
Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

author:My Lord

In 2004, when he played "Wei Monk", Zhang Tong was 23 years old.

Since then, this role has become his label for walking the entertainment industry.

Although he has been in the industry for 18 years, Zhang Tong's first dream when he was a child was to become a policeman.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

Zhang Tong, who was born in Tianjin in 1981, has parents who are ordinary working-class people.

At the age of 17, due to poor eyesight, the road to police after high school was not completed.

Zhang Tong was later admitted to the computer department of Nankai University.

He is 1.83 meters tall, and he was fortunate to take a set of advertisements when he was a sophomore.

This performing arts company also took a fancy to Zhang Tong's actor potential,

Recommended and introduced him to France for professional training.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

Zhang Tong's second dream in his heart began.

Is it too hasty to give up your studies to receive modeling training at this time?

The company saw his difficulties and said it could transfer him to the Polytechnic University of Eleven in Paris.

While continuing his studies in France, he was also able to train as a model.

This made Zhang Tong feel moved, but the company told him that the cost of going to college had to be paid by himself.

He immediately discussed the matter with his parents, who felt that the opportunity could not be lost and must be firmly grasped.

In the autumn of 2000, Zhang Tong completed all the formalities.

In order to support their son to go abroad, his parents took out their savings for many years and borrowed another 100,000 from relatives and friends.

Zhang Tong has since begun the road to study in a foreign country.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

While studying at university, he used his spare time to train as a model.

More than two months after coming to France, Zhang Tong learned that the Lyon Drama Academy was enrolling.

Zhang Tong then took the initiative again, went to apply for the drama academy, and successfully passed.

This time, without consulting with his parents, Zhang Tong once again handled the transfer and change of major.

It wasn't until the raw rice was cooked that he explained everything to his parents.

Parents think their son is crazy, such a big thing should be discussed with the family.

In particular, Zhang Tong's father originally agreed to let Zhang Tong go abroad.

I just think that if I have studied science and engineering and can be a model, both aspects will have the possibility of getting ahead.

Now that his son has bet all his future on his acting career, he feels that his child is simply hot-headed.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

However, Zhang Tong still went to the school to report without hesitation.

The parents reluctantly accepted the reality, but the high tuition fees soon overwhelmed the couple.

In order to let Zhang Tong study with peace of mind, his father also lied to him, saying that he bought 80,000 shares in his early years, and now it has risen to one million.

In fact, in order to save money, parents eat the most at home every week is tomatoes and noodles.

Even so, the money saved by the two people is still not enough for their son's tuition for the next semester.

Friends and family have borrowed it over and over again, and they can't open their mouths anymore.

In the end, the old couple sold the house for 500,000 yuan to collect Zhang Tong's tuition.

It was not until the summer vacation of 2001 that Zhang Tong learned that his father's so-called stock speculation was deceiving him.

At that time, they lived in Zhang Tong's aunt's house.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

The mother also repeatedly comforted Zhang Tong not to worry about money, the future is important.

But in fact, at that time, Zhang Tong's parents' life had reached a limit.

Two people work during the day and have to go to odd jobs in the evenings and on weekends.

Once Zhang Tong's father had a high fever of 39 degrees and was reluctant to go to the hospital.

In 2002, when the tuition fees for the next semester had to be paid, the family could not come up with a penny.

Zhang Tong then chose to drop out of school and return to China.

Mothers have always blamed themselves for their incompetence and delaying the child's future.

After returning to China, Zhang Tong only stayed at home for two days, and then went to Beijing with the 300 yuan that his mother had stuffed him.

He couldn't afford to rent a house alone, so he rented 80 basements a month with other people.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

It is not far from the North Film Studio, every morning, Zhang Tong will get up early,

Like all extras, come to the outside of the North Film Studio and wait for the opportunity to shoot the scene.

At that time, the salary of group performances was 20 yuan a day.

He specialized in acting and had a foundation, and his salary soon rose slowly to 100 yuan a day.

After this group performance life lasted for more than a year, the opportunity came.

In the fall of 2004, the crew of Bright Sword began recruiting actors.

After learning the news, Zhang Tong also went to apply for a job and successfully got the role of Wei Dayong.

