
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

author:Palm Ruyang

Participation for all!

Ruyang County is fully launched!

April this year is the 34th Patriotic Health Month, the theme is "Civilized, Healthy, Green environmental protection." ”

In order to further advocate and practice a civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle, and build a solid health barrier for the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, taking the 70th anniversary of the patriotic health campaign and the 34th patriotic health month as an opportunity, we jointly call on citizens and friends to take action, work together to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control, enhance the awareness of civilization and health, rectify the production and living health environment, and develop good living habits.

First, widely publicize and let the concept of civilization and health penetrate the hearts of the people. All industries and departments in our county and all advanced health units have made full use of propaganda slogans, billboards, electronic screens, posters, videos and other methods that the masses like to hear, deepen the "green travel", "disc action", "meal sharing chopsticks", "garbage classification" and "healthy and happy running" into organs, units, enterprises, schools, and communities, advocate the people of the county to cultivate a civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle, and form a good atmosphere in which everyone hands-on and everyone participates in the patriotic health campaign.

Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

Shared electric vehicles for green travel

Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

Garbage sorting

Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

Second, comprehensive rectification, so that the home environment is more clean and beautiful. The whole county actively carries out environmental sanitation cleaning, thoroughly cleans up the dead ends of sanitation, removes the breeding grounds of vector organisms, reduces the transmission routes of diseases, sorts garbage, strengthens the cleaning and disinfection of public goods and public areas, purifies homes, workplaces and public spaces, and creates a clean and tidy production and living environment.

Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

Epidemic prevention and control The county has eliminated killing

Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

Township greening

Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

Green mountains and green water purify Ruyang

Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

Green maintenance Moisturize green plants

Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

Plant pine trees

Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

Peony railings are installed in the green belt

Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

Third, scientific prevention and control will make the epidemic strict defense line unbreakable. At present, although the epidemic prevention and control situation in our county is generally good, we cannot take chances and be paralyzed. It is necessary to strictly abide by the relevant regulations on epidemic prevention and control, take the initiative to cooperate with nucleic acid testing, implement the "one-meter line", do less mobile, wash hands frequently, wear masks, ventilate frequently, do not eat together, do not gather, do a good job of personal and family protection, such as fever, cough and other symptoms, and strictly follow the requirements of medical institutions for fever clinics.

Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

Actively cooperate with nucleic acid testing and implement the "one-meter line"

Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

Strictly abide by the relevant regulations on epidemic prevention and control

Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

Fourth, pay attention to health, so that green environmental protection into life. It is necessary to take the "Civilized, Healthy, Green and Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle Manual" as an important content, firmly establish the concept of "everyone is the first responsible person for their own health", do not spit on the ground, do not litter, implement the meal sharing system, and actively participate in the "disc action". Practice a healthy lifestyle such as reasonable diet, moderate exercise, smoking cessation and alcohol restriction, psychological balance, etc., so that diet is moderate, living and living are regular, dynamic and static are combined, and the mentality is peaceful, so that a civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle can be integrated into the daily work, life and conscious action of the masses.

Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

Don't spit or litter

Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

Everyone is the first person responsible for their own health

Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all
Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

Let the civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle be integrated into daily life

Ruyang County Launch! Participation of all

The patriotic health campaign is for everyone to participate in and benefit everyone! Let the people of the county actively take action, starting from now, starting from themselves, starting from bits and pieces, cleaning and beautifying their homes, creating a healthy environment and sharing a better life.

- This article is edited by Pocket Ruyang V -

- Part of the source: Luohe Circle -

- Editor-in-Charge -