
"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

author:Yan Huanglu

Love is an eternal topic of human beings, and it is also a theme that literary works will always explore.

With the development of society and the progress of human thought, people's pursuit of love is more inclined to the essence of love, that is, the commonality in the true spiritual sense.

To put it simply, it is what the ancients called "confidant", the "soul mate" that modern people seek.

Just as morality cannot completely bind all people, there is no longer a concrete explanation for the rise of love to the spiritual level.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

Li Yinhe

Modern people's definition of love has gradually broadened, and has begun to break through the previous worldly limitations, such as age, such as identity status, and then such as specific ethical relationships, and even a small number of groups have begun to cross-gender niche love.

Although the love between men and women is accepted by most people, people are always different, and there are still a few people who insist on living in accordance with their hearts.

The love of the well-known figure Li Yinhe at this stage is controversial.

Wang Xiaobo and Li Yinhe

When wang Xiaobo is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is his famous work series "Times Trilogy", which was selected as one of the "Top 100 Novels of the twentieth century Chinese", which is the essence of all the novels written by Wang Xiaobo before his death.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

Wang Xiaobo

Whether or not he has read his works, as long as he is a person who likes to read and pays attention to literature in life, he has heard a little about Wang Xiaobo, and the field of literature has once emerged "Wang Xiaobo fever".

Baidu Encyclopedia's introduction video about Wang Xiaobo is accompanied by the title of this: "If you don't know Wang Xiaobo, how can you say that you have culture."

In this way, Wang Xiaobo's influence can be seen.

Wang Xiaobo, a writer with countless readerships in the literary world, is sought after by tens of millions of fans. But if it is said that the most loyal followers, Li Yinhe bears the brunt of it.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

Li Yinhe is the love of Wang Xiaobo's life, as a wife, she is not only Wang Xiaobo's soul mate, but also the support of his life.

Born in Beijing to a family of revolutionary intellectuals, Wang Xiaobo has a talent and interest in writing from an early age. But in fact, during his college years, Wang Xiaobo was proficient in computer use, and even reached the level that he could program independently.

This was rare in that era, so some people later commented that if he was not pleased with literary creation, Wang Xiaobo would definitely be able to achieve fame in the field of the Internet.

Wang Xiaobo is a genius of writing and a believer in literature and art.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

He began writing very early, in order to realize his dream of being a writer, he also put his talents on the computer to serve here, using his computer to write a text input system, through the computer to write.

Edison once famously said about genius, involving inspiration and sweat. Inspiration, Wang Xiaobo is undoubtedly there, but he has paid more than sweat.

The road of literature and art is not easy to follow, and success sometimes needs to be in line with the time. Wang Xiaobo did not have this luck before he died.

Perhaps untimely, the atmosphere of the literary world at that time was not as inclusive as it is today.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

Wang Xiaobo created a large number of literary works, his maverick and daring to break through, at that time the society was full of criticism and restrictions, most of them were unpopular, difficult to publish, so almost useless.

Only the love is invincible for a long time, even if the works of dedication can not be seen by people, Wang Xiaobo still insists on creating, he enjoys the fun, not to please others.

But the reality is indifferent, and his life is extremely difficult to achieve his ideals. Finally, one day, the noble person in Wang Xiaobo's life appeared, and she was Li Yinhe.

Li Yinhe's family is well-off, and it can even be said that she was born noble, and she herself is also a rare talented woman. However, when she met Wang Xiaobo, she committed herself to marrying and voluntarily provided him with the necessary living security, just so that Wang Xiaobo could create with peace of mind.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

What's the hardest thing in the world? Some people say it is a confidant, some people say it is love, so what if you combine a confidant and love?

Someone said, "That is naturally difficult and difficult, and if you can encounter it, it is really a blessing cultivated in a previous life." "Li Yinhe's treatment of Wang Xiaobo is the blessing he has cultivated for eight hundred years."

Li Yinhe was born in Beijing in 1952 to a high-end family whose father was a professor at Chinese Min University and whose mother worked for the People's Daily. Li Yinhe has been a bully since he was a child, and is a veritable "child of other people's families".

In the 1960s, a "movement of young people going to the mountains and going to the countryside" was set off in China. Li Yinhe, who was in high school, had not yet completed his studies and was forced to leave Beijing and go to the countryside to join the team.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

From a privileged family, she was once confused when she faced the barren countryside and ignorant villagers for the first time.

