
Pilot China and South Korea launched the "Help Fight the Epidemic • Love Donation" activity

author:Tai'an today

At the moment of the epidemic, community workers and volunteers are on the front line, working day and night, racing against time to protect the safety of the city. In order to support and ensure the prevention and control of the epidemic in the whole region, in the past few days, Miao Haiquan, chairman of Tai'an Pilot China-Korea Sports Training School Co., Ltd. and member of the Taishan District CPPCC Committee, deeply felt responsible and immediately set up a "Pilot China-South Korea Group" to carry out the activity of "Helping Fight the Epidemic • Love Donation".

At the event, the "Pilot China-Korea Group" donated masks, instant noodles, drinking water, alcohol, protective clothing, disinfectant and other materials to the public security police, community workers and volunteers who are in the front line of epidemic prevention and control, and expressed cordial greetings and high respect for their selfless dedication and hard work.

Pilot China and South Korea launched the "Help Fight the Epidemic • Love Donation" activity

As the vice president unit of the Taishan District New Federation Entrepreneurs Alliance, he donated epidemic prevention materials

Pilot China and South Korea launched the "Help Fight the Epidemic • Love Donation" activity

Donate to the provincial town

Pilot China and South Korea launched the "Help Fight the Epidemic • Love Donation" activity

The joint Communist Youth League sector went to the Sangjiayan community in Shanggao Street to make a donation

Pilot China and South Korea launched the "Help Fight the Epidemic • Love Donation" activity

Lead the "Pilot China-Korea Team" to the Traffic Police Detachment Chengdong Brigade for donation

Pilot China and South Korea launched the "Help Fight the Epidemic • Love Donation" activity

The "Pilot China-Korea Group" donated to the Daimiao Street Office

Pilot China and South Korea launched the "Help Fight the Epidemic • Love Donation" activity

The "Pilot China-Korea Group" donated to the Xiangyang community in Taiqian Street

Pilot China and South Korea launched the "Help Fight the Epidemic • Love Donation" activity

The "Pilot China-Korea Team" sent two volunteers to help with nucleic acid testing

Pilot China and South Korea launched the "Help Fight the Epidemic • Love Donation" activity

The "Pilot China-Korea Group" donated to Fanjia Guanzhuang Village in Shanggao Street

Pilot China and South Korea launched the "Help Fight the Epidemic • Love Donation" activity

The "Pilot China-Korea Group" went to the Daimiao police station to make a donation

Pilot China and South Korea launched the "Help Fight the Epidemic • Love Donation" activity

The "Pilot China-Korea Group" donated to the Panhe community in Congee Street

Pilot China and South Korea launched the "Help Fight the Epidemic • Love Donation" activity

The "Pilot China-Korea Group" donated to Porridge Shop Middle School

Miao Haiquan said that in the future, he will continue to lead the "Pilot China-South Korea Group" to shoulder the responsibility of epidemic prevention and control, devote themselves to the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, have the courage to take responsibility, strive to set an example, and do their part for epidemic prevention and control.