
Complete unity from thought to action

author:China Mining News

-- Documentary of green exploration work in Qinghai Province

◎ Reporter Li Ping

Core reading: Through unremitting efforts, the layout of geological work in Qinghai Province has achieved major adjustments and major changes in exploration methods. In the next step, Qinghai Province will continue to strengthen the supervision and management of green exploration, earnestly perform the responsibility of green exploration supervision, and promote the green exploration work from the source, process, effect and other links, and start the Qinghai Green Exploration 2.0 version from 2022.

In order to achieve a "win-win" situation between geological prospecting and ecological environmental protection, combined with the actual situation of Qinghai Province, the party group of the Department of Natural Resources of Qinghai Province, while timely studying and adjusting the overall deployment of geological work in the province, innovated the ideas of geological work, put forward a new concept of green exploration, adhered to the priority of ecological protection, and took the lead in promoting green exploration in the country in 2016, and achieved a major change in geological exploration methods. Through the continuous summary of practice over the years, Qinghai Province has successively formulated, revised and improved the green exploration management measures and local standards, and in 2021, it has also innovated the use of high-resolution remote sensing, unmanned aerial vehicles, and field field combined "empty space" integrated method for supervision. At present, green exploration has become the norm of geological exploration work, and the good situation of harmony and win-win between geological exploration and ecological environmental protection is continuing to deepen.

Complete unity from thought to action

Optimize and adjust deployment promote green exploration

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Department of Natural Resources of Qinghai Province has resolutely implemented the strategy of ecological priority, continued to promote high-quality development, optimized and adjusted the overall deployment of geological exploration work in the province in a timely manner, and adjusted the focus of geological and mineral exploration work in the province from ecologically sensitive areas such as "Sanjiangyuan" and Qilian Mountain to the Qaidam Basin and its surrounding areas of East Kunlun, Chaibei Rim, Arjin and other areas, realizing the strategic shift of the main battlefield of mineral exploration work in the province.

In accordance with the arrangements and deployment of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee and the Party Group of the Provincial Department of Natural Resources, as a specific business implementation department, the Qinghai Provincial Geological Survey closely focused on the "two mountains" theory, carefully planned and deployed, and actively went deep into the provincial geological exploration special funds for mineral exploration project sites, as well as the front-line social fund projects and mining enterprises to conduct research, extensively listened to opinions and suggestions on the status, methods, methods, results and existing problems of green exploration, comprehensively sorted out and summarized, and combined with work requirements, formed a set of scientific, unified, and standardized The management methods and local standards that can meet the needs of green exploration on the Qinghai Plateau, and at the same time, the innovative application of high-score remote sensing + UAV shooting + field field verification of the "air and space" integrated supervision and inspection technology means, effectively promote the full implementation of green exploration in Qinghai Province.

Nowadays, the working concept of green exploration has achieved complete unity from thought to action in the Qinghai geological survey industry.

Adhere to the ecological priority and improve the management system

During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the geological survey work in Qinghai Province adhered to the "ecological priority" as the guide, resolutely implemented the concept of green development, and continued to optimize the top-level design of geological work. In terms of overall layout, the ecologically sensitive areas of the original "Sanjiangyuan" and "Qilian Mountains" were withdrawn in an orderly manner and transferred to the Qaidam Basin and its surrounding areas of Chaibei, East Kunlun, Arjin and other areas. In terms of work deployment, it is clear that the Haixi region is mainly engaged in the exploration and development of mineral resources, and other areas are mainly based on basic, public welfare, hydrogeology and environmental geological surveys, and carry out strategic mineral resources exploration for the purpose of national resource reserves. In the field of work, closely focusing on the needs of ecological environmental protection, infrastructure construction, and improvement of people's livelihood, we have actively expanded ecological geology, agricultural geology in key areas, urban geology, and people's livelihood geology, which has effectively promoted the coordinated development of geological exploration work and environmental protection.

At the same time, Qinghai Province has continuously studied and compiled management systems and standards, and improved the green exploration management system. In 2016, on the basis of the green exploration and exploration of survey units in various places in the early stage, Qinghai Province selected 10 provincial geological survey fund projects to carry out green exploration demonstrations, and carried out green exploration special studies in 6 projects at the same time.

On the basis of the demonstration carried out in the previous year, in 2017, Qinghai Province further increased the promotion of green exploration work, and the provincial geological exploration fund project fully implemented green exploration, selected some commercial exploration rights green exploration pilots, revised the exploration rights management contract, and incorporated the relevant requirements of green exploration into contract management. In 2018, on the basis of the previous green exploration exploration and the summary of lessons learned, the Department of Natural Resources of Qinghai Province issued the "Qinghai Provincial Green Exploration Management Measures (Trial)" and "Qinghai Provincial Green Exploration Work Rules (Trial)", which were fully implemented in Qinghai Province, and all geological exploration projects and prospecting rights in the province were required to carry out geological exploration work in accordance with the provisions of the trial "Measures" and "Detailed Rules".

From 2019 to 2021, on the basis of the "Measures" and "Detailed Rules" of the trial implementation, according to the actual problems of the field work of the project, we will further optimize the management methods, implementation requirements, inspection contents, assessment indicators, etc., and formulate and introduce the "Qinghai Provincial Green Exploration Management Measures" and "Qinghai Plateau Green Exploration Specifications" that are in line with the green exploration work of the Qinghai Plateau, so far, the green exploration work in Qinghai Province has formed a complete and mature management system.

