
In 1965, India invaded Pakistan Railways, and our army sent troops three ways to the border, Chairman Mao: Give India 72 hours

author:Ah Qi said history

On September 6, 1965, India suddenly launched an attack on Pakistan, and the two "old enemies" soon fell into a state of fierce fighting.

However, due to the insufficient estimation of the scale of India's troops, the Pakistani side was unable to defeat India in a hurry, so it had to turn around and ask for help from the outside world.

However, the Two Countries of the United States and the Soviet Union not only did not mediate, but constantly added fuel to the fire.

In desperation, Pakistan had no choice but to send a request for help from China, and Chairman Mao, after receiving the news, thought twice, dispatched a large number of troops, and marched in the eastern, central, and western directions of the Sino-Indian border.

The Indian army, which had already experienced the power of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, was a little frightened at this time and began to compromise with China and Pakistan, at which time Chairman Mao also issued an ultimatum, demanding that India dismantle all the aggressive fortifications on the Chinese side.

Supposedly, this should be an urgent matter, but Chairman Mao proposed in his note that India be given three days.

Why is that?

In 1965, India invaded Pakistan Railways, and our army sent troops three ways to the border, Chairman Mao: Give India 72 hours

India invaded, and the situation between China and India was tense

Long before the outbreak of the Sino-Indian conflict, the relationship between China, India and Pakistan was quite delicate.

The contradiction between India and Pakistan has a long history, they originally belonged to the same country, but under the rule of the British Empire in 1947, the country split into two countries, the Union of India and Pakistan, known in history as the "partition of India and Pakistan".

Since then, India and Pakistan have looked at each other unfavorably, and the subsequent Kashmir incident has pushed the contradictions between the two sides to a climax.

In fact, the partition of India and Pakistan has nothing to do with China, but since India won national independence and Britain was forced to withdraw from Asia, the relationship or contradiction between China and these two countries has become more and more obvious.

The relations between China and Pakistan at that time were not as good as they are now seen, on the contrary, the mainland and India were more like "brothers".

Because there have been no major wars in the previous two thousand years of exchanges between the two countries, and they have also been developing countries that have freed themselves from imperialist control and gained independence, from these aspects, China and India have a sense of "pity for each other".

In 1965, India invaded Pakistan Railways, and our army sent troops three ways to the border, Chairman Mao: Give India 72 hours

On the other hand, in the relationship between China and Pakistan, there was not much contact between the two countries at this time, and Pakistan was also more inclined to the United States, and its attitude towards the mainland was quite cold.

Pakistan once signed the Treaty Organization of Southeast Asia and the Treaty of Baghdad with the United States, hoping to use the power of the United States to develop its own country's economy.

Therefore, from the very beginning, China and Pakistan were completely divided into two camps, and the well water did not violate the river water.

But this balanced relationship did not last long before It was first broken by India.

With the rapid development of India's domestic economy, they are no longer content to settle for a corner, and constantly provoke the surrounding countries, trying to prove their rising national strength and unwarranted "hegemony" in this way.

They refused to recognize the "traditional customary line" and insisted on using the "McMahon Line" demarcated during the British colonial period as the Sino-Indian border, claiming that the vast area of mainland Tibet was their territory.

In 1965, India invaded Pakistan Railways, and our army sent troops three ways to the border, Chairman Mao: Give India 72 hours

Moreover, while the mainland was busy with economic development and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, it invaded the Tibet region of the mainland and occupied 125,000 square kilometers of territory on the mainland, equivalent to the area of Fujian Province.

In order to avoid conflict between the two sides, the mainland has always adopted a tolerant attitude, actively communicated with the Indian side, and hoped to resolve the territorial dispute through peaceful means.

But instead of ignoring the mainland's condemnations and objections, India began to extend its hand to the Aksai Chin region, which borders Xinjiang and Tibet.

To this end, the mainland had to start reacting to the Indian invasion.

Chairman Mao personally ordered that the Ministry of National Defense of Tibet and the Ministry of National Defense of southern Xinjiang dispatch a large number of national defense officers and men to the Sino-Indian border to be ready for war at any time.

At the same time, Premier Zhou is still relentlessly striving to resolve the issue through peaceful means.

In 1960, Premier Zhou made a special trip to New Delhi to meet indian President Jawaharlal Nehru and try to negotiate with the other side.

