
Japanese male college students dressed as women to do "daddy work" and were stabbed to death by uncle Jin

author:In Japanese

Students, Xiaobian's area is surrounded by the epidemic again, and many colleagues have been ordered to work from home.

Now many industries have been hit hard, there is no operating income, the boss can not open the company, can only lay off employees. It is too difficult to be a social animal, not only facing the risk of epidemic but also facing the risk of layoffs.


However, our neighbors are indeed different, and even a gray occupation "Daddy live " ( パパ live ) " .

Japanese male college students dressed as women to do "daddy work" and were stabbed to death by uncle Jin

Young women go out to work part-time for money, accompanying men to eat, drink, shop, etc., while men pay for it. These paid moves are older middle-aged men with certain financial ability, so they are called "daddy" in this relationship. In fact, it is the role of the gold lord and the dry father.

Japanese male college students dressed as women to do "daddy work" and were stabbed to death by uncle Jin

Ulterior motives may also be involved in this period, but the government does not impose too many restrictions.

Shinji Nojima, a screenwriter who has written socialist masterpieces such as "College Teacher" and "Underage", also wrote a play of the same name for this industry, which is very "broken three views". Interested students can also learn about it.

Japanese male college students dressed as women to do "daddy work" and were stabbed to death by uncle Jin

It is reasonable to say that this is all a Japanese gray industry, how does the pure editor know? The cause was a homicide.


On March 4, the Chiba City District Court in Japan held its first public trial, in which Yokoichiro Saito (37), an unemployed defendant in Migo City, Saitama Prefecture, was charged with murder and attempting to set fire to a male college student who was engaged in "Daddy's Work" in Ichikawa City, and the defendant had admitted to the indictment.

Japanese male college students dressed as women to do "daddy work" and were stabbed to death by uncle Jin


Are murderers so rampant? And male college students who are engaged in "daddy work"?

The case actually occurred at about 11 p.m. on May 10 last year, when Yoichiro Saito (36) stabbed Kensuke Iwamoto in the back with a knife at his home in Iwamoto Kensuke (21 years old) and eventually killed him.

Japanese male college students dressed as women to do "daddy work" and were stabbed to death by uncle Jin

After the killing, Yoichiro Saito also tried to sprinkle gasoline and kerosene on fire and commit suicide, but finally dispelled this idea (because the surrounding area is full of houses, if the fire may hurt others), he took a knife and ran to the nearby police station to turn himself in, and gave detailed information such as the location of the crime.

Japanese male college students dressed as women to do "daddy work" and were stabbed to death by uncle Jin

When the police went to Kensuke Iwamoto's home to conduct a search, they found that the boy had collapsed in a pool of blood and had been confirmed dead, and the police immediately arrested Yoichiro Saito.

This was reported last year, when after the incident, people did not know the details of the reason, and even wondered what deep hatred the two people with such a large age difference could make Yoichiro Saito kill a male college student.

The police also only announced the plausible reasons for the two people's money disputes, and the public speculated about what may be the reasons for borrowing money and debts, and as the real murderer was arrested, it did not cause a greater water wave in society.

With the public trial of this case, the truth of that year was revealed, but it surprised netizens...


On March 4, the Chiba Prefectural Court held its first public hearing, and the prosecution's opening statement revealed the true story behind the murder.

Kensuke Iwamoto, 21, is a male college student in Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture. In order to reduce the pressure of life, he also went out to work part-time to earn money while studying. In order to make more quick money, he set his sights on the gray industry "Daddy Work".

Because most of the male customers in this industry are usually accompanied by young girls. Kensuke Iwamoto simply dressed up as a woman and then went through the website to find the intended customer.

Japanese male college students dressed as women to do "daddy work" and were stabbed to death by uncle Jin

In this way, Kensuke Iwamoto met his 36-year-old uncle, Yoichiro Saito. Yoichiro Saito is a truck driver with an introverted personality and at one point an adaptation disorder. Because of the pressure of driving for a long time, in order to relax himself, he tried to find women who engaged in "daddy work" online.

