
Today, I especially miss the Youth League of Jing'an Temple

Today, I especially miss the Youth League of Jing'an Temple

Image from the web



Today is the Qingming Festival, and it was also the puxi unsealing day, but now it seems that it will continue to be closed for a period of time, so there are many ridiculous passages on the Internet, and one of the "yin" characters is the most popular word at the moment.

And the most regrettable thing is that the traditional nostalgia for the deceased, the legal holiday, can now only be placed on the Internet to miss the deceased loved ones.

But when my parents were alive, they said to me: To be good to yourself is to be filial to your parents, and to raise nong, to manage your head and feet, you want to be good.

Yes, parents all over the world want their children to live well, and there is an old saying: there are children and grandchildren before there are ancestors. This means that the things of the ancestors are done by the descendants.

When my mother lived to be 90 years old, she said to me: If I die, don't cry, it is a blessing that I can live to be 90 years old, and it is also your blessing.

I asked my mother, you have only lived to be 90 years old, how can you say that you are going to die? He also told us not to cry, but when the man saw it, would he say that we were not filial?

Living well is filial piety to us. My mother answered me in ningbo, which was very hard.

The words of the old man let me know to cherish myself, cherish life, and cherish the present.

01 Jing'an Park

I remember at this time last year, I wrote the article "Pear Blossom Wind Rises In the Clear, Speaking of qingtuan", which changed the sad and miserable description of the Qingming Festival in the past, but clarified that the ancients in the Qingming Festival, in addition to remembering the deceased, a love of nature, the pursuit of the beauty of life, in addition to the song "During the Qingming Festival, the rains are pouring, and the pedestrians on the road want to break their souls...", and also left a lot of beautiful poems such as: "The pear blossom wind rises and is clear, and the wanderers are looking for spring and half out of the city." The sun twilight song is packed up, and the willows are flowing warblers."

The poem presents the bright spring and gentle breeze on the shore of Xizi Lake, where tourists are weaving.

In the evening, the people who walked on the lake have dispersed, and the song has stopped, but the warblers on both sides of the West Lake have a gentle song and the spring color is still the same.

Qingming, all things awakened, and it was already An April day on earth.

Today, I especially miss the Youth League of Jing'an Temple

From the network

Today, on the days when the house is closed, how much I miss the willows by the lake, the peach blossoms on the embankment, and the flowers in the park.

I remember a few years ago, whenever it was clear, I would go to various parks to play, one by one, which was also considered to be stepping on the green. And will say to the young people around them: The sun is exposed, don't go to the park to play.

Why? Because, many parks in Shanghai are a bit cloudy!

Oh yo, now a "yin" is the meaning of health, every day in the nucleic acid, is for yin.

But this yin and that yin are not the same thing.

Today, I especially miss the Youth League of Jing'an Temple

Jing'an Park comes from the network

I will tell you about a park in Shanghai, located in the city center, every day the crowds are weaving, bustling, singing and dancing, it is located at No. 1649 Nanjing West Road, Jing'an Ancient Temple, Shanghai Jiuguang Department Store opposite the Jing'an Park.

02 Foreign graves

Old Shanghainese called Jing'an Park a "foreign graveyard," that is, the foreigners who died in Shanghai.

To this day, some of the large trees of the Jianyuan Cemetery are still preserved in the park, such as the existing sycamore, ginkgo biloba, luohan pine and so on, which are more than 100 years old.

The whole park is convex in shape, bordering Yan'an Middle Road in the south, Huashan Road in the west, and residential in the east. With an area of 39,400 square meters and an annual visitor volume of 2 million visitors, the park is one of the most prime parks in Shanghai.

In the 24th year of Guangxu (1898 AD), the Shanghai Public Concession Ministry of Works bureau built the Jing'an Temple Cemetery here, commonly known as "Foreign Grave Mountain".

Today, I especially miss the Youth League of Jing'an Temple

Jing'an Temple Cemetery comes from the network

When the Republic of China arrived, this cemetery was also opened to Chinese one after another, so some Shanghainese who had some power and financial status also bought graves for their late parents here, and there were also shou caves, such as the famous Zhang Daqian who bought shou caves here, and his shou caves were near the famous people in Shanghai's financial circles - Xiaogang Li Jiakun's four rooms, including Zhang Daqian's confidant with a red face, the life cave of Shanghai patriotic female painter Li Qiujun, including Li Qiujun's brother and sister-in-law.

In 1953, the Shanghai Municipal People's Government invested 180,000 yuan to convert the cemetery into a park, and at the same time, all the original cemeteries were moved out and buried in Dachang Cemetery.

