
I've walked the path you've walked, but I can't meet again

author:Think more and more

This year's Qingming Festival, I am still in home isolation.

I've walked the path you've walked, but I can't meet again

Standing on the balcony, looking at the lonely street, I remembered the people who loved me, who I loved.

Over the years, the most important people in life have been lost.

My uncle had a heart attack, and when he left, it was a cold winter, and I was still studying. I didn't see him for the last time.

Grandma died in the summer.

The night before he died, he slept in the same room as me. She was in good health, but that night, she began to talk nonsense, that she had fallen, and by the time the doctor arrived, she had lost consciousness. Say it's cerebral hemorrhage.

Neither my aunt nor her parents could say a word to her and left.

Dad worked in the unit before he died, after retirement has been in poor health, dragging on the bed for several years, the mother's patience is exhausted, I want to earn money because my in-laws are poor, and I care little about him.

He died in the winter, and we were all around before leaving.

Mom had a heart attack three years after dad's death and had no vital signs by the hospital.

And grandma, grandpa, aunt, they all used to love me so much, and they all went to heaven.

I've walked the path you've walked, but I can't meet again

The picture in my head is blurry and clear, clear and blurry.

I tried to collect their voices and smiles together. But I found that the picture was messy.

When I opened the album, some of the photos were also yellowed, but I found that my favorite uncle and I did not leave the same frame image, and the photos of my parents when I was a child were discarded.

When I was young, I was always very rebellious, and my mother said east and west, often bumping into her. After getting married, my mother rarely came to my house because the two of them were always arguing. She dislikes my bad living habits, things are always thrown around, it is a meal of picking, and then she says tired, I said who let you do it, I like chaos...

Now that I think about it, I feel that someone is nagging, and it is also a happy thing that mother and daughter can hate each other. But time never came. I can only recall those warm pictures again and again in my memory, looking forward to meeting in my dreams, even if it is a hug, holding hands, it is also a comfort to the soul.

I've walked the path you've walked, but I can't meet again

Suddenly, I remembered a few lyrics: I have walked the road you have walked; this is not a meeting; the wind that blows you have blown; this is not a hug; I still like you so much; I want to go white with you. I still like you so much, just because of your gentleness...

We are always afraid of losing, but we can't escape life and death.

Obviously restrained myself, don't cry today, but when I think of them, I finally surrendered.

The hand tapping the keyboard was trembling, and tears slipped quietly.

But I know that the deceased relatives want me to live well, because in their hearts, I am still their most beloved and spoiled child?

What elder doesn't want their children to be happy?