
Dudic: Leo Horoscope 2022 Explained

author:Astrology Welfare Society

Leo Horoscope 2022

Dudic: Leo Horoscope 2022 Explained

The focus this year is obviously on your work. As 2022 begins, retrograde Venus, Pluto, and Mercury unite in your sixth house. Effectively planning and redesigning your approach to work will set the pace not only for your career, but also for all aspects of life. How you manage your time and resources is displayed by your astrolabe.

Because Mercury and Pluto are so close, these are the keys to your success this year. It has to do with how you use your energy and the power of Pluto to transform. Finding new ways to communicate your ideas will put you in a good position.

Meanwhile, Venus Retrograde, you'll do a lot of introspection to figure out the best way to achieve your career ambitions. That's because Venus is in charge of your tenth house business.

Take the time to make your plans until the 29th Venus goes along. You may already have a plan in place, but the direct way to achieve your goals is to implement it.

Saturn is passing through your seventh house of relations, and its hedge phase with the sun, your guardian star, formed on February 16 shows that greater responsibility is needed in the realm of love and romance. This is even more important for your commitment relationship.

Saturn went retrograde after June 5 until October 23. Many Leos have to re-evaluate their relationships. If you have a challenging relationship, you'll find that your partner was a little emotionally distant for a while.

According to astrologers, Saturn is a cool planet, which sometimes separates lovers from each other. This doesn't necessarily mean that this is a permanent feature of your relationship, it just needs to be carefully managed.

If you're really serious about improving the quality of your love life and fixing those broken bridges, then you should compromise appropriately.

Throughout 2022, three important things will stand out.

The eclipse of May 1 takes place in the tenth house of your cause. You will oscillate between family responsibilities and professional responsibilities. It's really been a very tough time. On the one hand, you want to fulfill your professional obligations, but on the other hand, you realize that this is taking up time in family life. This definitely requires a balanced act.

The second occurred during the Lunar Eclipse on May 16. This is a time to enjoy the good life with the people you love the most.

Starting in 2022, the moon and Mars are in your fifth house. If you're thinking about spending money, you should proceed with caution, especially when Jupiter is in charge of this area of your chart, which has only just entered your eighth house of shared resources. This happened at the end of 2021.

Jupiter's passage through the eighth house has paradoxical effects. On the one hand, if you don't do your homework well, speculative projects tend to fail. The eighth house, on the other hand, represents estate, insurance, and other banking matters. It also shows the funds you receive from investors. The Eighth House is one of the wills and estates. Those who are at retirement age find themselves recipients of one-time payments and don't have to work that much.

Jupiter is not alone in your eighth house this year. Neptune joins Jupiter and hits you with a vibrant duo of spiritual power. It's about the work of your inner self. The eighth house is the house of self-transformation, and Jupiter expands your interest in these things. Jupiter also rules the place along with Neptune. As a result, both planets are comfortable and allow you to overcome the psychological complex that has been undermining your efforts for years.

It is worth mentioning that, like the 12th house, the eighth house is also an area associated with sexual intimacy. This will perfectly balance calm and detached Saturn through your seventh house of marriage and important relationships. As an opportunity for you to connect and develop your love, especially to share some of your deeper secrets with your partner.

You have to learn to control this and channel your energy into areas that will provide the best return on your investment in time, money, love, and passion.

When the planets change position on January 19, you'll feel a huge change in direction. The North Node moves to the tenth house where you are in charge of your career, while the South Node moves to the fourth house where you are in charge of family activities. This reiterates the previously mentioned eclipse effect.

Balancing work and personal life matters will be an important theme this year.

Dudic: Leo Horoscope 2022 Explained

2022 Leo love and romance

What's going on in your love life, marriage, and social spheres?

Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn and Venus are the main love planets in leo. This year, Saturn's important transit in your chart is very powerful. You find Saturn traveling in the seventh house of your marriage and major relationship.

Contrary to your sun sign, you will reconsider your position with your loved one. You may now be at some stage in your relationship where some of the human weaknesses you previously overlooked in your life are now beginning to unfold.

Throughout the year, the recurring themes of work and family affairs will be the most important. You feel stressed until April. This reflects the ideological, social, or cultural differences between you and your partner.

This year your idealism reached its climax. When Jupiter moves quickly to your eighth house, it merges with Neptune. This either indicates some sort of spiritual epiphany or some confusion about your position on the relationship.

When Jupiter enters your ninth house on May 11, you begin to experience clearer sensations. This area of your astrolabe is run by Aries and offers more initiative and philosophical convictions. The ninth house is related to your belief system. If you compromise in order to make your partner happy, you finally begin to realize that if you want to be happy in the long run, you have to be true to yourself.

Venus's march in the Palace of Love is important. So when Venus enters your seventh house on March 6, you'll feel a significant uplift or desire to reconnect with your loved one. This trip coincides with the Martian conjunction and makes you feel warm and loving. You want to show your love while also feeling like it's being rewarded.

The March 19 quadrums of Venus and Uranus raise questions about changes in their work schedules, which often affect relationships. On March 29, Venus and Saturn converged. This can have a calming effect on your relationships.

You will feel alienated from the person you love. You need to put in more effort.

After June 23, as Venus moves to the 11th house, friendship may play a bigger role in your life.

This means that you have to double-check any new acquaintances. Others have an element of deception, and you have an element of overconfidence.

Venus has a significant impact on your relationships and on yourself. This is even more noticeable when you re-enter your sun sign on August 12. The love star Jupiter and Jupiter form an excellent trichotomy, which occurs on August 18. It's an age of love. It's also a time in your life when you're likely to receive unexpected gifts or favors. You'll enjoy this time slot, not just because of what you received, but because you exude more confidence, charm, and sexiness.

