
The seed-seeking behavior of "good people have peace in their lives" is about to disappear?

The seed-seeking behavior of "good people have peace in their lives" is about to disappear?

Julia P 丨 wen

Tell me a few of BB Ji's recent bad luck.

These two days of home isolation is panicked, the new game's express delivery can not be sent in, before the pre-order of the "Star Kirby" cartridge stopped in the middle of the road helpless to refund, what to do? I can only catch the old repeated over and over again to see, pass the time.

(I also talked about it in the editorial department group before.) You may remember that this is the cover of the article about flip phones before)

The seed-seeking behavior of "good people have peace in their lives" is about to disappear?

I'm ashamed to say, because I'm lazy, trying to save trouble, basically looking for a variety of online broadcast anime stations directly, I was chasing an old fan at the time, and suddenly the day was gone. Yes, it's straight gone.

That night I also thought that there was a problem with the computer, changed seven or eight URLs back and forth all of them could not be played, angry to scold the mother, and later learned that the domestic pirated animation circle basically all the old fan film sources are invalid.

The seed-seeking behavior of "good people have peace in their lives" is about to disappear?

It is normal for the drama to take down 404, but this time it is not a common copyright reason, and it has nothing to do with the uncle.

There are programmer friends on the Internet who analyze because the major animation stations basically use Tencent Cloud, and as a result, there is a mouth closed, and all the old fans are stored inside, and they are GG with them. Although I don't know how many people have credibility, Lao Fan is indeed gone.

Don't read it, you can only go back to the BT magnetic chain era, to various forums and other sites to search for resources. Suddenly, I felt that I suddenly returned to the experience of the outstretched party more than ten years ago, and later the memory of Qiuming Mountain racing, being chased and called "the good man of the landlord has a safe life", and I was particularly emotional.

The seed-seeking behavior of "good people have peace in their lives" is about to disappear?

(DB= Pirated)

Speaking of which, BT torrents were used to share resources, and now the more popular way to drive is all kinds of mysterious codes, and the basis of mysterious codes is magnetic links.

All it takes is a specific hash code and a "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" in front of it to generate a usable flux and download it to the appropriate torrent file.

Compared with BT seeds, this magnetic link, which is called "mysterious code" by many people, is undoubtedly more secretive, and the drag racing is more unexpected.

The seed-seeking behavior of "good people have peace in their lives" is about to disappear?

(Sometimes for convenience, a txt document with a magnetic chain head is prepared)

Unfortunately, the Internet is changing too fast, and it is difficult to have any inheritance. Especially after the smartphone took off with the mobile Internet, it was like a sickle crossing, cleanly cutting off the vein of the PC era.

Just like if BB Ji were to introduce an anime or manga today, someone in the message would ask, where do you want to see it? What app is in the picture of the article? Resources should exist in the playback window of a specific APP, which is so natural in this era.

The seed-seeking behavior of "good people have peace in their lives" is about to disappear?

Sometimes I surf the Internet and see others arguing about "Android is good or iOS is good", there are always people who take Android can be very free to install various color APPS such as beep clicks as an example, thinking that iOS can not be installed so weak chicken clouds.

Let's not discuss whether this statement is correct or not. At least for the vast majority of people, today's world does not need to experience any P2P downloader accidentally install 2345 Kingsoft Poison Family Barrel on the computer, and the application market of mobile phones has completely changed the way everyone obtains software.

It's as if the next app can do anything. Especially after the network speed exceeds 2M, even the download local has become no longer needed, and it can be played directly online, and in the end, which APP is stronger and has more online resources. The content of various APPS is completely sufficient for most people, and even too much to digest.

The seed-seeking behavior of "good people have peace in their lives" is about to disappear?

(Even hypnosis has no sense of ritual)

With the continuous efforts of Internet engineers and product managers, users are finally wasted. Or let's put it another way, after the hard work of continuous iteration of the product, finally let all small white users learn how to watch videos online. The reaction also came.

Technology has developed, the network speed has become faster, the storage space is larger... Each APP has built an information cocoon and turned the Internet into a moat. The act of finding seed magnetic chains, mixing forums, and sharing resources has become a kind of craftsmanship passed down from generation to generation, just like the teachers in the village are as powerless in the face of the factory assembly line.

The result is to buy members to see the genuine version, to see the pirated version to endure a variety of anime station APP patch ads (even if it is a time cost), or simply do not watch - take the animation drama, if there is any drama B station is not, A station has, then most people will not go to the A station specifically for a fan to see, are thinking about it, why bother themselves... Even if it's just a little finger and downloading another APP.

The seed-seeking behavior of "good people have peace in their lives" is about to disappear?

