
Layout planning and design of smart farmers market

author:Baiying Farmers' Market design

1. Using professional building layout rules and commercial space design technology, under the premise of ensuring a reasonable market dynamic, the available space rate is greatly improved, which reflects the importance of floor layout work.

2. The professional team integrates the data such as prudence, channel width, and booth space in the layout into rich design experience, obtains reasonable market movements with keen vision and mature technology, and shares reasonable floor plans.

Layout planning and design of smart farmers market

  3. The professional team must be a class team majoring in architectural design. They are good at learning, have a sound knowledge system in professional fields such as architecture, structure, water and electricity, and are familiar with the new norms of the country. Careful concentration is the characteristic of professional teams, and it is also the basic quality of professional layout and amateur level judgment.

  4, according to these categories, a reasonable layout can be created in the design, and the area must be strictly distinguished according to the type of goods. The supply areas of raw, cooked, dry and wet goods are relatively concentrated and can be sold in batches. Similar goods can be set up in a centralized supply area, with a clear sign, convenient for consumers to quickly find their own needs of the ingredients, supply areas should be separated from the channel.

Layout planning and design of smart farmers market

  5. The agricultural and sideline market can set up special counters to sell brine-flavored cooked food, kimchi seasonings, pickled vegetables, edible oil products, and north-south foods. The counter of cooked stews, soy products, kimchi and other commodities should be more than 10 meters away from the bathroom, garbage dump, raw chicken counter, so that there will be no pungent taste around, prevent the appearance of mixed and matching tastes, affecting consumers' appetite and desire to buy.

Layout planning and design of smart farmers market

  The above is hangzhou Baiying design sharing how to create a smart farmers market layout plan. Hope that helps!