From group performances to supporting roles, the salary has also changed from a day to a film salary after filming.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

After the filming of "Bright Sword", Zhang Tong got a salary of 28,000 yuan.

He left himself two thousand, and the rest of the money was sent home.

Subsequently, the popularity of "Bright Sword" also allowed Zhang Tong to get more opportunities.

Moreover, he soon ushered in his true love.

It was the spring of 2006, and while filming the TV series "Chinese Guards", Zhang Tong met Guan Siting.

Guan Siting played Zhang Tong's aide-de-camp in the play.

The first time we met, we got to know each other under the introduction of the director.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

Zhang Tong learned that Guan Siting came from an intellectual family in Anhui And that she graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy.

After understanding this, he felt that there was some gap between his family and Guan Siting.

Therefore, in the subsequent shooting work, between Zhang Tong and Guan Siting, there has been a sense of immediate separation.

It was not until the later stage of shooting, after the understanding of each other deepened, that Zhang Tong slowly opened his heart to Guan Siting.

Zhang Tong's eyesight is not good, and he can't wear glasses most of the time when filming.

So all along, he wore contact lenses.

Contact lenses need to be cleaned and disinfected frequently, but in the environment of filming, sometimes they can't be taken care of at all.

Coincidentally, Zhang Tong will always forget to carry eye drops with him,

This makes Zhang Tong's eyes often uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

All of this was looked at by the careful Guan Siting.

Once, when Zhang Tong kept rubbing his eyes on the set,

Guan Siting immediately handed him the eye drops she had brought.

This small move made Zhang Tong's view of Guan Siting change a lot.

After more than three months of shooting, Zhang Tong decided to confess to Guan Siting.

He specially selected a sunny afternoon, and specially bought a ring of more than two thousand pieces.

Although Zhang Tong was still very tight at this time, he felt that the confession should be made to be more specific.

After Guan Siting watched Zhang Tong confess in front of her, instead of being moved to cry, she laughed.

She told Zhang Tong directly, you don't even dare to eat more now, why spend money to buy such an expensive ring?

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

Zhang Tong was a little overwhelmed for a moment, not understanding Guan Siting's true thoughts.

Guan Siting then told him again, I understand your intentions, but I don't want you to waste money at the moment.

In this way, Zhang Tong and Guan Siting came together.

Under the nourishment of love, Zhang Tong also has a clear plan for his future.

He not only wants to create a beautiful life for Guan Siting in Beijing, but also buys another house for her parents.

After all, when he went to France, his parents sold the house and owed a bunch of debts.

Zhang Tong then desperately took over the play, and the development of his career was also smooth.

But in this world, there is never only good things and no bad things.

After falling in love with Guan Siting for more than three years, Zhang Tong's acting career has ushered in a big twist.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

It was the summer of 2010, and Zhang Tong entered a new crew.

Because of the disagreement with the director in the script and performance, the contradiction between him and the director increased sharply.

At this time, Zhang Tong has participated in many popular TV series such as "Iron Pear Blossom" and "Wild Duck".

In the face of differences and contradictions with the director, his heart is also unconsciously a little fluttering.

He did not choose to solve the problem with the director, but blindly killed each other.

Coincidentally, this director is in line with Zhang Tong's idea, and it is said that it is the first time to direct.

So the tip of the needle was pointed at Mai Mang, and the two people were sparks and lightning all day on the set.

In order to fight Zhang Tong, the director even joined other actors in the crew to isolate Zhang Tong.

In this way, Zhang Tong, who could not find a backup for a while, the pressure in this crew suddenly increased.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

The original shooting workload is very large, if the director is difficult everywhere,

It's like an office worker encountering a leader who is against him everywhere.

Zhang Tong will not be comfortable in the crew every day.

In addition, he was already working hard to save money to buy a house, and the pressure was already very high.

Now that there has been another change in work, Zhang Tong, whose emotions are difficult to release, began to lose sleep in the following days.

On several occasions, he even wanted to leave the crew in spite of it.

Later, Guan Siting came to the crew to visit the class and learned about Zhang Tong's situation.

She then called or texted Zhang Tong every day.

