
Providence is hard to break! Pelosi prepares to provoke China and suddenly infect the new crown, and Biden once kissed his cheek

author:Chenfeng Old Garden

Since the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War, the United States seems to have focused its attention on Europe, but in the asia-Pacific direction, the United States has not relaxed its provocation and suppression of China. According to a disclosure by Japan's Fuji News Network on April 7, Pelosi, speaker of the US House of Representatives and leader of the Democratic Party, plans to visit Japan in the near future and then "visit" Taiwan. According to Japanese media, Pelosi was originally going to south Korea to meet with current President Moon Jae-in and President-elect Yoon Seok-yue after the end of her visit to Japan, but Pelosi herself eventually canceled her plan to visit South Korea and turned her visit to South Korea into a "visit" to Taiwan.

Pelosi is the first female Speaker of the House of Representatives in U.S. history, who began to serve as a Democratic leader in the House of Representatives in 2003, and has served as speaker of the House of Representatives from 2007 to 2011 and 2019 to the present, and the media public is most impressed by her is that during the Trump administration, Pelosi and Trump have a series of fighting methods, including Trump tearing up Trump's speech in front of the media public when he delivered the 2020 State of the Union address; impeaching Trump twice, being mocked by Trump:" Pelosi and the Democrats know that if they don't do the right thing, they know how to impeach the president." Pelosi has another identity, that is, a hardline "anti-China" element. For more than a decade, she has voted against China's MFN status and bid for the Olympic Games, and just before Trump launched a trade war with China in 2018, Pelosi rarely supported Trump, demanding that Trump take tough and severe "trade sanctions against China".

According to Pelosi's identity, it is no small matter that he announced his "visit" to Taiwan this time. In Washington political circles, the Speaker of the House of Representatives is considered the third person in Washington politics, second only to the President of the United States and the Vice President. According to the order of presidential succession stipulated in the U.S. Constitution, once the current president can no longer exercise presidential authority for any reason, it will be inherited in the order of vice president, speaker of the House of Representatives, and secretary of state. This shows the importance of the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives to the political arena of Washington.

In general, the Speaker of the House of Representatives should remain in Congress because the frequency of votes on U.S. bills is very high, especially in the context of the current Russo-Ukrainian war, because it is impossible to predict that Biden himself or a member of parliament will suddenly introduce a bill to sanction Russia again, which requires Pelosi to preside over the vote. If we consider the current background of polarization of party strife in the United States, Pelosi herself needs to stay in Washington, preside over congressional votes, and prevent the passage of bills that favor the Republican Party and the Democratic Party.

But Pelosi chose to visit this time to take advantage of the two-week spring recess of Congress. According to Japanese media disclosures, Pelosi chose the date of her visit on April 10, and on April 10, 1979, then-US President Carter formally signed the "Taiwan Relations Act" passed by the US Senate and house of representatives. On New Year's Day 1979, China and the United States established diplomatic relations, and the United States terminated all diplomatic relations with the Taiwan authorities, but the Congress, as the base camp of "anti-China," was obviously not satisfied; at the instigation of the Taiwan lobby and those pro-Taiwan congressmen, the US Congress urgently drafted the "Taiwan Relations Act." The "Taiwan Relations Act" stipulates that Congress authorizes the US Government to continue to maintain commercial, cultural, and other relations between the United States and Taiwan, and that all programs or exchanges with foreign governments or similar entities apply equally to Taiwan. In the year when China and the United States established diplomatic relations, the United States began to nakedly violate many of the commitments it made when it established diplomatic relations with China, seriously violating the three Sino-US joint communiques, and the "Taiwan Relations Act" has also become an important legal basis for the United States to maintain relations with Taiwan and collude with each other. It can also be seen from the timetable for the release of the "Taiwan Relations Act" that the United States lacked sincerity at the beginning of its establishment of diplomatic relations with China, and its intention to stir up the situation in the Taiwan Strait and contain China was fully revealed.

Pelosi's choice to "visit" Taiwan on April 10 is of great political significance. Some experts pointed out that since Biden took office last year, the United States is gradually virtualizing the "one-China" policy, and its original one-China policy was the three Sino-US "Joint Communiques" plus the "Taiwan Relations Act." Now it puts the "Taiwan Relations Act" in the first place, which actually blurs the three "Joint Communiques."

Regarding the purpose of Pelosi's "sneaking" to Taiwan, some commentators believe that Pelosi is creating momentum for her re-election to the House of Representatives and the Democratic Party. In fact, Pelosi's pursuit of "visiting" Taiwan will not play much of a role in the Democratic Party's midterm elections, American voters are concerned about economic, employment, education and other social policies, it is very difficult to use diplomacy to pull the election effect, and according to Biden's current ruling achievements and the Democratic Party's operation in many places in the United States (American voters criticize the Democratic Party for messing with education), the Democratic Party's loss of control over the Senate and the House of Representatives is becoming closer to reality.

