
Retired doctors say bluntly: longevity is not about walking more and sleeping more, but insisting on these 2 small things

author:TCM Doctor Ying

When everyone is solemn in their daily lives, so that they diligently pay attention to it, it is too late to bear it, longevity is often desired, health is respected, and hundreds of years old is expected.


Which age group is aging the fastest?

Stage 1: Mild aging, aged 25-35 years

At this stage, it will also be accompanied by the following physiological reactions, such as: lack of energy, physical exhaustion, wilting, easy fatigue, memory loss, easy to catch a cold, poor sleep, loss of appetite, dull skin, stains, decreased immunity, etc.

Retired doctors say bluntly: longevity is not about walking more and sleeping more, but insisting on these 2 small things

The second stage: moderate aging, aged 35-45 years

At this stage, it will also be accompanied by the following physiological reactions, such as: mood swings, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, paranoia, memory loss, menstrual disorders, decreased libido, breast atrophy, bloating, severe stains, dry skin, decreased elasticity, enlarged pores, wrinkles deepened, hot flashes and sweating.

Retired doctors say bluntly: longevity is not about walking more and sleeping more, but insisting on these 2 small things

The third stage: severe aging, aged 45-55 years old

When entering the age of 45, the human body will enter a period of rapid aging, the body is fully aging, and various diseases are entangled; after the women stop menstruating at the age of 45, due to ovarian atrophy, estrogen secretion decreases, skin dehydration and wrinkles, breast sagging, and body weight, which is more likely to cause psychological anxiety, depression and other psychological diseases.


What signals do you send before aging comes?

1. Frequent hair loss

When the hair gradually falls out, everyone's hairline will gradually move backwards, which is one of the characteristics of people who are old, and when these signals appear, most of them are caused by a large number of bad eating habits and daily routines.

Retired doctors say bluntly: longevity is not about walking more and sleeping more, but insisting on these 2 small things

After the hair falls out and the hairline moves back, the person's face will look larger, and the wrinkles on the forehead will be more obvious, which will make the old woman more obvious.

2, wrinkles become more

When people begin to gradually grow old, the face will grow a lot of obvious fine lines, these fine lines are mostly found on the forehead, neck and the corners of the eyes, especially the corners of everyone's eyes, there will be a lot of crow's feet.

Retired doctors say bluntly: longevity is not about walking more and sleeping more, but insisting on these 2 small things

Often this phenomenon means that people's skin elasticity gradually declines, and a large amount of moisture and collagen on the face will gradually lose, which will lead to a series of characteristics of aging in the skin.

3. Face muscle sagging

With the continuous intensification of time, after people reach a certain age, some of the original collagen on the face will be lost in large quantities, and then the apple muscle on the face will not be supported, it will gradually begin to sag, and the nasolabial lines at the corners of the mouth are more obvious, and these parties look particularly old.

Retired doctors say bluntly: longevity is not about walking more and sleeping more, but insisting on these 2 small things


What are the benefits for the body when the elderly walk more?

· Heart health

As everyone ages, not only do they have symptoms such as wrinkles and gray hair, but a series of internal organs and hearts in the business are gradually degenerating.

When people walk in ordinary life, unlike other exercises, in the process of walking, the heart does not need deep blood circulation, which can keep the heart muscle normally supplied blood, and can also improve the heart's ability to pump blood.

Retired doctors say bluntly: longevity is not about walking more and sleeping more, but insisting on these 2 small things

· Protects the joints

In general, middle-aged and elderly people will be accompanied by different degrees of osteoporosis and joint diseases, and are not suitable for some strenuous physical exercise in daily life.

Especially for some obese middle-aged and elderly people, if too intense and high-intensity exercise, it will cause very serious pressure on their joints, and walking is just a fusion of aerobic exercise, it is recommended that you can consume fat in the body, but also reduce the pressure of the relationship.

