be even closer. If you're single and meet someone during this full moon, Saturn will have a steady impact, so that person may stay in your life for a long time. The person you meet may be older than you or seem more mature than his or her age. Mars will also get involved in a pleasant way, so you may immediately feel the chemistry with this person.

If you were born on June 18, five days before and after, you'll feel the effects of this full moon directly, though all Geminis will have something to be happy about. Is your ascent at 27 degrees Gemini (five degrees before and after)? Then you will also feel this full moon strongly. If you have any planets with a Natal disk in Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius at 27 degrees (within five degrees before and after), that planet will be highlighted on April 16 and start working hard for you.

The full moon on April 16 will bring Venus into the discussion, and Venus will be located in Pisces, in the tenth house of your famous profession. This tells me that this full moon on April 16 may allow a creative idea that you've been working on to get to work on. Or, you might (finally) get the approval and funding you need to start an art project. Your Venus is located in what astrologers consider to be the best constellation, Pisces, where the artistry and elegance of Venus can be fully expressed. Venus is thriving in Pisces, and Venus rules Libra, the constellation of the full moon on April 16.

This month ends in a total solar eclipse at 10 degrees Taurus, which again brings attention to your twelfth house, and this April 30 crescent eclipse will appear in the twelfth house of your solar chart. The twelfth house is in charge of many things. It guards secrets — including your secrets and the secrets of people close to you, hidden things they don't want you to know — so you might discover what's going on behind the scenes. If you have an important secret to hide, be careful, because as we all know, eclipses will make the truth come to the surface. It's a new moon, so a new situation or trend will begin. This new lunar eclipse phase is closely linked to Uranus, so what will surface will be completely unexpected.

The twelfth house is related to facilities for health, treatment and rehabilitation: hospitals, physiotherapy centres and nursing homes. The twelfth house is associated with subconscious and mental health, so it also runs rehabilitation centers where people seek help getting rid of drug problems or bad habits that impair their health. The Twelfth House is also in charge of the prison, but I don't doubt that you'll be in jail anytime soon or something, but you might hear that someone you know has to spend some time in prison. (I hope not!) I always found it interesting that hospitals and prisons were in the same palace. Anyone who has been in a hospital will attest to the fact that being in a hospital feels like sitting in jail!

Whatever appears seems to require you to spend money, as the new moon will coincide with Uranus. However, since this eclipse is quite friendly, you may get good news about money. (It was a surprise, right?) Given all that I've said so far, I don't think you think so. When the unpredictable planet Uranus gets involved, things tend to go to extremes in one way or another, either news you don't want to hear or one that gets you excited to the toes!

If you need to go to the hospital, then you need to go to the hospital. If you suddenly need to go to the hospital because of something you want to deal with now, it looks like your medicare will pay for it. Of course, if you do need a surgery or can do some physical therapy, call your insurance company and find out what they will definitely pay. Insurance companies like to know in advance about any medical plans you may have because you call beforehand and get support from the insurance personnel. It's so funny – insurers don't like surprises, and their business is to fund unexpected medical events. I never knew when I would be in the hospital, and I had been in the hospital for several years due to my congenital leg disease. I'm a firm believer in the efficacy of surgery, and of course, if you've researched who to go to for help, and trust your doctor.

The Sun will also coincide with Uranus during the April 30 eclipse, so you may suddenly need to take a short trip to see someone who is sick and infirm, or you may need to meet a colleague who is working on a secret project and who needs your advice. Being present in person will help you communicate with each other and will enhance your cooperation. In addition, you may be asked to start a new communication project for writing or speaking tasks, and as a Gemini, you are a writer and scribe in the zodiac sign, and you have been given a super talent in this area.

Your guardian planet Mercury guarantees you a strong intellectual and communicative talent. No matter what stage of communication you're developing—writing, speaking, editing—you'll do a particularly good job on April 26, when Mercury and Jupiter will be perfectly synchronized, giving you a chance to shine. This day is Tuesday and will be an excellent day for the final stages of signing a contract or negotiating a deal. You might be able to make a big purchase for a bargain or travel to a beautiful place. If you do, Jupiter will ensure you have luxurious accommodation.

