
A healthy body requires 6 details of life

author:Read at ten o'clock

Professor of Spirituality David Selwan suffered from a brain tumor at the age of 31 and had a relapse five years after his first surgery.

Doctors declared that the average survival after this relapse was usually 12 to 18 months, up to 5 years, and David also had to learn a lifestyle to live with the disease.

He wants to understand how our lifestyles, such as what we eat, how to take care of ourselves, how good or bad relationships are, how to determine the development of diseases, and what kind of lifestyle can prevent diseases and delay the occurrence of diseases as much as possible.

During this special day, David learned to pay attention to and listen to the signals sent by his body, and in the end, he spent another 19 years after being sentenced by the doctor to have a maximum of five years of life.

He proposes that every lifestyle change makes the sick person feel better, healthier, and more focused on the present moment, feelings that are not only physical, but also mental.

A good body requires attention to six details of life.

A healthy body requires 6 details of life

Love and social support

The region with the highest percentage of centenarians in the world is known as the "Blue Zone".

Blue zones tend to have some commonalities: smaller communities, close-knit families, and a mutually helpful community structure.

In Okinawa, for example, a "Okinawa Centenarian Study" project, which began in 1975, found that centenarians here are extremely slender, healthy, energetic, and have low rates of heart disease and cancer.

Over the years, they have established and maintained their own "tribes", friends helping each other in life, discussing planting techniques together, helping members with poor harvests...

These tribes are like one big family, sharing resources, helping each other, and supporting each other in times of grief.

A growing body of scientific evidence also suggests that dedicating our time to supporting others benefits us physically and emotionally, as well as improving our body's ability to prevent and resist disease.

The vagus nerve in the brain regulates the heart rate based on your breathing, and it is connected to the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps us relax and relax.

From a biological point of view, the better the vagus nerve tone, the greater the heart rate variability, the lower the incidence of heart disease, and the better immune function and blood sugar levels.

When people establish deep relationships with others and strengthen social connections, vagus nerve signals increase.

A healthy body requires 6 details of life

People have their own social groups outside of their families and relatives, which have a significant impact on health and longevity. A george washington university study showed that women with breast cancer who had multiple "dependent, unrelated relationships" survived longer than those with fewer relationships.

A healthy body requires 6 details of life

Pressure and elasticity

Stress permeates every aspect of life, and when it comes to a single blow, we have an instinctive physiological response: a fight or flight response.

If the pressure is too great, from occasionally feeling stressed because of an emergency to living under pressure for a long time, it will not only trigger negative psychological and emotional feelings, but also bring physical damage.

Health psychologists believe that one of the best ways to defend against disease is to find inner peace.

A world full of stress, the clouds of gloom and gloom. Stepping out of a stressful world is a crucial step towards a healthy life.

A healthy body requires 6 details of life

Researchers at UCLA found that people who work in nursing, often faced with long-term high pressure, can change their inflammatory state if they practice specially designed yoga meditation for 12 minutes a day.

Fear, anxiety, depression, sadness, and stress can trigger all kinds of negative emotions, but the best way to eliminate negative emotions is to experience them naturally.

All emotions will pass, and all we have to do is let the emotions flow and not accumulate in the heart.

A healthy body requires 6 details of life

Rest and repair

Life has natural rhythms, as does health and rehabilitation, and the human body is born to function like a clock.

In fact, our bodies have several intrinsic regulatory systems that balance cycles of biological activity through rest to keep our organs, immune system, hormone system, and chemical system functioning properly.

Controlling these complex processes is the "biological clock," which regulates every aspect of the body, such as sleep, diet, core body temperature, hormone production, insulin and glucose metabolism, cell regeneration, electrical brain activity, and more.

Therefore, recognizing and respecting circadian rhythms is important for health and disease prevention.

A healthy body requires 6 details of life

Playwright Thomas Decker said: "Sleep is the golden chain that binds our bodies and health together.

Adequate sleep can reduce the risk of accidents during the day, prevent depression, anxiety and other mental health problems, allow us to better deal with and cope with daily stress, and also help maintain weight, overweight will cause a lot of health problems.

Adults who sleep less than 6.5 hours a day can trigger a higher risk of death.

Sleep is a round of comprehensive deep repair and healing process of the body, high-quality sleep, but also a natural antioxidant, can slow down the aging process.

A healthy body requires 6 details of life


Technology keeps us sedentary.

We sat at work, sat down to eat, sat chasing dramas, took cars, planes, trains... We sit so much that sitting has become a major health burden, no less harmful than smoking, poor eating, or any other unhealthy lifestyle.

The human body has innate kinematic properties. Muscles, bones, tendons, organs and fluids are integrated, and once directed by the brain, they can move gracefully and quickly.

We can bend, stretch, straighten, run, swim, throw, and the joy and joy of these activities is difficult to appreciate in daily life.

When exercising, we often meet companions, who not only exercise the body, but also help to social interaction, so that the body and mind are more relaxed and healthier.

Studies have shown that exercise can significantly improve the output of specific neurotransmitters that are responsible for mental and visual acuity, heart rate regulation, emotion regulation, and other cognitive functions.

A study in Medicine and Science in Exercise, which followed 3,000 people between the ages of 50 and 79 for 8 years, found that the least athletic people had a 5-fold higher risk of death than the most active people.

A healthy body requires 6 details of life


Food is fuel and powers the human body, which is a fundamental biological fact. However, when we choose food on a daily basis, we are influenced by many complex factors such as local traditions and convenience, and most of these effects are quiet, and we are far from aware of their existence.

With the help and instigation of the food and advertising industry, foods that can quickly replenish calories and have a single nutrient content have become the favorite of modern people.

The basic function of food is to provide nutrition, heal the body, and maintain the functioning of life, but many diseases are born from diet.

About half of U.S. adults suffer from chronic diseases associated with poor diet or lack of exercise, and more than two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese.

Only 1 in 4 Americans eat fruit every day, and only 1 in 10 eat vegetables that meet recommended standards.

A healthy body requires 6 details of life

In a study of the "blue zone", it was found that areas with high proportions of longevity vary greatly in eating habits. People in California prefer vegan food; Sardinia, Italy, where nuts and healthy fats from olives are included in the standard diet; Nicoya in Costa Rica, where people love meat and eat a lot of vegetables; Okinawa in Asia, where people prefer fresh fish and vegetables...

Their common features are: a preference for locally sourced foods, fresh foods, complete foods, and basically no processed foods sold wholesale.

A healthy body requires 6 details of life


The development and progress of industry has made us live in a world full of chemical substances.

According to statistics, from the 1970s to the present, in less than 50 years, more than 87,000 chemicals have been approved for commercial use around the world.

Of these thousands of chemicals, only 1,000 have been formally examined and graded for carcinogenic potential.

According to an analysis released by the World Health Organization, of the 1,000 chemicals, 500 are carefully worded and require special attention: 120 are "clear" carcinogens, 81 are "highly likely" carcinogens, and 299 are "less likely" carcinogens.

We can't avoid exposure to man-made chemicals, but we can mitigate the risks as much as possible, such as trying not to use them until we've confirmed that they're harmless.

Choosing a product that is preferable to an indiscriminate product is the best way to reduce exposure.

A healthy body requires 6 details of life

"The Myth of Diet" says that your way of life is your lifespan.

Indeed, health or disease is the result of the precipitation of time.

We may go to the disease in one wrong choice after another, or we may be cured in the right change after change.

Only by paying attention to the details of life can we have a healthy body.

Author | Kale, write other people's stories well, live your own life.

Image | Visual China, Network (if there is infringement, please contact to delete)

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