Retired doctors say bluntly: longevity is not about walking more and sleeping more, but insisting on these 2 small things

· Strengthens the brain

According to the World Health Organization, studies have confirmed that long-term walking exercise can play a role in preventing Alzheimer's disease, which is known as Alzheimer's disease.

Because everyone is in the process of walking, the brain blood supply is relatively sufficient, so it enhances the brain operation, promotes the repair of brain cells, and improves their memory and thinking ability.

Retired doctors say bluntly: longevity is not about walking more and sleeping more, but insisting on these 2 small things


Retired doctors say bluntly: longevity is not about walking more and sleeping more, but insisting on these 2 small things

-- Develop good eating habits

Everyone in daily life must strictly manage their own three meals a day, each meal must be very nutritious and healthy, in addition to this we also need to control their calorie intake, must reduce the intake of too many calories, in order to achieve weight loss and health care effects.

Retired doctors say bluntly: longevity is not about walking more and sleeping more, but insisting on these 2 small things

However, because everyone can not always be in a state of low calorie intake, long-term low calorie intake will make their physique become more obese, but also may cause the problem of weight rebound, it is recommended that everyone every other week to restore a normal diet, the rest of the time continue to maintain a low calorie intake state.

- Smile, ten years less

Many facts have proved that the occurrence of most diseases is related to their own emotions, those who are very easy to get angry in daily life, the central nervous system in the brain of patients is more susceptible to some adverse stimuli, and often such people will have liver problems.

Some patients are sullen and unhappy, the skin color will easily become gray, relatively speaking, it is easier to keep up with wrinkles after a certain age.

Retired doctors say bluntly: longevity is not about walking more and sleeping more, but insisting on these 2 small things

Therefore, if you want to live a long life, you must maintain an optimistic mood in your daily life, although everyone will always encounter some unpleasant things, but everyone should learn to let themselves have an optimistic attitude to face.

After reaching a certain age, you can cultivate more interests and hobbies, learn some new things, do more activities that are beneficial to physical and mental health, and socialize with friends, such as ballroom dancing, exercise, fishing, tai chi and other aerobic activities, which can alleviate depression and physical and mental anxiety.

- Healthy gas station


What parts of the body can be massaged if you want to live a long life?

With the continuous improvement of the quality of life of each household, many people have begun to pay attention to their health problems in their daily lives, hoping that they can prolong their lives.

1. Armpits

The vascular nerves and lymph nodes under the armpits are relatively rich, and regular massage of the armpits can promote blood circulation in the body, and many people will find that they can't help but laugh when massaging the armpits.

Retired doctors say bluntly: longevity is not about walking more and sleeping more, but insisting on these 2 small things

At this time, the organs can be moved and supplied with oxygen, which is good for the brain and the heart and lungs, and can make them function normally.

2. Soles of feet

We all know that there are many acupuncture points on the soles of the feet, and frequent soaking of the feet can promote blood circulation, and in addition to soaking the feet and massaging the soles of the feet, it can also help prevent diseases. There are many peripheral nerves on the soles of the feet that are connected to the heart and brain.

Massaging the soles of the feet at night after soaking the feet promotes blood circulation while also transporting blood to the heart, helping to regulate the balance of the body, improve immunity, and prevent disease.

Retired doctors say bluntly: longevity is not about walking more and sleeping more, but insisting on these 2 small things

3. Spine

The spine is the two largest meridians of the body, and studies have found that the meridians on both sides of the spine are closely related to the internal organs of the body, and regular massage of the spine can stimulate the meridians, make them unobstructed and promote the operation of qi and blood, so that the upper and lower organs of the whole body are nourished.

4. Navel

There are acupuncture points on the navel, and attaching drugs to the navel can help improve discomfort symptoms such as indigestion, and regularly massage the navel in daily life can prevent stroke, remove diseases, and help maintain health.

Retired doctors say bluntly: longevity is not about walking more and sleeping more, but insisting on these 2 small things
