
What color is your world? This Oscar for Best Animated Animation tells you


What color is your world?

In this film, which is only 8 minutes, but after it was broadcast, it became popular on the Internet, and also won 117 film award nominations and 64 Oscar Best Animation "Alike", which won 64 awards, the world is gray, the whole film does not have a single line, but it shows the disappearance of childlike hearts, how a child will become a boring adult.

In that adult world, people are busy all day with no life on their faces. The whole world is like a delicate and huge machine, each person is just one of the small parts, no personality, no self, just aimlessly maintaining survival.

The father Copi goes to work, the son Paste goes to school, and the route of the two people does not change every day, but one day the story takes a turn. A colorful picture appears in this gray world, and Paste is attracted by the fiery red maple tree and the moving performance of the violinist under the tree.

However, Paste was the only one in the whole world who stopped and stared, and no one else thought so.

What color is your world? This Oscar for Best Animated Animation tells you

After leaving, Paste painted the beautiful picture in his heart and wanted to remember this feeling. He happily showed his words to the teacher, but was punished with confiscation.

When he returned home, he happily showed his father his words, but his father frowned and did not like it.

In the eyes of adults, this colorful painting violates the gray rules of this world and breaks the tradition so it is not right.

Paste has always retained this hazy emotion, but after experiencing the blows of his father and teacher, he slowly began to give in, and what was originally a bright yellow on his body gradually became dim.

Watching his son become increasingly depressed, looking at the paintings he had drawn before, his father repented...

Every color used in the animation also has its own deep meaning.

The child's color is yellow, full of warmth, brightness and vitality;

The color of the violinist is red, symbolizing enthusiasm, romance, idealism;

What color is your world? This Oscar for Best Animated Animation tells you

Father's blue, representing calm, rational, conservative;

The color of the school bag is green, which reminds people of seedlings, and a large number of books and knowledge are stuffed into the soft bag, which means "picking seedlings to promote growth".

Alike adopts a stylized aesthetic that is consistent with the brief changes in the plot. The artist uses desaturated colors to depict the changes in the figures and the alienation of the city, contrasting with the green that symbolizes creativity, the small park where the violinist is located, and the saturated color of the child's painting.

In the same life, many people have long smoothed out the edges and corners, just like the people in "Alike" who slowly faded their original colors.

What color is your world? This Oscar for Best Animated Animation tells you
What color is your world? This Oscar for Best Animated Animation tells you

Adults give up their pursuits and dreams and blend into a gray. However, children are people who yearn for dreams and personalities, and the stereotypical education of society and family deprives children of the opportunity to pursue dreams and personalities and exert creativity again and again.

Eventually, the originally lively children gradually grew into boring adults. And those boring adults usually forget that they were also a child.

Spanish film director Daniel Martínez Lara and artist Rafa Cano Méndez hope to wake us up with this short film about creativity and imagination, and how today's "systems" can stifle or ignore them.

The adult world is mostly black, white and gray

Always depressing and breathless

The child's world is colorful

Always full of creativity and energy

If you cut off the wings of the children

Then don't complain that they can't fly

You want them to get lost in grey society

Or let them regain their true colors

——Daniel Martinez Lara

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