
The time is shallow, interpreting the beautiful and beautiful melody, the footsteps of the spring girl are getting more and more advanced...

author:Baby 9999

Listening to the beautiful melody, gently touching the past heart of the past, suddenly looking back, I have been deep in the ice and snow of the northeast, or a person cold and clear, lonely walked through the spring, summer, autumn and winter, cold and summer, admired the flowers blossoming, the clouds are soothing, the waves are surging and the weather is exceptionally clear, and his heart has long been broken, drunk dancing in the breeze, listening to the sound of the outside, once again indulging in the lively and noisy streets and alleys...

In the distance came a crisp low-pitched sound, bursts of surprising stories, exchanging each other's hearts, maybe they were not as free as they were, and finally they were wrapped up in a thick, deeply stinging each other's only tender and considerate, pampering, the lights of the night, the stars, decorated with black curtains, staged with unknown secrets, and how many people enjoyed, looking back on their past, how many people were helplessly lost in the city's lights and greenery, and the temptation of staggering chips could not extricate themselves , I coldly watched their wonderful interpretation, such a interpretation is particularly beautiful, you continue...

Repeating every day, the nearest land duke seems to stretch out his lazy waist, blooming sober flowers and birds, flowers and bones are about to come out, even the birds are singing their own songs, jumping, the bustle of the city, disappearing overnight, quiet people are afraid, afraid, lively streets and alleys, empty, the footsteps of spring are getting closer and closer, but we are powerless, exhausted and waiting for each other's atrium, no longer the gentle consideration of the past...

I don't know if the bustling avenues in the park are paved with fallen leaves, the fragrance of flowers, the old people who exercise their bodies can still see, hear their laughter, play back for a long time, the wind seems to be particularly gentle, soothing everything, willows gently sagging, swaying with long-lost dances, but over the years, lost the original happy time, the years flowed, ticking and ticking, swimming in every corner of the city, admiring the flowers, flowers blossoming, clouds cirrus clouds, Maybe this is the ups and downs of her life, maybe she will meet the boy who is full of you, and the consistent companionship guards her true heart, and once again awakens her long-sleeping dream...

Everything around is still so beautiful, so intoxicating, thinking about those laughter, tangled contradictions from the past clouds of birth, and finally condensed into a beautiful pain that can never be lived up to forever, so that his soul can travel again...

Wandering away from the hustle and bustle of the city, lively, this time never compromise, concessions, let yourself sink into the bitter sea, you must strive to achieve yourself, completely get rid of the pain of the past, entangled, since you chose this road, then smile at all things, never bow your head, more uncompromising, let the years baptize, wash away, how to go up, you must go to the top of the mountain to appreciate your own scenery, only to deserve to pay so much of yourself...

The low chirp gradually entered, as if to hear, you listen, crisp and crisp, telling, their fresh past, come on, we work together, little fairy, they are very envious of all you, can not give up Oh! You are the best angel in the world, the sky is exceptionally beautiful, as if you have rendered a beautiful picture, the wisps that cannot be touched, or the breath of spring is the most intoxicating and do not know the way back...

The stream ding-dong ding-dong, flowing through the mountains and rivers, crossing the path, twisting and bizarrely wandering in the hometown of the mountains and rivers, composing the most brilliant colors, adding a little sense of melancholy, China is full of unsurpassable beauty, just like the other scenery of spring is pleasant, and the meticulous interpretation of its own colorful colors ...

The gentleness of spring, the scorching sun of summer, the maple leaves of autumn like fire, the ice and snow of winter, converge into a rare and charming picture, rendering a fresh and beautiful aesthetic four seasons, their soul travels again, long addicted, refuse to stop the pace of wandering, quietly tell you, slow down to appreciate the world, really can let you quietly listen to your innermost dreams Oh...

The time is shallow, interpreting the beautiful and beautiful melody, the footsteps of the spring girl are getting more and more advanced...
The time is shallow, interpreting the beautiful and beautiful melody, the footsteps of the spring girl are getting more and more advanced...
The time is shallow, interpreting the beautiful and beautiful melody, the footsteps of the spring girl are getting more and more advanced...
The time is shallow, interpreting the beautiful and beautiful melody, the footsteps of the spring girl are getting more and more advanced...
The time is shallow, interpreting the beautiful and beautiful melody, the footsteps of the spring girl are getting more and more advanced...
The time is shallow, interpreting the beautiful and beautiful melody, the footsteps of the spring girl are getting more and more advanced...
The time is shallow, interpreting the beautiful and beautiful melody, the footsteps of the spring girl are getting more and more advanced...
The time is shallow, interpreting the beautiful and beautiful melody, the footsteps of the spring girl are getting more and more advanced...

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