
【Stylistic Dynamics】BayinBilig investigates the preparatory work of the Uralte Cultural Research Association

author:Wuqian Banner Cultural and Sports Tourism Radio and Television

Recently, BayinBilig, deputy flag chief of the flag government, conducted research and guided the preparations of the Flag Urat Cultural Research Association.

First of all, he listened to the report made by the person in charge of the Bureau of Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television on the preparations for the Uraltian Cultural Research Association. He pointed out that the Urat culture has distinct regional characteristics, is an organic part of the Hetao culture, and is an important branch of the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

【Stylistic Dynamics】BayinBilig investigates the preparatory work of the Uralte Cultural Research Association

Prior to this, the Flag Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television Bureau actively held the fourth preparatory meeting of the Uralte Cultural Research Association, and more than 30 people attended the meeting, including Su Muya, former president of the Wulat Former Banner Folk Song and Folklore Society, Liu Jiayun, secretary of the party group and director of the Bureau of Culture, Sports, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television, responsible persons of relevant departments and thirteen sub-associations.

【Stylistic Dynamics】BayinBilig investigates the preparatory work of the Uralte Cultural Research Association

The meeting adopted the list of leading groups of the Uraltic Cultural Research Association, introduced the basic situation of the responsible persons of the sub-associations, adopted the charter (draft) of the Uralte Cultural Research Association and the candidates for the organization of the Wulat Cultural Research Association, and made arrangements for the next step of the Work of the Wulat Cultural Research Association.

【Stylistic Dynamics】BayinBilig investigates the preparatory work of the Uralte Cultural Research Association

The meeting demanded that the Urat Cultural Research Association should be guided by the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on building a socialist cultural power, in accordance with the development ideas of the Flag Committee of "cultural rejuvenation, sports strong flag, tourism living banner", give full play to the advantages of Wulat's profound cultural heritage and rich resources, actively develop, protect and publicize the historical and cultural heritage of Wulat, and strive to achieve the "creative transformation and creative development" of Wulat culture. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the team of Urat cultural talents, promote the construction of the theoretical system and position of Urat culture, pay attention to the branding transformation, marketization transformation and publication transformation of Urat culture, promote the development of cultural industries, sports industries and tourism industries, and help the prosperity and development of national cultural and artistic undertakings. It is necessary to organize and carry out the exhibition and broadcasting of Urat culture, make use of the innate advantages of our flag Urat culture, actively hold academic lectures, seminars and traditional cultural activities, and carry out brand events such as folk song contests, Moni Mountain Horse Racing Festival, Poker Races, archery competitions, calligraphy competitions, etc. It is necessary to make full use of weChat public accounts, microblogs and other communication media, in the publication and inheritance of excellent traditional culture, establish a new expansion and a new realm, and make efforts in innovation and creation to make Urat culture "come alive" and let our flag cultural industry "fire".

【Stylistic Dynamics】BayinBilig investigates the preparatory work of the Uralte Cultural Research Association

Specific list of 14 sub-associations

Urat Costume Association, Urat Embroidery Felt Embroidery Association, Urat Folk Ceremony Association, Folk Song Association, Paper Cutting Association, Urat Horse Head Organ Association, Urat Bok Association, Wulat Hari Target Association, UratMa Cultural Horse Industry Association, Food Culture Industry Association, Wulat Folk Literature Association, Wulat Traditional Medicine Association, Urat Traditional Recreation Association and Urat Traditional Crafts Association.

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