In 1965, India invaded Pakistan Railways, and our army sent troops three ways to the border, Chairman Mao: Give India 72 hours

But Nehru is obviously a person who "does not hit the southern wall and does not turn back", they misinterpret the mainland's adherence to peace, and hopelessly believe that the mainland's previous attitude towards the Sino-Indian conflict is only because of weakness and deception, which makes them firmly believe that the Indian army is "invincible".

Of course, behind India's self-confidence, it is inseparable from the other two pushers.

The United States and the Soviet Union, as the two largest countries in the world at that time, were surprisingly consistent in their attitude toward India.

As the leader of the socialist system at that time, the Soviet Union's attitude toward India needless to say, not to mention that Sino-Soviet relations were once deadlocked, so the Soviet Union naturally favored India.

The United States originally had a good relationship with Pakistan, but they were afraid of China's rise, worried that China's development would affect their status as world hegemon, and in order to contain China, they began to turn their attention to India.

Compared with Pakistan, India's strength is stronger and its territory is larger, which is the most suitable "choice" to contain the mainland.

So since Eisenhower began, the United States has provided a lot of military assistance to India.

In 1965, India invaded Pakistan Railways, and our army sent troops three ways to the border, Chairman Mao: Give India 72 hours

To this end, the disgruntled Pakistan also severely condemned the US behavior of "reprinting and lightly printing Pakistan".

The support of the two great powers has made India a little fluttery, and with the weapons supported by the two most powerful countries in the world, can it not defeat a developing country?

So at Nehru's direction, India began to attack the mainland's border troops.

This act also completely annoyed China, and after asking Chairman Mao for instructions again, Chairman Mao personally ordered: Fight! Be sure to hit them at the negotiating table!

China and India have begun to fight, and Sino-Pakistani relations have eased

On the morning of October 20, 1962, our army began to launch a counterattack in the Kojielang area in the eastern sector.

At this time, the Indian army, which was still immersed in sleep, obviously did not expect that the mainland would actually launch a counterattack, and they rushed to fight.

In the end, under the command of the central and military district leaders, the battle, which was originally planned to end in at least three days, was completely completed in less than a day, and the Seventh Brigade of the Indian Army was completely destroyed, with a total of 1543 casualties.

In 1965, India invaded Pakistan Railways, and our army sent troops three ways to the border, Chairman Mao: Give India 72 hours

The brigade commander of the Seventh Brigade, seeing that the situation was not good, hastily hid in a forest, and as a result, after only a day or so, he ran out of the woods because of hunger and thirst and fell into the hands of our army.

Four days after the outbreak of the war, the mainland, with its overall superiority, once again offered peace talks to India, a situation that had never been seen before in any war.

However, India did not think so, or insisted on waging war, in order to avoid being raided by our army again, Nehru specially sent a famous anti-China general in India, Lieutenant General Kaul, to lead India's ace army and began the second phase of the operation.

As we all know, the result of this war is that India lost a complete defeat, collapsed into an army, and withdrew from the Tibet region of the mainland.

Although the mainland showed great sincerity in this war, took the initiative to retreat, gave preferential treatment to prisoners, and returned the spoils of war, it has to be admitted that China and India have also formed a bond.

Perhaps thanks to this incident, after the breakup between China and India, the relationship between China and Pakistan has become closer and closer.

Since March 1961, Pakistan has not published any support for the United States and attacked China, and at the same time, this incident has also made Pakistan deeply aware that the United States, as a country that made its fortune from war, is not a long-term partner.

In 1965, India invaded Pakistan Railways, and our army sent troops three ways to the border, Chairman Mao: Give India 72 hours

Especially during the Sino-Indian war, the United States's "spare no effort" assistance to India made Pakistan feel precarious.

At this time, China's preferential treatment of Indian prisoners touched the hearts of Pakistan.

If china can be so tolerant and generous in the face of its own invading enemies, China will certainly spare no effort to lend a helping hand to its partners.

The United States is not reliable, the Soviet Union is unreliable, and Pakistan, as a small country struggling to survive in the cracks, has begun to shift its attention to China.

On March 2, 1963, Pakistan's Foreign Minister Bhutto visited China and signed a border agreement and trade agreement with the mainland.

The agreement stabilized the situation in Pakistan while also helping the mainland break the political and economic blockade of Western countries.

Such a two-pronged agreement makes China and Pakistan the most solid alliance.

At this time, Pakistan realized that only if China is diplomatically frank enough and truly friendly to Pakistan, and only by developing the relations between China and Pakistan can it compete with the United States.