The harsh natural environment and the miserable life of the villagers also made her begin to reflect on the meaning of life. Even in the most difficult years, Li Yinhe did not give up reading and studying.

Through unremitting efforts, at the age of 22, she was admitted to the History Department of Shanxi University.

She has not yet finished her life in the countryside, and she was admitted as a college student of workers, peasants, and soldiers. After graduating from university, she joined Guangming Daily as an editor.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

It was during that time that she was introduced to Wang Xiaobo.

At that time, Wang Xiaobo had a certain popularity with his novel "Green Haired Water Monster" and became an idol of a small number of literary and artistic youth, but it was still far from fame, and his works were only circulated in the form of manuscripts.

Before the two met, Li Yinhe had read "Green Haired Water Monster" and had a deep resonance with the author, she was impressed by the author's talent, developed a good feeling, and paid special attention to it, writing down Wang Xiaobo's name, but that was all.

At that time, Li Yinhe was working at a newspaper, and Wang Xiaobo was a writer, and although the two did not know each other, they had mutual friends. At a casual party, Wang Xiaobo fell in love with Li Yinhe at first sight, and then began a fervent pursuit.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

When Li Yinhe saw Wang Xiaobo for the first time, she was shocked by his appearance, she really did not expect this great talent to be so ugly.

Before that, Li Yinhe had a crush on a handsome handsome guy, but that first love hit her hard.

Later, as soon as the two chatted, Li Yinhe found that people could not be disguised, and although Wang Xiaobo was not proud of his appearance, he talked funny and humorously, and his thoughts were profound.

Importantly, his views and opinions on many things are very compatible with his own. Wang Xiaobo began a fierce pursuit, Li Yinhe was gradually attracted to him, and the two slowly established a romantic relationship.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

The appreciation of each other's personalities and the fit of their souls made them quickly fall in love.

In the early 1980s, the wind of reform blew across the country, and everything was thriving. At this time, Li Yinhe had married Wang Xiaobo, but in order to pursue career progress, she was determined to go to the United States to study for a doctorate, and Wang Xiaobo went to the United States with her.

In the United States, they traveled thousands of miles, traveled extensively, and used their vacation time to travel around Western Europe.

During this period, Wang Xiaobo did not stop creating.

But Wang Xiaobo was not well-known at the time, had little source of income, let alone provided financial support for his family.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

Li Yinhe did not mind this, she deeply admired her husband, spent all her scholarships to maintain the livelihood of the two people, even so, did not allow Wang Xiaobo to go out to work.

It is precisely because of Li Yinhe's full support and selfless dedication that Wang Xiaobo has a stable creative environment and has written many works that will later be called classics. Six years later, the couple returned home together.

In the 1990s, Wang Xiaobo's fame in the Chinese literary scene was notable, but Li Yinhe was not noticeable in comparison.

In fact, from his return to China to his retirement for more than thirty years, Li Yinhe has been committed to the study of Chinese's sexuality, marriage and family issues, and has made outstanding contributions.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

It can be said that without the support and companionship of Li Yinhe, Wang Xiaobo could not have achieved such great literary achievements. Li Yinhe is indeed a noble man in Wang Xiaobo's life.

However, the genius writer Wang Xiaobo died at the age of 45, leaving Li Yinhe alone.

One day in 1997, the writer Wang Xiaobo said to a friend: "I feel like I'm going to die. "Friends only joke when he is talking, who expected it to be a slur."

Within a few days, Wang Xiaobo was found dead at home, and when he left, he did not have a single relative around, and he was tortured in the last few hours of his life.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

The death report given by the forensic doctor was that Wang Xiaobo died of heart failure caused by a thrombosis. What is even more unacceptable is that Wang Xiaobo shouted before he died, but unfortunately, the neighbors did not care at that time.

The self-dissolution of the blood clot was an unbearable pain, and it was no wonder that Wang Xiaobo's teeth were stained with blood after his death, his nails were all white ash, and his entire facial expression was distorted and distorted.

At that time, Li Yinhe was far away from abroad, and when she received a call from her sister, her mind was blank, and she did not dare to imagine what had happened.

Li Yinhe's love for Wang Xiaobo was almost crazy, and what she did not expect was that this departure turned out to be a farewell. Li Yinhe will always remember that Wang Xiaobo accompanied him to the airport that day, and the two embraced tightly before he got on the plane.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

After she rushed home, Wang Xiaobo's body was already placed in his mother's yard, and his friend Hu Bei and others helped take care of Wang Xiaobo's affairs.