The two met for the first time. Kensuke Iwamoto was dressed in women's clothes, and Yoichiro Saito was very fond of her, and the two later went on paid dates many times.

The more times, Yoichiro Saito also knew the true difference of Kensuke Iwamoto. But he didn't mind, and the two slowly drew closer, and Yoichiro Saito learned the address of Kensuke Iwamoto's house, and even had sex.

Japanese male college students dressed as women to do "daddy work" and were stabbed to death by uncle Jin

Yoichiro Saito liked Kensuke Iwamoto very much, and he felt that the two were already lovers, so he gave Kensuke Iwamoto the 1 million yen he had saved over the years.

But Kensuke Iwamoto gradually felt pressured, and he never saw Yoichiro Saito as a lover, but only as an ordinary guest with a financial relationship. Ken Iwamoto offered to cut off all contact between the two and not to see each other again.

This was completely unacceptable to Yoichiro Saito. On the evening of May 10 last year, Yoichiro Saito called Kensuke Iwamoto and came to Kensuke Iwamoto's house and begged Kensuke Iwamoto not to leave him.

But the negotiations failed, and Yoichiro Saito stabbed Kensuke Iwamoto with a knife with the idea of "since I can't get it, then I'd rather destroy it"...

Kensuke Iwamoto was killed on the spot! There were as many as 13 wounds on his chest on his back, and the deepest wound was 6cm!

After killing Kensuke Iwamoto, Yoichiro Saito felt that the world was meaningless, and he sprinkled gasoline and kerosene around him, intending to set fire to everything and let himself and Iwamoto Kensuke die together. In the end, he chose to turn himself in.

Japanese male college students dressed as women to do "daddy work" and were stabbed to death by uncle Jin

More than 10 months after the case, the Chiba Prefectural Ichikawa City Court handed down a final verdict: Yoichiro Saito was sentenced to 17 years in prison. After the verdict, the presiding judge said to Yoichiro Saito: "What you did caused a young man who was only 21 years old to lose his life. Please take this seriously and face your crimes. ”

Japanese law is very cautious about the death penalty, and even if the victim loses his life, it is difficult for the murderer to be sentenced to death.

After the truth of the incident was made public, netizens commented that the novel did not dare to write like this, and they were also very distressed about Kensuke Iwamoto, after all, his life had just begun, but he lost all possibilities. And how grieving are his parents?

Japanese male college students dressed as women to do "daddy work" and were stabbed to death by uncle Jin


In Japan, "daddy life" is largely justified, and it seems that both sides take what they need, "in exchange for money support for dating and meals", which is a legitimate part-time job, not a sex transaction.

Japanese male college students dressed as women to do "daddy work" and were stabbed to death by uncle Jin

More because of the epidemic, part-time jobs are not easy to find, and many young women, even underage middle and high school girls, have become participants in "daddy work", and they feel that this money is fast and easy.

But when faced with men old enough to be their dads, these girls are not only unlikely to make easy money, but there are huge risks lurking behind them.

Gifts, already marked in the secret price, seems to be "easy to earn money", in fact, the price to pay far more than the hour of 3,000, 5,000 yen...

Japanese male college students dressed as women to do "daddy work" and were stabbed to death by uncle Jin

Japan's NHK television station has made a special documentary to focus on these women who are in trouble during the epidemic, exposing not only human nature but also terrible social reality.

There are many underage girls and adult women who have been dragged into the abyss step by step, some have been deceived by "daddy", some have been subjected to sexual violence, some have entered the customs industry, and some have even been taken to drugs and embarked on illegal roads...

Japanese male college students dressed as women to do "daddy work" and were stabbed to death by uncle Jin

As an ordinary ordinary office worker living in the city, I have never seen such a "darkness", but I have also passed through some "style streets" on the edge of the city, and I don't know what it is when I am young, and now, I only hope that such girls and women can be less, and less.

We can't stop Japan's materialistic and drunken society, but we at least insist on not falling into it, cherishing ourselves and loving others more.

Japanese male college students dressed as women to do "daddy work" and were stabbed to death by uncle Jin

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