After Venus and Uranus form a trichotomy on September 20, expect an unusual, and perhaps unexpected, romantic love. Since Uranus is on its way in your tenth house, this could be a great opportunity to meet new people or others through work.

The October 2 hedge with Jupiter suggests that you may have given too much to others. Before 100% offering your heart, you need to build value to others.

Don't rush, so take the time to evaluate everyone you come into contact with.

When Venus passes through Scorpio on October 23, it will form a very difficult quartile with Pluto on the 20th. It's a question that you'll be dealing with more basic human emotions.

You have to stay calm and avoid clashes with people who are trying to undermine you.

The second half of the year is a great time to cultivate relationships. Venus passes through your fifth house of love on November 16, and by November 30, it forms a wonderful trichotomy with your guardian star, the Sun. You feel confident and comfortable with the new people you meet. Take some time to experience more excitement with your loved one or spouse.

Dudic: Leo Horoscope 2022 Explained

Leo's Careers and Finances in 2022

Stability is one of your main keywords this year. Professionally, your sign continues to be affected by Uranus instability. In addition, its retrograde movement increases its volatility, and your professional guardian star Venus is also retrograde in the sixth house of your work environment and colleague agreements!

Almost all of these areas have been hit hard, especially at the beginning of the year. That's why you have to make a solid game plan.

The plans mentioned this year are not only related to your schedule and deadlines. It's about how you will fulfill the necessary responsibilities. It has a lot to do with how you manage the people you work with. Relationships will be a very important part of your year.

Keep it in your diary. If you're dealing with people in a meeting, read between the lines to understand the real motivation.

Between January 20 and February 19, you can connect with the public. This will be important if you happen to be in the field of sales, marketing, or any type of telemarketing. You'll be able to attract more customers. Especially before January 23, the sun and Mercury are ideal.

Between February 19 and March 21, banking will be the focus as the sun passes through the eighth house where you manage shared resources. When the Sun merges with Jupiter, a good opportunity arises. Now is the time to discuss with your bank manager about getting the loan you need at the best interest rate. If you've been thinking about a new business venture, this is also the time to invite venture capitalists to help.

The solar and lunar eclipses that occurred on May 1 and 16, respectively, will be important milestones for 2022. Gain new insights through the experience you gain. It's a spring cleanup that heralds a significant change in direction, especially if you're not happy with what you've done in your career.

So far one of the better periods is the transit eclipse in your 10th house. This is the beginning of some new opportunities. This may not necessarily mean a change in company or location, but it is likely to move up the ladder of success through promotion, at least temporarily. As a result, your finances should improve, albeit at a fairly slow pace.

Speaking of finances, from May 21st to June 21st, the Sun marches in your 11th house is a great time to look forward to a raise and increase the profitability of your business. Throughout August and September, it is also the time when the sun travels in your second house, the Treasury, which also brings good luck and greater cash potential.

September improves with the trimatosity of the Sun and the intersection, especially the formation of the trichotomy with Uranus on September 11, which indicates a sudden and unexpected inflow of funds. As the Sun passes through your third house, make contact with Mercury on September 23. This is an ideal time to renegotiate contracts, especially happy with the deals you've already completed.

The October 25 eclipse is related to real estate transactions and problems around the house. This march and the sun passing through your fourth house and larger tangible assets indicate an opportunity to make money. This will be achieved through the acquisition or sale of real estate, especially in the case of the Mercury convergence on November 9.

The tripartition with Neptune on November 15 and the tripartace with Jupiter on November 21 indicate your desire for work.

A high level of imagination and original ideas will lay the foundation for improving your status in life. You should continue to pursue your goals and believe that it is all possible in 2022.

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Dudic: Leo Horoscope 2022 Explained

Leo's karma, luck and spiritual insight in 2022

Throughout January 2022, new opportunities will continue to emerge. In particular, tap into your inner self by using the favorable phase of Pluto at the North Node to find the parts of your existence that make you happy. Because the transformative Pluto regulation is eliminated, part of the process is to ruthlessly discard elements of personality that no longer serve you. These negative features must be permanently eliminated.

The North Node passes through your 10th house and begins its 18-month cycle on January 19. Most of your luck comes from career opportunities. It reflects a period of success ladder, and the transit of the North Node magnifies these opportunities. This means that promotions can be huge when they appear.

You can't be hesitant or indecisive. The North Node gives you a huge opportunity, but equally, they will be robbed. You don't want to fail because your resolve is shaken.

Mars is the main planet that governs the higher spiritual activities, belief systems, and morals of your ninth house. Its initial connection to your fifth house and moon in 2022 means you're actively interested in meditation and other yoga practices. Interestingly, the fifth house is also associated with sports and competitive activities. You can easily enter the area in any way that suits your personality.

Running, surfing, playing tennis, or team sports are ways to raise mental awareness, mostly by keeping yourself away from obstacles. Exercise is a great way to achieve this throughout January to 24, when Mars will leave the fifth house.

As Mars passes through your ninth house, you are mentally empowered. What happened after May 29 is particularly important because it coincides with Jupiter. You will feel your perception, intuition, and luck increasing. Mars, when it is trichotomous to the Sun on June 17, brings you good luck, health and vitality.

Be careful not to exhaust yourself, as the Pluto quarter phase on July 2 can ruin all the great work you've done.

For the rest of the year, Mars travels to one of your best houses, the 10th house. This is a career field, so profitability can be expected between July 5 and 11. Your life ambitions can be fulfilled after August 20th. Mars continues to travel in these areas of your sign for the rest of the year because it will retrograde. After October 30, it was given more power.

#Horoscope ##星座 #

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