
wary! These people must be liars

author:Kunming Information Port


Kunming Wuhua District Education and Sports Bureau

The following announcement is made

wary! These people must be liars
wary! These people must be liars

The Wenlin Campus of the Affiliated Primary School of Yunnan Normal University adopts the computer random number selection method for the admission of new students in 2022. We would like to warn and remind every registered parent:

1. The person who "promises to help you win the lottery" must be a liar!

2. Please don't use your luck to pay for the scammers!

3. Please report it as soon as possible!

April 2, 2022

wary! These people must be liars

In addition to "lottery" scam calls and text messages

New student admission

Parents and students should pay attention to the following scams

Common forms of scams and typical cases

01 False claim that "the Education Bureau issues grants grants"

Some candidates whose families are struggling with college tuition are vulnerable to such telecommunications fraud. Fraudsters falsely claim to be staff of the education department, to give poor college entrance examination students a few thousand yuan of student subsidies, and then the phone to induce students or parents to go to the ATM machine operation, the card of all the money transferred out to the bank account provided by the criminals, Shandong girl Xu Yuyu's tragedy is caused by the use of such means by criminals.

Police remind: Candidates and parents can first check with the education authorities whether there is such a policy, and verify whether they enjoy the policy through official channels, and do not easily send money to the other party's account before that.

02 Falsely claiming to be online volunteer

Criminals disguise the copycat website as a highly similar college webpage, set up a registration portal, and lure candidates to log in and fill in, so as to obtain the candidates' personal information, thus laying the foundation for the next step of accurately implementing enrollment fraud. In addition, such phishing websites will also frequently appear in the stage of querying test results, criminals will be the copycat check network disguised as the college entrance examination results query interface, a wide range of search engines and forums and other pages to promote, parents and candidates click to enter at any time there will be a risk of personal information being leaked or even money being defrauded.

Police remind: After the college entrance examination, check the score and fill in the volunteer should log on to the official website of the education department, and do not easily click on the unknown link.

03 Falsely claiming to "take internal indicators based on special relationships"

Entering the college entrance examination admission stage, various fraudulent methods are emerging in an endless stream: mainly on the grounds of independent enrollment, or falsely claiming that there is a "special relationship" implies that it is possible to obtain "internal" or "unplanned" indicators to ask candidates and parents for money; It means that candidates can apply for various types of "special students" such as art, sports, and small languages.

Police remind: All enrollment plans are issued by the state and announced to the public, without the approval of the state or not announced to the public, enrollment can not be arranged. Therefore, the so-called "bonus points for special students", "independent enrollment indicators", "internal indicators", and "unplanned enrollment indicators" are not credible.

04 Mailing fake admission letters and fraudulently obtaining tuition and miscellaneous fees

Candidates are mailed a false acceptance letter through the post office and asked to be credited to the scammer's designated account.

Police remind: The admission letter can be verified from the official websites of the education department, colleges and universities.

05 Deception under the banner of supplementary recording

The scammers take advantage of the fact that the candidates and their parents are not familiar with the admissions procedures and regulations, and deceive them under the banner of supplementary registration. In fact, local admissions offices will conduct an online public call for voluntary admissions for candidates who have fallen on the list, and will no longer call or send someone to find parents.

Police remind: Fill in the volunteer and make up the registration must be completed under the guidance of the class teacher or the school. Every year, before and after the college entrance examination, it is a high incidence of SMS fraud. At the same time, this period is also the stage of the mid-term examination of primary and secondary schools and the enrollment evaluation of primary schools, and criminals will always take advantage of the poor communication between parents and the school to impersonate school teachers and class teachers through text messages to carry out fraud.

● Heavy! The provincial government held an on-site meeting in Kunming! It is necessary to resolutely fight the battle of turning economic work around and being a good leader!

● To take off! Kunming was identified as an international comprehensive transportation hub city! Qujing and Dali have also been entrusted with heavy responsibilities by the state!

●Kunming Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued the latest tips: these personnel please report immediately!

Kunming Information Harbor Finishing Editor

Source: Kunming Wuhua Education Public Account, Kunming Anti-Telecom Network Fraud Center

Editor: Li Guifang

Audit: Cong Forest

Final Judge: Song Jianbo

wary! These people must be liars