
Cai Shaofen has not slept for 10 years after becoming a mother, and most new mothers will be troubled by lack of sleep

Soul One Asks: After becoming a mother, how long have you not slept all the time?

A while ago, Cai Shaofen, a mother of three children, was interviewed and said that she had not slept for 10 years.

After having a baby, the mother's sleep is not called sleep, but "broken sleep".


Mom's "Sleep Robbery"

In the interview, Cai Shaofen revealed that she has never slept since the birth of her eldest daughter, and her sleep throughout the night has been cut into countless "pieces".

Cai Shaofen has not slept for 10 years after becoming a mother, and most new mothers will be troubled by lack of sleep

At night, after the children go to bed, she is busy covering the children with quilts;

When sleeping soundly at three or four o'clock in the morning, the son will suddenly call his mother, at this moment she has to get up to find a pacifier for her son, and when she settles her son, she can't sleep when she goes back to sleep;

At 5 or 6 a.m., I quickly got up to make breakfast for my children, brushed the hair of my two daughters, and then the busy day began.

Cai Shaofen has not slept for 10 years after becoming a mother, and most new mothers will be troubled by lack of sleep

When the mother has a "sleep robbery", no matter how good the quality of sleep before giving birth to the baby, the sleep will be broken into slag after giving birth to the baby, waking up two or three times a night is lucky, waking up four or five times is the norm, from dark to dawn is not unusual.

Other people's nights: sleep ~ sleep ~ sleep ~ sleep ~ sleep ~ sleep ~ sleep ~ sleep ~ sleep ~ sleep ~ sleep ~ sleep ~ sleep ~ sleep ~ sleep ...

Mom's night: sleep ~ nap ~ milking ~ feeding ~ hiccup ~ nap ~ diaper change ~ sleep ~ cover quilt ~ nap ~ baby crying ~ comfort ~ coaxing ~ feeding ~ napping ...

After the baby was born, her mother's sleep at night was cut by various small things, and she didn't know how many times she had to wake up in one night. If you meet a sleeping scumbag baby, you don't want to sleep.

Studies have found that in the first three months of a child's life, mothers sleep an average of 72 minutes less each day than before pregnancy.

Lack of sleep has become the number one thorny problem that has plagued countless new mothers.


How to save Mom's "broken sleep"?

Lack of sleep is almost a common state for mothers, which is determined by the baby's factory settings: need to eat every two or three hours, no concept of day and night, and easy to be frightened and awakened.

These physiological characteristics determine that the mother needs to give up day and night, ready to respond to the needs of the baby.

But fortunately, good sleep can be slowly cultivated, as the baby grows up, the ability to adapt to the environment will become stronger and stronger, then if the mother uses the method suitable for the child, to be correctly guided, the baby will slowly establish a regular sleep. If the baby sleeps well, the mother will also benefit.

Sleep habits are an acquired sexual behavior, so after the baby is born, the mother can consciously guide and cultivate the baby, the earlier it starts, the better the effect.

For the baby's factory settings, the mother can consciously guide, such as:

1. Help your baby establish a circadian rhythm

Before the baby was born, he lived in the "little black house" in the mother's belly, where the difference between day and night was not very big, and the baby did not have a concept of day and night.

Therefore, helping your baby distinguish between day and night is the first step in guiding your baby to establish a regular routine.

Cai Shaofen has not slept for 10 years after becoming a mother, and most new mothers will be troubled by lack of sleep

After getting up in the morning, open the curtains to keep the room open; adults have normal activities during the day, such as mopping the floor and talking; when the baby is awake during the day, try to "nag" him as much as possible; at night, on the contrary, create a peaceful sleeping environment for the baby.

2. Wrap your baby in swaddles to prevent jumping

The baby is very insecure at the beginning of birth, and during sleep, it is easy to be stimulated by the external environment and jump, so that it is not stable and easy to wake up.

Wrapping up the baby with swaddling can make him feel a strong sense of security, and second, he can prevent the jumping reaction, and the baby will sleep more steadily.

Cai Shaofen has not slept for 10 years after becoming a mother, and most new mothers will be troubled by lack of sleep

3. Gradually abstain from night milk

Night milk is the number one problem that disturbs the sleep of mothers and babies, especially the frequent soothing night milk.

After figuring out the baby's night milk needs, the mother can gradually control the number of night milks within a reasonable range by combining the number of feedings, lengthening the feeding interval, using a pacifier, etc., until the complete withdrawal.

Raising a baby is not easy, and when you become a mother, you are destined to have an inexhaustible heart, but no matter how busy it is, you must try your best to sleep well.

When we sleep well, our mood will be better, and our bodies will be healthier, so that we will have more energy to take care of and accompany our children.


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