Strengthen the construction of the system and implement benchmarking and evaluation

In accordance with the principle of "six simultaneous" green exploration and geological survey work as research, deployment, design, implementation, inspection and assessment, the local survey bureaus and geological survey units in Qinghai Province have separately formulated an internal management system for green exploration of geological survey projects, and the province has formed a sound green exploration management system.

A relevant person from the Qinghai Geological Survey told reporters that according to the requirements of the management system, in the project establishment and design review, the feasibility and effectiveness of the green exploration work method are taken as one of the key contents of the review, and the projects with unreasonable deployment of green exploration work and inadequate environmental protection measures are not reviewed and approved.

In addition, in the mid-term quality inspection and year-end acceptance of the project, the supervision and inspection of the implementation of green exploration and the implementation of environmental protection measures are strengthened, and special scoring is given to the green exploration work. For projects that are ineffective in implementation or not in place, order rectification within a time limit; for units with problems, accountability and punishment are carried out.

At the same time, according to the "Measures for the Evaluation of the Performance and Reputation of Geological Survey Units in Qinghai Province", Qinghai Province must conduct performance and reputation evaluation of the units undertaking geological survey projects in qinghai province every year from five aspects: work quality, completion of work tasks, compilation and review of achievement reports, geological exploration results, and transfer of geological data, and use the evaluation results as the basis for the annual geological survey project demonstration, bidding, and comparative scoring, and preferably select the exploration units with strong exploration technology, good performance reputation, and environmental protection measures in place.

According to reports, on the basis of strictly implementing the above management system, Qinghai Province adheres to the problem orientation and continues to promote the "review" of green exploration work. A relevant person from the Department of Natural Resources of Qinghai Province told reporters that in 2020, combined with the large-scale investigation and rectification of hidden dangers in the ecological environment in the province, the green exploration problems were investigated and rectified on the provincial financially funded mineral exploration projects, and in 2021, Qinghai Province once again carried out green exploration supervision and inspection to "look back".

Through a series of powerful measures such as strengthening the review of the project's green exploration plan, special inspection and rectification, and "looking back", the problems of extensive construction, lack of attention to ecological environmental protection, and inadequate restoration have been effectively curbed, and the remaining problems of green exploration have been basically effectively solved.

Innovative exploration methods to ensure that the re-greening is in place

In the process of project implementation, Qinghai Province continuously optimized the project exploration and design plan, and tried to choose a route with little environmental impact to carry out the work, which greatly reduced the degree of impact on the ecological environment.

The reporter learned that at present, all provincial-level financial fund projects in Qinghai, before the implementation of the project, must be in accordance with the requirements of green exploration methods and norms, the preparation of green exploration plans, for different micro-landscape zones in the road and various types of projects and sites, the formulation of effective environmental restoration measures.

In the construction of roads and trough exploration projects in the province, more than 90% of the projects are selected in places with less vegetation, the drilling construction site occupies as little grassland as possible, the drilling rig equipment is split into manual handling, overhead construction, the selection of environmentally friendly mud, and the laying of anti-seepage cloth in the parts where the equipment is prone to leakage and oil leakage; at the same time, a series of measures such as backfilling and vegetation re-greening are taken for construction traces, which effectively reduces the impact of geological exploration on the environment and achieves good results.

For example, through continuous experiments, the Qinghai Coal Geology Bureau has explored a grass seed ratio suitable for plateau cover and re-greening in the Muli area, and the four grass species of Tongde Short Mangpi Alkali Grass, Qinghai Grassland Early Maturing Grass, Qinghai Cold Ground Early Maturing Grass, and Qinghai Chinese Fescue are matched according to the ratio of 1:1:1:1, for different terrains on flat land and slope, different fertilizer ratios suitable for grass seed growth have been tested, using disc rake or artificial methods, adding fertilizer with good ratios in the soil matrix layer, artificially improving the soil, and using mechanical or artificial rakes to suppress , laying non-woven fabrics. After three months of growth, the vegetation in the re-green area grows well, the average number of seedlings on the slope ≥ 1000 plants / square meter, the average number of seedlings on the flat land is ≥ 1200 plants / square meter, the coverage can generally reach more than 45%, the best coverage can reach more than 95%, the grass height is 6 to 12 cm, and the root length of the grass is 4 to 6 cm, which meets the requirements of environmental restoration and the re-greening effect is good.

The above-mentioned ecological environment re-greening work may not be a big deal at all in the relatively warm and humid areas of the southern part of the continent bounded by the Qinling-Huai River, but in such a cold and ecologically fragile area as the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, it is already a miracle that such a re-greening effect can be harvested.

At the same time, Qinghai Province has continuously innovated green exploration supervision and inspection methods, forming a new model of dynamic supervision of "empty space and earth". The inspection and acceptance coverage rate of the recovery of various types of prospecting projects is 100%, the green exploration work is promoted in an orderly manner, the implementation is effective, the dynamic monitoring mode of three-dimensional green exploration has achieved remarkable results, the efficiency of green exploration supervision and management has been greatly enhanced, and the supervision of green exploration work has no dead ends and full coverage.

Through unremitting efforts, the layout of geological work in Qinghai Province has achieved major adjustments and major changes in exploration methods. In the next step, Qinghai will continue to strengthen the supervision and management of green exploration, effectively perform the responsibility of green exploration supervision, and promote the deepening of green exploration work from the source, process, effect and other links, and start the Qinghai Green Exploration 2.0 version from 2022. In the face of the new requirements of the new era, all geological exploration units in Qinghai Province will resolutely shoulder the mission of Qinghai in deepening the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and building the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau into a national and even international ecological civilization highland, continue to comprehensively promote green exploration work, and create a new situation in geological exploration work in the new era.