After the memorial service, they sent Wang Xiaobo's body to the crematorium, and looking at Wang Xiaobo, who turned into ashes in the blink of an eye, the crowd could not help but cry bitterly.

Hu Bei choked: This is Xiao Bo reluctant to go, his wish has not been fulfilled.

Wang Xiaobo's wish Li Yinhe could not have been clearer. When Wang Xiaobo was 17 years old, he had gone to the countryside to be a zhiqing, and "The Golden Age" was a novel he had conceived for 20 years before and after, which was also his most satisfactory work, but it was sealed again and again, and there was no way to publish it.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

Until Wang Xiaobo's death, thousands of copies of the book were not sold out for the first time. After his death, "The Golden Age" exploded overnight, which was really a creation.

Wang Xiaobo's sudden death made Li Yinhe grief-stricken. Many years after Wang Xiaobo's death, she still can't let go.

In addition to studying her own professional scholarship, Li Yinhe carefully collected Wang Xiaobo's manuscripts, visited his grave, and every year on Wang Xiaobo's death day, she had to issue a eulogy.

Later, the two people's previous letters were also collected into a book, reproducing their love, thoughts and lives.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

People often say on the Internet: There is a kind of love, called Wang Xiaobo and Li Yinhe, which is the heartfelt exclamation of people after reading the book "Loving You Like Loving Life".

New lover

Many people think that because Wang Xiaobo knows Li Yinhe, she is only a supporter behind Wang Xiaobo, but in fact, Li Yinhe herself is also an outstanding figure who has achieved fame.

Li Yinhe has been committed to sociological research for many years, once studied under Fei Xiaotong, the founder of Chinese sociology, and when she went to the United States to study, she also studied this subject, and in the United States, she successfully obtained a doctorate in sociology from the University of Pittsburgh.

In addition, she is also a mentor at the Institute of Chinese Social Sciences, and has been named "one of the 50 most influential figures in China" for her outstanding contributions in her profession, and is the first female sociologist in China to conduct research.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

With so many titles and labels, she has studied a wide range of fields, and she is a senior expert on the most sensitive hot topics at the moment, such as "homosexuality".

In recent years, she has also been active online, often speaking amazingly, and receiving attention from many groups. And her nostalgia for Wang Xiaobo has never stopped.

Just when everyone thought that she would not fall in love with a person again when she was more than half a hundred years old, Li Yinhe once again exploded the eyes of everyone.

In 2014, someone on the Internet revealed that Li Yinhe had been living with a woman for many years as a homosexual.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

As soon as the news came out, Li Yinhe, whose social status and status were not low, was quickly surrounded by public opinion, and some people accused her of wearing the banner of morality and deceiving and using minorities.

In the face of external doubts, Li Yinhe did not hide and retreat. She took the initiative to come forward and announce everything to people, and she did not deny the fact that she lived with the same sex, and even disclosed the details of her interaction with the other party.

Her new lover is named "Daxia", although she has a daughter body, but has a masculine mind and heart, the two have lived together for many years, living happily, and Li Yinhe frankly said that she will go on with "Daxia" in the future and does not mind entering the marriage hall.

The "big man" is 12 years younger than Li Yinhe, a taxi driver, although he does not have much culture, but has a hot heart. The two first met because of Li Yinhe's need for non-traditional sexology research.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

In the process of understanding day after day, the two exchanged feelings and came together, and later Li Yinhe's family also accepted the hero.

Today, the two have been together for 18 years and have adopted a boy.

For the relationship between the two, Li Yinhe does not think that it is "gay", she describes this relationship as a "transgender relationship", which means that the purest love does not use gender as the boundary and basis.

In this way, many people naturally cannot understand, in the eyes of outsiders, this is the feeling of "Lala".

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

But none of this matters, after Wang Xiaobo, Li Yinhe finally found a person who can be called a "lover", which may be her greatest luck in her later years.

The world's inquiry into love will never stop.

Nowadays, people's understanding of different things is also diversified, which is a manifestation of the progress of human civilization and a microcosm of a specific culture.

Man is the most powerful life on Earth precisely because everyone has different thoughts and lifestyles.

"Alternative" Li Yinhe: The first person in domestic sexology, Wang Xiaobo's widow, fell in love with transgender people

Li Yinhe undoubtedly provides us with a reference, the world is beautiful because of its color, and everyone has the freedom to chase the ideal life in their hearts.