
The appearance of these 5 symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people may be a sign of cancer, reminder: it is time to go to the examination

author:Tomato health

When it comes to cancer, everyone is talking about cancer discoloration, which seriously threatens physical health and even life safety, which can be said to be an incurable disease, so we usually need to pay more attention to our physical condition, if it is detected early, the hope of survival is great.

There are many friends may not know what will happen in the early stage of cancer, in fact, in the early stage of our body will send signals, if there are these signals, it is recommended that you go to the examination as soon as possible, so as not to delay the treatment, you can detect early, early treatment.

The appearance of these 5 symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people may be a sign of cancer, reminder: it is time to go to the examination

A cruel truth is that middle-aged and elderly people are the most susceptible to cancer

According to a report released by the National Cancer Center, there were 3.804 million new cases of malignant tumors nationwide in 2014, which is equivalent to more than 10,000 people being diagnosed with cancer every day, and 7 people diagnosed with cancer every minute. In these new populations, the incidence of malignancy in the 0-30 age population is low, and the incidence of malignancy increases rapidly after the age of 30, reaching a peak at the age of 80.

Cancer is a geriatric disease to some extent, and middle-aged and elderly people are the "preferred" group of cancer. Why?

Because cancer cells cannot grow in a day or two, it takes a long time to grow from normal cells to cancer cells, from a few years to decades. Some people who are exposed to high-risk triggers for a long time, such as smoking from the age of ten, plus 10 to 20 years, are the high incidence stage of lung cancer around the age of 40. Although the cancer incidence population has gradually become younger in recent years, the middle-aged and elderly people are still the "main force".

The appearance of these 5 symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people may be a sign of cancer, reminder: it is time to go to the examination

The body appears in these 5 manifestations, do not take it as a trivial matter

Unexplained weight loss

No deliberate diet, and no intensive exercise so that the weight in a short period of time a large drop may be a sign of cancer, because cancer cells growth and reproduction need to constantly compete with normal cells in the body for nutrition resulting in malnutrition, the body is rapidly emaciated, common cancers that cause this symptom are stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer and so on.

The appearance of these 5 symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people may be a sign of cancer, reminder: it is time to go to the examination

Persistent cough

Cough is very common, especially when the cold and fever will cause the lungs to be stimulated by viral infections, which can cause cough However, the general cough will gradually disappear after proper rest or taking drugs, and it is necessary to be vigilant against long-term coughs such as stubborn irritating dry coughs accompanied by blood in sputum, chest tightness, shortness of breath, low-grade fever, etc. Lung cancer should be vigilant

The appearance of these 5 symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people may be a sign of cancer, reminder: it is time to go to the examination

Fatigue throughout the body

Friends in the busy work, stay up late overtime will be very tired, this time a good sleep can be very effective relief, but for patients with bowel cancer, stomach cancer, leukemia and other patients, in the early stage of the disease will also feel symptoms of general fatigue, no matter what the method is difficult to fight the fatigue of the body, this is because the cancer itself caused by the changes in body metabolism is consuming their energy caused.

The appearance of these 5 symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people may be a sign of cancer, reminder: it is time to go to the examination

A lump that persists or enlarges rapidly

If a friend finds that the lump of his body has poor mobility, can hardly move, and suddenly grows very fast, and there is no pain when touching or pressing, it is likely to be cancerous, just like breast cancer patients have this symptom in the early stages.

The appearance of these 5 symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people may be a sign of cancer, reminder: it is time to go to the examination

No appetite, abnormal digestive function

Loss of appetite is a very common manifestation in our lives, and some people have no appetite because they are in a bad mood, so many people will not pay attention to this problem. But if long-term indigestion, no appetite, it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible, digestive dysfunction this can not be ignored, otherwise it is easy to appear stomach cancer.

Usually can eat more selenium-containing food, selenium element has the title of the king of anti-cancer, deep-sea plant organic selenium extracted from deep sea algae plants, easy for the human body to absorb, can reduce the carcinogens of carcinogens, inhibit the reproduction of cancer cells, but also can remove free radicals, peroxides produced by human metabolism, and can enhance the body's immunity.

Don't want to get cancer, remember "these 2 points."

1. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables

To prevent stomach cancer, it is necessary to eat more fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, which can automatically participate in repairing the body's disease barrier and blocking carcinogens that are easy to synthesize in the body.

The appearance of these 5 symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people may be a sign of cancer, reminder: it is time to go to the examination

2. Exercise more

I believe everyone has heard that exercise can prevent cancer, in fact, not only stomach cancer, but also prevent a variety of other cancers

Through the above believe that friends have understood what are the early signs of cancer in the body, it is recommended that friends can not confirm their cancer when the body appears with these symptoms, to go to the hospital for detailed examination to make accurate judgments, the most important thing is to hope that friends should pay great attention to it, after all, the cure rate between early and advanced cancer is very large.