In 1965, India invaded Pakistan Railways, and our army sent troops three ways to the border, Chairman Mao: Give India 72 hours

Therefore, even if the United States obstructs, the relationship between China and Pakistan is still heating up.

In 1964, Premier Zhou Hao Chen Yi visited Pakistan and was received by Pakistani President Ayyub Khan, and the two sides held secret talks on peace and development between China and Pakistan.

The following year, President Ayyub personally visited China, and the relations between China and Pakistan became more concrete.

At the same time, Liu Shaoqi righteously promised him: "If India invades Pakistan, China will firmly support the Pakistani side and listen to your opinions in a way that supports it, and likewise, if war breaks out between the two sides, China can cut the back road to New Delhi." ”

As a result, not long after these words were spoken, there was a conflict between India and Pakistan.

India-Pakistan conflict, Chairman Mao proposed to give India "72 hours"

As early as 1947, when the two countries separated, India and Pakistan erupted in a conflict over the ownership of Kashmir, which poses a serious threat to the other regardless of which country it belongs to.

In 1965, India invaded Pakistan Railways, and our army sent troops three ways to the border, Chairman Mao: Give India 72 hours

Therefore, in the end, in order to resolve the conflict in this area, the United Nations dealt with the ownership of this land in the form of a referendum, and the result of the final referendum was that three-fifths of the territory was under the administration of India.

In June 1965, india's interior minister said that Kashmir belongs to India, which is irrefutable. This sentence became the trigger for the second conflict between India and Pakistan.

In mid-August of the same year, India launched a surprise attack on Pakistan with lightning speed.

Pakistan had to rush into battle, but fortunately, because of the timely response, Pakistan successfully defended the Kashmir region.

But India was not willing to be defeated, so on the night of September 6, they launched an even larger offensive.

The Pakistani army did not expect the Indian attack to be so ferocious, and their only two infantry divisions were simply not enough to resist.

In just an hour, India broke through Pakistan's defenses and approached Lahore.

Lahore is an important gateway to Pakistan, and if this place is lost, islamabad, pakistan's capital, will face a huge threat.

In 1965, India invaded Pakistan Railways, and our army sent troops three ways to the border, Chairman Mao: Give India 72 hours

Under such circumstances, the United States and the Soviet Union unanimously adopted a "neutral attitude", and Pakistan had to send a request for help from China.

As Pakistan's "ally," China is making decisions at the fastest pace.

On September 16, a week after the India-Pakistan conflict broke out, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted an emergency note to the Indian Embassy in China: India must dismantle all aggressive activities on the Sikkim border within three days, return the stolen Chinese border residents, return the looted goods, and promise not to cross the border to harass in the future, otherwise, all the consequences arising from it will be borne by the Indian government.

Although the note did not mention the India-Pakistan conflict in a single word, India, which had already experienced the strong points of China's liberation, soon realized that China was putting pressure on them.

But in the face of the meat that is about to be eaten in the mouth, how can India be willing to let go of it?

In order not to anger the mainland, they had to reply to the effect that if they found that there were military facilities, they did not oppose the demolition and robbery of the two Chinese citizens, and if they were willing to return to China, India could release them.

But this is not the answer that the mainland wants, so the central government issued an "ultimatum": on the 19th, India must dismantle all the invading fortifications on the Chinese side of the China-Tin border!

However, when the note was about to be issued, Chairman Mao stopped this instruction, and it turned out that Chairman Mao believed that it was too tight for only one day, and that India might not be able to complete it even if it tried its best, and that it would be a problem for the two sides not to fight at that time, and it would be a problem for China to appear unkind.

In 1965, India invaded Pakistan Railways, and our army sent troops three ways to the border, Chairman Mao: Give India 72 hours

Therefore, Chairman Mao thought about it and changed it to "demolish all the aggressive fortifications within three days" instead of one day.

At the same time, a large number of people's liberation army has once again gathered in the border areas of the mainland, which has once again formed a pressure on India.

In the end, India, fearful of the mainland's military strength, had to choose to withdraw from Pakistan and abandon the war of aggression.

Today, China and Pakistan have become "iron brothers".

At the time of the Wenchuan earthquake, Pakistan contributed all its tents to the whole country.

Their textbooks still sing the praises of the friendship between China and Pakistan, and even Chinese buy things in Pakistan, they insist on not collecting money.

I hope that in the longer future, China and Pakistan will always maintain a sincere and frank friendship.

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