(No trace of the Akina roller coaster)

However, there is still a group of people, who have experienced the pre-mobile Internet era, still have the habit of mixing various BT magnetic chain stations or niche forums, know how to use the router / NAS to hang BT download, toss the offline function of the 115 network disk... (Explain the NAS, simply put, it is a lightweight file server, which is equivalent to building a network disk at home, even if you go out, you can access the files of the hard disk)

For them, "resources" are not simply to play a video on the APP, but to download a piece of data on the Network and save it to their own hard disk, just like the instinct of a hamster to hoard food.

The seed-seeking behavior of "good people have peace in their lives" is about to disappear?

(My own NAS is full of TV series and movies that I have collected before))

So let me now briefly divide the web surfing into two categories, the first is "consumption type" and the second is "hamster type". The latter is like the specter of the pre-Internet era, firmly believing that nothing can be greater than the P2P internet sharing spirit, and nothing can be more reliable than its own NAS hard drive.

The needs of the two types of people are also different:

What "consumption-oriented" needs is simple operation, all-you-can-see, how convenient and how to come.

What the "hamster type" needs is reliable function, stable storage, and how to stabilize and how to come.

The seed-seeking behavior of "good people have peace in their lives" is about to disappear?

(Once in the pit, there is no upper limit to the capacity)

So how can it be considered stable?

For example, before the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, weren't there many Internet companies that responded to sanctions and shut down local services in Russia? Then Github, the world's largest code hosting platform, said something like this:

GitHub denies request to block access from Russia, saying 'GitHub's vision is to be the home of all developers no matter where they live'

In fact, GitHub has a lot of programmers doing crawler projects (using tools to pick up website data), and some resources that are now almost extinct are collected. For example, there is a nearly 100,000-strong human film and television bot, which has been preserved for more than ten years, and the video BT magnetic chain of Renren Film and Television can be easily reviewed.

I have been in contact with a lot of myself, like to hang subtitle files on GitHub on the Chinese project, the key to these projects are open, no matter who can browse, flip, download on it at will. Just like all kinds of magnetic chain BT stations, it is simply the closest place to the spirit of the Internet.

The seed-seeking behavior of "good people have peace in their lives" is about to disappear?

(Renren Film AND TELEVISION BOT on GitHub)

The seed-seeking behavior of "good people have peace in their lives" is about to disappear?

(A subtitle project I have worked on in my spare time, and I am used to storing files on GitHub.)

Of course, you have to say that there are actually many similar places now, read e-books with Z-Library, read books to EHentai, Nyaa, sometimes I will also visit RARBG adjustments...

I myself feel that the time when various forums BT stations pickpocketed resources is not too long from now, but it is more than ten years after careful calculation. For some young A-house, growing up to feel like a lifetime, such a form is really a fantasy.

In this way, various Chinese groups and subtitle groups are practitioners of the spirit of Internet sharing, playing the role of a bridge between the "resource world" and "content consumers", and there has been little change in more than ten years. After all, it has been in a gray area for a long time, and it is easy to form a closed small circle habit of hugging.

The seed-seeking behavior of "good people have peace in their lives" is about to disappear?

They have their own QQ discussion group, which will purchase first-hand "raw meat" resources at various BT magnetic chain sites, roast them into "cooked meat" resources and release them for more and more popular consumers, but for ordinary people, they are like two parallel world lines.

You can only see the various [XX Hanhua] circulating on the Internet, like an assembly line that continues to be produced every month, to ask where to find, this kind of thing can not be asked or said, can only rely on their own groping to find. You may be curious about how many big guys there should be in such a subtitle group, then I can only say that you are going to be disappointed.

The seed-seeking behavior of "good people have peace in their lives" is about to disappear?

The video does not have much production skills, get the original film → the preliminary translation → play the timeline→ proofreading subtitles → suppressed and released, in most cases as long as a foreign language qualified proofreading check + a few beginner-level initial translation can start (but the slightly larger group is certainly not so shabby).

In fact, just like the vast majority of ordinary netizens, everyone is no different, but the demand for the source of the subtitle group/Chinese group determines the decentralized mode of P2P. This kind of immutability for more than ten years is also well reflected in the tools.

The most common subtitle maker, aegisub, the most recent version is already 2014 stuff, there are still quite a lot of subtitle groups in use, as if it has never changed.

The seed-seeking behavior of "good people have peace in their lives" is about to disappear?
The seed-seeking behavior of "good people have peace in their lives" is about to disappear?

On one side is a time that seems to be still, and on the other side is a rapidly changing world.

Now everything we have begun to be linked to the "cloud", the office has stored files on the cloud server, writing Word can use online documents, videos are all watched online, and even games have begun to "play in the cloud"... Constantly weakening the presence of the action of "downloading resources".

It is foreseeable that in the future, if many videos disappear overnight and the page is marked with 404, the vast majority of people will first think in their minds that "Oh forget it, it's too much trouble, why spend this time", so don't look for it and continue to shelve it - this sign always makes me feel empty in my heart, as if I have lost something.

I don't know, but I always feel that something is wrong and I don't think it should be like this.


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