
The new broadcast of the three-party tearing, the heroine of the first episode of the knife supporting role, was sprayed by the audience punching


In April, the new fans began to broadcast one after another, although the number of imported films was less than twenty, but at least many films such as "Execution Girl" and "The Undemeasured Apollian Classmate" could be released simultaneously. But one of them, which aired just one episode and caused controversy on the Internet, was "The Execution of the Girl". The heroine of "Execution Girl" stabbed a supporting actor as soon as she appeared on the scene, which immediately caused many controversies. Let's analyze it in detail, as follows:

The new broadcast of the three-party tearing, the heroine of the first episode of the knife supporting role, was sprayed by the audience punching

The female protagonist kills the supporting actor and is questioned for punching

The first to quarrel because of the female protagonist of "Execution Girl" is some netizens of different genders. The reason for their quarrel is very strange, the first reason is: the supporting actor was stabbed, someone was pitiful, someone defended, the supporting actress was knifed, no one was pitiful, isn't this patriarchal preference? The second reason is: the supporting actor is an ordinary person who has not done anything and has been knifed, and the little fairy has no retribution for the knife, is this not the work of the boxer?

The new broadcast of the three-party tearing, the heroine of the first episode of the knife supporting role, was sprayed by the audience punching

These two parts of netizens of different genders quarreled in the comment area not fiercely, and the position of netizens who stood on women was also diametrically opposite. I feel that the female supporting role is double-standard, the position is "the female knife person is wrong"; I think that the female knife male supporting role is okay, the position is "the female knife person is not wrong", the position is different, but the views expressed by the two groups of them are that the comment area does not pay attention to the female only the supporting actor. Therefore, whether the heroine is wrong or not, some netizens have been questioned about punching.

The new broadcast of the three-party tearing, the heroine of the first episode of the knife supporting role, was sprayed by the audience punching

The harem and bh also began to tear each other apart

The most heated debate in the comment area is not the netizens who hold the gender view, but the netizens who like the harem and the netizens who like bh. "Execution Girl" is an orange animation that attracts a group of bh audiences, but it is also an otherworld animation, which naturally attracts a group of otherworldly audiences who are accustomed to watching the harem. The first episode of "Execution Girl" made a name for myself, saying that I am definitely not a harem animation, so I will first knife a supporting actor who is most likely to open a harem.

The new broadcast of the three-party tearing, the heroine of the first episode of the knife supporting role, was sprayed by the audience punching

This caused some harem audiences to be dissatisfied, they feel that if they don't open the harem, what do the supporting characters of the knife harem male protagonist template do disgusting people, don't like to raise meows, do you want to abuse meows in front of cat lovers? The other part of the extreme bh audience is happy, they are dissatisfied with the harem audience who often point to oranges to the animation, and they are happier to see the harem audience uncomfortable, so they taunt in the comment area: "Don't go near the harem male treasure, it will become unfortunate", and the harem audience replied: "bh porpoise charm moment".

The new broadcast of the three-party tearing, the heroine of the first episode of the knife supporting role, was sprayed by the audience punching

Other otherworldly fans also joined the battlefield

The other audiences who participated in the debate came from other worlds. Some viewers accused the heroine of "Execution Girl" of being innocent passers-by, and as a result, they were pulled out of their own pursuit list with other otherworldly animations, so the animation of their chase list was also pulled out of various details of innocent passers-by, such as the famous black goat incident of the Bone King. And these fans of otherworldly fans, seeing their favorite works being aoe, also angrily joined the controversy.

The new broadcast of the three-party tearing, the heroine of the first episode of the knife supporting role, was sprayed by the audience punching

So the comment area can see the fans of several animations exposing each other, xx fans said that the supporting actor of "Execution Girl" was very miserable, and the "Execution Girl" fan said that the villagers in xx animation were pit by the protagonist even more tragically. xx fans say that "Execution Girl" fans punch, and "Execution Girl" fans say xx otherworldly harem. All in all, the comments section of "The Executioner" is messy now, and it may improve after the second episode is broadcast, because the king who summoned the supporting actor has also been stabbed, and the culprit who killed the supporting actor is gone.

The new broadcast of the three-party tearing, the heroine of the first episode of the knife supporting role, was sprayed by the audience punching