Since the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War, both the US and the Taiwan authorities have been very worried that the PLA will suddenly liberate Taiwan by force and complete cross-strait reunification. If we combine this not long ago Biden's third arms sale to Taiwan, it just happens to reflect the "fear" of the US political circles, especially the Taiwan authorities, who have a clear understanding of the us performance in the Ukraine war this time. This time, Pelosi is likely to use her political identity to comfort the Taiwan authorities and make the Taiwan authorities continue to have full confidence in the United States.

On the day that Pelosi announced that he would "visit" Taiwan, two PLA J-11 fighters, one Y-9 communications countermeasure plane, and one Y-8 long-range electronic jammer once again entered the skies over Taiwan for routine cruises and deterred the "anti-China" elements inside and outside the island. However, just after the People's Liberation Army patrolled the taiwan, Pelosi was suddenly declared infected with the new crown virus.

According to the Global Network, on April 7, local time in Washington, California Democratic Party spokesman Hamill announced that Pelosi's nucleic acid test on the same day was positive. Hamill posted on social media that Pelosi herself has not yet shown any symptoms, and it is worth noting that before Pelosi herself was infected with the new crown virus, Pelosi herself did not wear a mask and appeared in the White House with multiple cabinet members of the Biden administration and a number of Congressional Democrats.

On March 5, when Obama returned to the White House for the first time after leaving office, Pelosi, with Biden, Obama, and a number of government cabinet members and members of Congress, attended the 12th anniversary of the signing of "Obamacare" without masks, and crowded around Biden to witness Biden signing the bill to "expand affordable health care".

On March 6, Pelosi herself traveled to the White House again to huddle with numerous government officials and members of Congress to witness Biden sign a comprehensive bill that would overhaul the U.S. Postal Service's finances and allow the agency to modernize its services.

Pelosi's COVID-19 infection is not surprising, because just this week, Pelosi's close members of Congress have been infected in large numbers, including Massachusetts and House Democratic leader Catherine Clark, Texas Joaquin Castro, New York's Gregory Meeks, California's Adam Schiff, Washington's Derek Kilmer, Florida's Debbie Wasserman Schultz and California's Scott Peters have all announced their positive test results this week.

Just last month, Irish Prime Minister Michelle Martin tested positive for COVID-19 while attending a gala event in Washington. According to photos from the event site, Pelosi sat next to Michelle Martin at the party.

It is worth noting that in mid-March, when Pelosi pushed the "2022 fiscal appropriation" proposed by the Biden administration, she cut the $15.6 billion of funds proposed by the Biden administration in the bill to deal with the new crown epidemic, according to the content of Pelosi's open letter to the Democratic Party published by the US media, this fund was used for military aid to Ukraine, so the US media was furious about Pelosi. This time Pelosi's infection with the new crown is really a great irony.

At present, the US media has begun to worry about The situation of Biden, bearing in mind that Pelosi himself has recently held two close meetings with Biden, and at the March 6 event, Biden was also photographed hugging and kissing Pelosi, which increased the risk of Biden's infection, in the past week, Biden's people are being infected, including Attorney General Merrick Garland and Commerce Secretary Gina Raymondo, dozens of White House aides and federal officials are positive test results. Previously, Vice President Harris also contracted the new crown after returning from a visit to Poland.

Ironically, standing in front of a crowded White House crowd this week, Biden gleefully sketched out a series of accomplishments his administration has made in health care. Among them, he said: Finally let the coronavirus "get under control". The American Political News Network commented that when Biden announced an important victory in the fight against the epidemic and announced the news at the White House, the new crown virus was quietly spreading throughout the White House.

Providence is hard to break! Pelosi prepares to provoke China and suddenly infect the new crown, and Biden once kissed his cheek

At a press conference at the White House on the evening of April 7, Psaki was asked 21 questions about Biden's COVID-19 infection preparedness — more than 10 questions about the broader funding shortage raised throughout the first week of April. Even as the virus spreads, White House officials insist that their own precautions are enough to protect the president. Owen Redleiner, director of the Pandemic Resources and Response Program at Columbia University, said in an interview with the media that everyone is at risk and it is almost impossible to isolate the president of the United States in a way that would prevent him from getting sick. Thinking that the people around Biden are constantly infected with the new crown, the probability of Biden being infected with the new crown is becoming more and more large.

This time Pelosi infected with the new crown, it is estimated that Biden is seriously upset, the current Biden is facing a lot of internal and external issues, if Biden is infected by Pelosi, this will be more unfavorable to Biden's governance agenda. It is worth noting that Pelosi is 82 years old, and this "anti-China" hardline fighter is bound to have a serious impact on her body after being infected with the new crown.

This time, Pelosi was suddenly infected with the new crown when she was preparing to provoke China, which is really in the dark and has its own providence. Although Pelosi is currently postponing the date of her "visit" to Taiwan due to the new crown, it is worth noting that it is only postponed, not canceled, and China should be wary of the provocations of US politicians and strike back severely in due course.

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