Today, I especially miss the Youth League of Jing'an Temple

The ruins of Dachang Cemetery come from the network

Dachang Cemetery, built in 1936, which is divided into four areas of heaven, earth, Xuan and Huang, with Tianzi as the optimal location, at that time, the burial area of 6 feet of tombs, only 2 and a half quintals of rice, the other 4 feet below the collection of a carton, and later 150 yuan per cave, in 1937, soldiers who died in the Battle of Songhu in Shanghai were buried in Dachang Cemetery, and successively buried the tombs of 25 martyrs such as Gu Zhenghong, Yuhua, roushi, and 325 PLA soldiers who died in the liberation of Shanghai.

Dachang Cemetery, for the construction of Jing'an Park, should assume the obligation and responsibility, so that the ancestors can rest here in peace.

03 Eight Views of Jing'an

On October 3, 1955, Jing'an Park was officially opened to the public and became a public place for shanghai citizens to relax and entertain.

In 1978, the Shanghai Municipal Garden Department invested 220,000 yuan to demolish the original church and cremation door in the south of the park and convert it into a tea room.

In October 1998, the People's Government of Jing'an District of Shanghai decided to take the construction of the Yan'an Road Elevated Metro Line 2 as an opportunity to renovate Jing'an Park, aiming to create an open urban garden integrating leisure, fitness, entertainment, ornamentation and tourism with people-oriented, modern garden characteristics and historical and cultural connotations.

Today, I especially miss the Youth League of Jing'an Temple

The park was designed by a Japanese architectural firm and constructed by Shanghai Jing'an District Landscaping Development Co., Ltd. On September 25, 1999, after the completion of the reconstruction, it was opened to the public free of charge.

From 2000 to 2001, it won the titles of "Double Excellent Park" of Shanghai Garden System, "Seven Noes" Civilization Park of Shanghai and Civilized Unit of Shanghai.

Today, I especially miss the Youth League of Jing'an Temple

Speaking of up to now, I have to mention the origin of the name of Jing'an Park, which is the same as the source of the name of Jing'an District in Shanghai.

This is related to the name of Jing'an Temple.

Jing'an Temple, according to legend, was founded in the 10th year (247) of the Three Kingdoms Wu Emperor Sun Quan Chi Wu, initially named Huyu Chongyuan (玄) Temple, located on the north bank of the Wusong River (present-day Suzhou Creek). In the Tang Dynasty, the temple was renamed Yongtai Zen Temple.

In the first year of the Northern Song Dynasty (1008), it was renamed Jing'an Temple.

In the ninth year of the Southern Song Dynasty (1216), because the temple site was approaching the riverbank, the temple foundation was in danger of falling, and the abbot Zhongyi moved the temple to the bank of The Boiling Well in Lupu, which is the current temple site, opposite Jing'an Park.

Today, I especially miss the Youth League of Jing'an Temple

Jing'an Eight Scenic Gardens from the Internet

The most spirited of Jing'an Park is the "Jing'an Eight Scenic Gardens" in the garden within the garden, which is taken from the Chiwu Monument, Chen Chao juniper, pulpit platform, shrimp pond, Yongquan Pavilion, Green Cloud Cave, Hu du lei, and Luzi DuYong, all of which are called "Eight Views of Jing'an".

Among them, the spring in the Yongquan Pavilion is a well in front of the temple, boiling day and night, and it is said that it is connected to the sea, and it is named "the sixth spring under the heavens".

Today, I especially miss the Youth League of Jing'an Temple

Interestingly, when my mother was alive, I often accompanied her to Jing'an Temple to incense, and I also heard a lot of spiritual stories, saying that when doing things, some people saw a lot of blue-eyed and high-nosed people running around in front of the Buddha, at that time, I listened to the frightened hair and stood up, and later, I learned that Jing'an Temple is close to Jing'an Park, and Jing'an Park is the place where foreigners were buried in the past.

I could only touch my little heart, and at that time, I was really timid, and I was even more afraid that my parents would leave us.

A week after the death of my mother, it was the winter solstice, so we overstepped my mother when we held the winter solstice festival at Jing'an Temple, and I drank the bottle of water made from the sixth spring in the world, but in comparison, I still like to eat the youth dumplings made at Jing'an Temple, after all, it is an old brand, thousands of years old.

At the same time, it also let everyone know that Shanghai has a long history, in addition to skyscrapers, high-tech, world finance, there are also "Songze culture" and "Guangfulin" ruins that have been discovered and opened to the outside world, which are Neolithic village groups. In Guangfulin, Fuquan Mountain and other places, there are still prehistoric cultural and human life sites from more than 6,000 years ago.



At the same time, it also shows that there is no need to divide the residential areas in Shanghai into medium and high-end, back to a hundred years ago, they were all rural areas, there were tombs, and some high-end residences were built on the original cemetery, and they were built very beautifully.

Therefore, in Shanghai, where there is little land and money, parks and residences are rebuilt from cemetery plots, which is also the need of urban development, as for feng shui, only people's hearts are good, the spring of XiangyangMen is always there, and there is more than enough to celebrate the good people.

Today is the Qingming Festival, remembering the deceased, in the heart, in the thoughts.

I only hope that the epidemic will end soon, let us return to nature and return to normal life.