
The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! This year's Oscars are absolutely amazing! John. Senna took the stage to present the award naked

author:Passion Dumplings 8I

Every year, the Oscars are a major event for movie fans around the world, whether it is the wonderful performance of the award-winning films or the gorgeous red carpet looks of the stars, it can become a hot topic of discussion. The same was true at this year's Oscars, with not only "Oppenheimer" being the biggest winner.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! This year's Oscars are absolutely amazing! John. Senna took the stage to present the award naked

There are also many female celebrities' sexy see-through outfits and John Cena's naked appearance, which have become hot topics. However, in the midst of heated discussions, have we ignored the original intention and essence behind the Oscars? As viewers, how should we view the Oscars, and what should we focus on when watching and following the Oscars?

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! This year's Oscars are absolutely amazing! John. Senna took the stage to present the award naked
The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! This year's Oscars are absolutely amazing! John. Senna took the stage to present the award naked

1. Red carpet outfits have become a hot topic

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! This year's Oscars are absolutely amazing! John. Senna took the stage to present the award naked

At this year's Oscars, the outfits of many female stars have become a hot topic, and many people have commented on their "most beautiful looks" by watching live broadcasts or photos. It is undeniable that the outfits of the female stars are indeed dazzling, and the design and selection of materials for each dress have been carefully selected, showing their elegance and charm. However, with the changes of the times and the opening of concepts, the outfits of some female stars have also caused controversy, especially the design of some "sexy see-through outfits", which makes people think, what is beauty and what is artistic expression?

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! This year's Oscars are absolutely amazing! John. Senna took the stage to present the award naked

In my opinion, female celebrities certainly need a certain "sexy element" in their outfits, but it is more important to be able to express themselves skillfully, show their inner confidence and independence, rather than simply catering to the aesthetic needs of the audience. Only in this way can the outfit become a real "work of art" and bring more inspiration and thinking to the audience. Of course, when appreciating these outfits, the audience should also maintain an inclusive and open mind, and not easily criticize others for "aesthetic narrowness", but learn to appreciate the unique charm behind different styles and expressions.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! This year's Oscars are absolutely amazing! John. Senna took the stage to present the award naked

2. What is the essence of the Oscars?

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! This year's Oscars are absolutely amazing! John. Senna took the stage to present the award naked

In addition to the outfits of female stars, there were also some unexpected events at this year's Oscars, such as John Cena, the guest of honor for Best Costume Design, taking the stage naked, which surprised many viewers and overwhelmed them. Although these unexpected events can bring a certain "gossip effect", it seems that we should also think about another question, that is, what is the essence of the Oscars? As an international film event, what is the original intention of the Oscars, and how should we understand and view it?

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! This year's Oscars are absolutely amazing! John. Senna took the stage to present the award naked

In my opinion, the essence of the Oscars is actually the affirmation and promotion of film art, no matter which award-winning film is, behind it is the hard work of the director, actors and all the staff, as well as their love and exploration of film art. Therefore, when the audience pays attention to the Oscars, they should not only focus on the star's outfits and gossip news, but should appreciate each participating film from a deeper perspective, feel the emotions and ideological collisions contained in it, and experience the shock and inspiration brought to us by the movie with their hearts.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! This year's Oscars are absolutely amazing! John. Senna took the stage to present the award naked

Of course, for the audience to be able to do this, the guiding role of the media and film critics is crucial, and they should help the audience better understand each of the participating films through colorful reports and in-depth interpretations, so as to stimulate their strong interest in the film, and even inspire and think about the creation of the film. Only in this way can the Oscar truly play its role in "promoting the development of film art" and become a "spiritual palace" in the hearts of the majority of fans.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! This year's Oscars are absolutely amazing! John. Senna took the stage to present the award naked

3. What do you think of the Oscars' creative awards?

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! This year's Oscars are absolutely amazing! John. Senna took the stage to present the award naked

In addition to the traditional awards such as "Best Picture" and "Best Actor", some people have put forward a new idea, that is, whether some "creative categories" can be added to the Oscars, such as "Most Personalized Costume Award", "Most Creative Screenplay Award" and so on, to inspire filmmakers to break through the routine and promote the innovation and development of the film industry.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! This year's Oscars are absolutely amazing! John. Senna took the stage to present the award naked

In my opinion, such an idea does have a certain merit, because in the current fast-paced era, the audience's aesthetic needs and viewing methods have changed dramatically, and they are more inclined to accept "different" works, and can get new ideological impact and emotional touches in the process of watching movies. The addition of creative awards can meet this demand of the audience, giving them the opportunity to be exposed to more creative and personalized works, so as to have a deeper resonance and reflection on film creation.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! This year's Oscars are absolutely amazing! John. Senna took the stage to present the award naked

Of course, this does not mean that we should completely "utilitarianize" the Oscars, focusing only on those films in the "bizarre" and "popular comedy" categories, and ignoring some "low-key and profound" works of art, but to strike a balance between "creative awards" and "traditional awards", so that the audience can make a free and comprehensive choice among a variety of film and television works, and truly appreciate the richness and diversity of film art.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! This year's Oscars are absolutely amazing! John. Senna took the stage to present the award naked

In addition to the Oscars, other film festivals and awards can also learn from this idea and add a variety of creative awards, so that more excellent film and television works can be recognized and promoted, and inject a fresh "creative wind" into the diversified development of the film industry.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! This year's Oscars are absolutely amazing! John. Senna took the stage to present the award naked


In general, although there were many accidents and "lively" at this year's Oscars, we can also find many issues worth thinking about and discussing in the lively discussion. Outfit and creative awards may be only a small part of it, and the audience should have a more comprehensive vision and inclusive mindset to appreciate and participate in all aspects of the film.

No matter what kind of film or what kind of award, it has its own unique charm and significance, and it is precisely because the audience has different aesthetic and emotional experiences that they can inject a steady stream of power and vitality into the prosperity and development of the film industry. Therefore, in the future viewing and discussion, I hope that everyone can have more "independent thinking" and "diversity and inclusiveness", get their own "spiritual light" from it, and work together for a better future of film art.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! This year's Oscars are absolutely amazing! John. Senna took the stage to present the award naked

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