In order to make Zhang Tong's mood better, in July of that year, the two people got married with a license.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

Even so, Zhang Tong's emotional downturn has not changed.

After a while, he even had symptoms of auditory hallucinations, and he always felt that a voice haunted his brain every day.

Mental difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness and insomnia are becoming more and more serious.

Zhang Tong understood that this was not a good sign, and he realized that he was suffering from depression.

Half a year later, Zhang Tong entered a new crew.

On the surface he seems normal, but every day at work, he often forgets his lines.

Sometimes when acting, there will be night sweats.

What's more serious is that he actually has the idea of suicide in his mind.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

Just during that time, Guan Siting also came to accompany Zhang Tong,

The next two suicide attempts were just stopped by Guan Siting.

The first time was in the middle of the night, and Zhang Tong couldn't sleep again as usual.

He got up alone and staggered to the bathroom.

The voice in my head seemed to be getting louder and louder.

That voice kept saying, since others say you can't act, it's better to die...

At that moment, Guan Siting was awakened by a strange noise coming from the bathroom.

She noticed that Zhang Tong was no longer in bed, and then rolled over and got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

Next, Guan Siting found that Zhang Tong was holding something in his hand and bumping it on his head.

She rushed over and grabbed Zhang Tong's hand.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

Three days later, one evening, the voice in my head continued to exist.

Zhang Tong paced to the window after dinner, trying to jump from the upper floor.

At the moment when he opened the window and was about to peek out,

Guan Siting grabbed his clothes from behind.

Since then, Guan Siting has begun to take Zhang Tong to see a psychologist.

Doctors say it's because of depressive symptoms caused by anxiety and stress.

So for more than half a year, Zhang Tong began to receive systematic treatment under the care of Guan Siting.

During the treatment, Guan Siting also accompanied Zhang Tong back to Tianjin to help her parents see the house.

When the parents learned that their son was going to buy a house for themselves, they firmly disagreed.

They feel that now that their son has received the license, it is the key for them to buy a house and start a family as soon as possible.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

However, Zhang Tong felt that his parents' house must be bought first.

Only by buying it for his parents first can he cross the hurdle in his heart.

Guan Siting also agrees to buy it for her parents first,

In this way, the two of them used their common savings to buy a three-bedroom apartment in Tianjin.

Zhang Tong also told her mother that she now has the ability to buy a house, and only by watching her and her father live in peace can she feel at ease.

Over the past few years, Zhang Tong's body has finally improved.

However, antidepressants generally have the property of increasing appetite,

Over the past few months, Zhang Tong's weight has increased a lot.

He knew he had to lose weight as soon as possible or he wouldn't get a good role.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

Guan Siting is his best supervisor, and every day at home, he must stare at him on the treadmill for enough time.

For more than three months, the combination of exercise and diet, the extra flesh on Zhang Tong's body finally fell.

At the end of that year, Zhang Tong and Guan Siting held a wedding.

At this time, the love marathon of two people has lasted for 6 years.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

His health improved, his love also became a positive fruit, and Zhang Tong began his acting career again.

However, the two have no children of their own so far.

The following year, while filming a war-themed TV series,

The crew pursues realistic effects, and the explosion point is very close to the actors.

Zhang Tong's eyesight was originally poor, and in an explosion, the 32-year-old almost lost his eyesight.

He worked hard like this, because at this moment Zhang Tong understood,

Now he is no longer just a person, but also has a wife to take care of.

After that, Zhang Tong won the Outstanding Actor Award of the Feitian Award in 2018.

3 years later, 39-year-old Zhang Tong played Li Dazhao in "The Age of Awakening",

Once again, I experienced a handful, from the feeling of being precarious and unknown to suddenly exploding.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

However, compared with the youth and impatience when playing Wei Dayong,

Zhang Tong, who is now middle-aged, after experiencing a series of twists and turns,

My heart was already as calm as autumn water.

He knew very well that all these years had been accompanied by Si Ting.

Filial piety Zhang Tong: After becoming famous, he bought a house for his parents, fell in love with his girlfriend for 6 years and married, and had no children at the age of 40

| Nancy

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