
Talk about the four levels of enterprise employees' love and dedication

author:Talk about the workplace safely

Author: Xie Limin

Source: World Family Garden Academic, No. 10, 2018

Abstract: Do a line, love a line; work with love, you will have fun. Dedication refers to our fundamental attitude towards the division of labor and the nature of work, and is the fundamental driving force and source of strength for career development. Only with a high degree of professionalism will there be greater enthusiasm and motivation for work. The spirit of "loving the motherland, being loyal to the people, scrupulously fulfilling one's duties, being honest and honest in performing official duties, seeking truth and being pragmatic, pioneering and innovating, taking into account the overall situation, and uniting and cooperating" actually requires us to have good political quality, ideological style, moral sentiment, work attitude, and spiritual outlook.

Keywords: love and dedication; love industry; fine industry; diligent industry; happy industry

On this day of rapid economic development, the industry competition is intensifying, if the enterprise wants to develop rapidly in the fierce competition, and the individual wants to survive and develop in the enterprise, it is required that the employees of the enterprise must play the spirit of love and dedication.

So what is dedication? I think that loving one's post and dedicating oneself to one's work is to love one's own work, to treat one's work with a serious and serious attitude, to be diligent and conscientious, to be loyal to one's duties, to be conscientious in one's work spirit and work style. Loving the post is a common requirement for people's work attitude. Loving one's own job means that professional workers treat various professional labors with a correct attitude and strive to cultivate a sense of happiness and honor in the work they are engaged in. Once a person falls in love with his own profession, his body and mind will be integrated in professional work, and he will be able to make extraordinary careers in ordinary posts.

Without understanding the path to success, employees cannot gradually improve themselves, and likewise, they cannot clearly see the different levels that are gradually approaching the state of dedication, and employees are more likely to fall into the quagmire of satisfaction, and they cannot continuously change their work status step by step, from infancy to maturity.

In the path to dedication, we can see four levels: love, excellence, diligence and happiness.

The truth about putting karma first is obvious, but most people don't necessarily understand it. They often believe that whether a person can achieve career achievements is determined by his own ability or the depth of his background, and whether he has sufficient enthusiasm for his work is often not considered. In fact, this kind of thinking reflects the common misunderstanding of employees. There is no one who is really dedicated, and the reason why they choose to engage in a certain career when they first enter the workplace is not necessarily because of any specific material reasons or honor factors, but only because of their hobbies. Mr. Zhao Yuanren, a famous scholar in modern times, has a lot of architecture in physics, mathematics, musicology and other aspects all his life, and the field that finally achieved the peak of his career is indeed in linguistics, his daughter once asked him why, Mr. Zhao replied: "Because linguistics is fun." Although the words are simple, they contain a very profound truth, when a person can love a certain industry because of simple fun, he must have a truly dedicated foundation, ready for future achievements.

Only with the necessary enthusiasm for the business can we talk about being proficient in the business. Proficiency in their own job business cannot be obtained in a short period of one or two trainings, and employees must pass a considerable amount of work practice, and invest enough work energy, on the basis of sufficient experience, in order to talk about the business to the point of pure fire. Only those who truly love business will stem from their enduring enthusiasm for work, repeatedly study and explore the laws thereof, and finally have excellent business capabilities. Therefore, we can not only see the stage of fine karma as an extension and improvement of the stage of love karma, but also as preparation for diligent career.

Karma is good at being diligent and absurd, and doing is destroyed by thinking and destroying. In the real workplace, many employees of enterprises who look ordinary have a full love for their job work and are diligent and diligent, and strive to reach the level of "fine industry". Qingdao Port once held a crane race, at a height of 50 meters equivalent to sixteen or seventeen floors, the technical experts on the large crane suspension operation platform were in a state where the bullseye on the ground platform could not be seen at all, but the contestants could operate the machine according to the feeling, and the small hole in the 10 rings of the target center was not bad and stable and accurate; and the loading and unloading technical staff could put a bottle of wine on the side of the bucket of the large forklift, and pour the wine into an ordinary wine glass with a diameter of only a few centimeters when the wine bottle was not visible Ordinary workers can blindfold and disassemble and assemble the valve within a minute; the driver of the cart can operate a cart to thread the needle, and the operator is at least two or three meters away from the pinhole...

Later, someone interviewed these outstanding employees and asked them what kind of motivation they had to practice so hard, and these simple technicians replied that they could do it with the expectation of improving their abilities. Facts show that excellence and serious responsibility are necessary conditions for obtaining a new height in the workplace.

Seiko is to be able to have excellent knowledge and technology, and these knowledge and technology must be used in the practice of business so as not to be wasted. Therefore, being diligent in business is the third level of professionalism.

McDonald's has tens of thousands of fast food chains around the world, and they have very high quality requirements for their employees. New hires need to be trained before they can take up their jobs, while veteran employees have to set aside an hour a day to study. This hour is during the employee's working hours, and the company pays the employee's salary to recharge itself, while McDonald's does not see the hour's salary as a cost, but instead as an investment. In fact, any high-efficiency enterprise encourages employees to actively and diligently exercise their business capabilities, contact and improve in practice, and employees themselves should be more diligent in operation, diligent in thinking and exploration, only in this way can they finally obtain professionalism.

When the above three levels have been basically possessed, the "leye" that is closest to the state of dedication can naturally arrive. The so-called happy karma, not only refers to the simple ability to get happiness from work, but refers to the people at this time, who have developed a good mentality, can not only experience the emotional gains brought by the work, but also can smoothly adjust the mentality, face the pressure, the profession has become its own life needs, and it is difficult to give up. When this spiritual level is finally reached, the best state of dedication is successfully achieved.

Success can not rely on only one word, really want to get the recognition of others in the workplace, what you need is to follow the above four levels, through different steps of efforts, gradually achieve the adjustment and improvement of work status, become a dedicated and reliable employee.

In these steps, the first thing to pay attention to is the mindset. No matter how you see your work, start by changing your perspective now and look for any bright spots that will appeal to you so you can feel it. Secondly, what you also need to pay attention to is the specific method, through effective repeated practice and thinking, in order to be able to get experience from the seemingly boring work practice. Finally, employees also need the necessary summary, only in a timely manner to their own work in a fairly deep reflection, fine and diligent two levels, the role of employee efforts can finally be reflected, and finally enter the state of happy industry, become the most dedicated employees.

(Author Affilications:Party School of Zhuzhou Municipal Party Committee)