
Middle-aged "Black Auntie", a black actress who runs rampant in Hollywood by strength

author:Wind man wind shadow

Foreword: There is such a black actress, she does not have an enviable angelic appearance, and can even be said to be a little "ugly"; she also does not have a jealous devil figure, which can be said to be "fat", but she has unparalleled superb acting skills. You may not know her name, but you've seen her movie 100 percent, a middle-aged "black aunt" who thrives on Hollywood, Octavia Spencer.

Middle-aged "Black Auntie", a black actress who runs rampant in Hollywood by strength

Octavia Spencer (born May 25, 1972 in Alabama) is an African-American actress. She was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress three times and won the Award for Best Supporting Actress at the 84th Academy Awards in 2012.

Because her hardware is so bad, she rarely gets the chance to play the main role, most of them are just a supporting role. However, the supporting role is completely able to cover up the light of the protagonist, and Octavia Spencer is such a kind of person.

Middle-aged "Black Auntie", a black actress who runs rampant in Hollywood by strength

2020: The Witch

"Witch" how the film is not going to say, people who have seen it know, it is a pit. However, Octavia Spencer's performance is there for all to see. The first 20 minutes of the film are her performances, all kinds of acting skills are at her fingertips, it is completely an "old drama bone", in my opinion, she is the protagonist, not Anne Hathaway.

Middle-aged "Black Auntie", a black actress who runs rampant in Hollywood by strength

2020: "Self-Made: Mrs. Walker's Legend of Getting Rich"

It's a 4-episode miniseries and one of the few films in which Octavia Spencer has a lead role. Octavia Spencer is amazed at how well she shows her superb acting skills in this play.

This drama is a relatively unpopular drama, I believe many people have not seen it. It tells the story of America's first self-made black female millionaire, beauty salon tycoon C. Lee a hundred years ago. J. Walker's Legend is a biographical television series. This is a great TV series and highly recommended.

Middle-aged "Black Auntie", a black actress who runs rampant in Hollywood by strength

2017: The Shape of Water

Needless to say, the 90th Academy Award for Best Picture, a total of 13 Oscar nominations, is a horror.

However, for this drama I really did not understand, a movie, before watching two days to watch. For a low-level person like me, it's a bit difficult to understand. Strange beasts, nostalgia, dark fairy tales, man-beast love, and XX, a clichéd and novel movie.

Well, I can only say that those who have not seen it can go to see it. Octavia Spencer played the heroine's colleague and friend in the film, and she was nominated for the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.

Middle-aged "Black Auntie", a black actress who runs rampant in Hollywood by strength

2017: "Genius Girl"

A good movie for thieves. Telling the story of a gifted little girl who discovers a talent for mathematics, her uncle and grandmother have a disagreement over the education and upbringing of their children, and it is a warm and cute film without losing depth.

And Octavia Spencer is a heartwarming neighborhood black aunt figure.

Middle-aged "Black Auntie", a black actress who runs rampant in Hollywood by strength

2016: Hidden Figures

The film tells the story of several black women in the 1960s who fought against shocking racial prejudices and eventually took their place in the U.S. space program.

Octavia Spencer was also nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for this film.

Looking at this picture, do you feel her queen-like powerful aura?

Middle-aged "Black Auntie", a black actress who runs rampant in Hollywood by strength

2013: Snow Country Train

Needless to say, most people have seen this film. A work by South Korean ghost director Bong Joon-ho, his work also includes "Parasite", which won the Academy Award in 2020.

And Octavia Spencer plays a character in the end of the carriage.

Middle-aged "Black Auntie", a black actress who runs rampant in Hollywood by strength

2011: Help

A work by "Sister Stone", a film with a racial discrimination theme. And Octavia Spencer won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress with this work, a very good film, the story is warm and touching.

Middle-aged "Black Auntie", a black actress who runs rampant in Hollywood by strength

Conclusion: Octavia Spencer's work is not only these, but many others are not listed. Most of the works she has participated in are very popular films with numerous praises. Octavia Spencer is only a small supporting role in most films, but it can make us remember this cute and warm "black aunt" and look forward to her better movies later.

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