Try to end as many missions and projects as possible in April when you're favored, because next month, Mercury will retrograde from May 10 to June 3. It won't be a time to start something new (or even a new relationship), or sign a contract.

A partial solar eclipse on the New Moon in Taurus on April 30 will put Venus in the ascendancy, and it is worth noting that Venus will coincide with Jupiter on April 30. This is good news, because Jupiter guards happiness and good fortune, superb healing of lucky breakthroughs, and even miracles. So I'm very happy with this eclipse – whatever happens, it will ultimately work in your favor.

Remember, all eclipses have a second act – be patient. In a few days or weeks, you'll get comprehensive eclipse information, including its second act, and you'll see that you're going to be able to make things work for you.


It's going to be a lovely month, and you'll find satisfaction in a long-term goal you once thought you would never be able to achieve. When you grab this wish and realize it, it may make you feel excited and surprised.

The new moon on April 1 (or March 31, depending on your time zone) will start to get things on track, and because the new moon is in the constellation Aries, this sign will have a revival of life after a long winter. (The same is true for readers in South America, Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and all countries below the equator.) Although the inventors of the zodiac sign symbolized the rhythm and stage of life according to the seasons of the northern hemisphere, this is not taken literally. )

Still, the new moon on April 1 is a sign that you might start a new business or start a business this month. Mars, the guardian star of the new moon, will orbit around Saturn, so Saturn will ask you to slow down and think carefully about your plans. Consider the many possible outcomes of your next action and include accepting possible unintended consequences. It's always beneficial to think about it before you start. This crescent position, Pisces, is usually associated with commercial enterprises, so you can consider funding a certain commercial business, which may be a wise investment, as long as you're not too impulsive. Saturn's position suggests that you need to think more deeply about what you're going to do next.

Once Mars enters Pisces (Syndication Jupiter), in the tenth house of your high-profile profession, most of the promises of 2022 will unfold before you. You've never seen a career like this, it's just coming, so be prepared to make the most of them. Take advantage of the help that Mars and Jupiter give you, very intently step by step to achieve your career dreams. From April 14 to May 24, Mars will continue to stay in the tenth house where you represent your profession. Jupiter has been in this area of your chart for several months and will be leaving on May 10, but he will be back from October 27 to December 20, 2022, before your last burst of golden class energy.

Your vision of your work will put you ahead of your competitors, and you may also receive applause and praise for your past work. On April 12, Neptune and Jupiter meet in your notable tenth house, which guards fame, honor, and achievement, and may give your creative work a powerful long-term boost, especially in the arts, music, dance, performance, or other visual arts.

This will be the only time in your life that these two planets will meet in this house of your star map. Although Neptune and Jupiter meet every 12 or 13 years, they always meet in different constellations. They won't meet again until 2188, the highly creative constellation of Pisces ( the tenth house that represents your fame ) . Because Neptune is the modern guardian star of Pisces, and Jupiter is the ancient guardian star of Pisces, this phase brings together two powerful guardians, making this phase doubly powerful. The conjunction marks the beginning of an important new chapter, and since Neptune is in charge of the screen image, you may get a chance to appear regularly on TV or on high-profile websites. Your face may be known to many people.

The full moon on April 16 may turn into an intoxicating romantic possibility, or at the very least, you may be invited to a beautiful, stylish social event. This time the full moon falls on Saturday, perfect for going out, meeting friends, and meeting new people. This full moon brings surprises and fun, as Venus, the "Love Me" planet, will shine with Uranus, the planet representing all the unexpected, and reaches its peak on April 18. You will feel the energy of this flash before the full moon on April 16. It's the weekend of Easter Sunday, and it seems destined to warm your heart.

On April 30, there was a crescent eclipse in Taurus, in the hidden twelfth house of your representation, which indicates that you may begin a secret project or relationship that you cannot reveal to others for the time being. Alternatively, you may choose to consult a professional therapist to discuss some of the things that are bothering you, which will be a great place to start. You'll get some fresh perspectives and learn the tools to put yourself in a better position. Confidential things can come to the surface, so you may hear a secret that someone close to you is hiding from you. The secret that Venus meets Jupiter on April 30 may make you happy, so be confident – this may mark the beginning of something special.

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