
Coinciding with the Qingming Festival education can not be less, these 5 far-reaching things must be done with children

author:Early education mom parenting is preferred

"During the Qingming Festival, the rain is pouring, and the pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." The Qingming Festival is coming, and as one of the four traditional festivals in China, the "Qingming Festival" is not only a festival but also a festival, which is highly valued by Chinese.

Coinciding with the Qingming Festival education can not be less, these 5 far-reaching things must be done with children

One of the 24 solar terms of the Qingming Festival, also known as the Qingqing Festival and the Ancestor Worship Festival, has both natural and humanistic connotations.

In the past, parents or schools would organize tomb sweeping and green walking. However, today is more special, coinciding with the epidemic raging, students are suspended from school and holidays, and parents work from home. Going out is naturally abandoned, and even then we still have to pass on the festive significance of the "Qingming Festival" to the children.

How to give your children a different Qingming Festival at home? These 5 things must be done with the child:

(1) Tell your children about the origin and meaning of the Qingming Festival.

There is already a record of "Qingming" in the Huainanzi Astronomical Training. During the Tang and Song dynasties, customs such as sweeping tombs, walking on green, swinging, and flying kites gradually formed.

The festival culture has been passed down from generation to generation, and now, every year in the Qingming Dynasty, we still worship our ancestors and visit the tombs of martyrs.

However, there is a story about the origin of Qingming, perhaps few people know, today to share him with everyone, remember to tell the children.

Coinciding with the Qingming Festival education can not be less, these 5 far-reaching things must be done with children

The origin of the Qingming Festival

(2) Explain to children about the customs of the Qingming Festival.

There are many more customs about the Qingming Festival than the well-known tomb sweeping, such as:

[Breeze] stepping green

Coinciding with the Qingming Festival education can not be less, these 5 far-reaching things must be done with children

Before and after the Qingming Dynasty, the temperature rose, the rain increased, and everything grew vigorously, and everywhere was full of spring. This is to go out and walk in the green, feel the fresh air, embrace the spring, and pray for a new year without pain and peace.

[Breeze] swing

Coinciding with the Qingming Festival education can not be less, these 5 far-reaching things must be done with children

Swing is a kind of traditional Chinese folk sports game. In ancient times, there was the custom of swinging during the Qingming Festival, and the Swing of the Qingming Festival had the meaning of strengthening the body and moving forward bravely. It is a sign of good health in the new year.

[Breeze] Fly a kite

Coinciding with the Qingming Festival education can not be less, these 5 far-reaching things must be done with children

The custom of flying kites comes from the good wishes of people in the old days, whenever the kite is clear, fly the kite, when the kite flies high and far. Pick up scissors and cut it, let the kite fly away, the farther away the better, hoping that the kite will take away disease and disaster. Only good luck is left.

[Breeze] tree planting

Coinciding with the Qingming Festival education can not be less, these 5 far-reaching things must be done with children

Qingming has always had the custom of "planting trees". At this time, the temperature is suitable for sufficient sunlight, especially suitable for tree growth. Planting trees has the meaning of remembering ancestors and looking forward to a better future. Small trees sprout, grow strongly, and new hope grows little by little.

[Breeze] Qingming touched the egg

Coinciding with the Qingming Festival education can not be less, these 5 far-reaching things must be done with children

In addition to "sweeping the grave" and "stepping on the green", there is also a more important custom in the Qingming Dynasty is "touching eggs".

Parents can boil a few eggs for the baby, take out a paintbrush to decorate it after cooking, draw a nose, mouth, eyes, and so on. You can also doodle as you please.

Whichever side of the collision saves the egg intact until the end is the winner.

Eggs can be eaten after the game.

Many activities at home during the epidemic cannot be realized, so I can't help but start working with my children to make food or small handicrafts about "Qingming".

For example: paper cup chrysanthemum.

Coinciding with the Qingming Festival education can not be less, these 5 far-reaching things must be done with children

Paper tray decorative painting

Coinciding with the Qingming Festival education can not be less, these 5 far-reaching things must be done with children

Parents can accompany the baby to make works while telling the baby a story related to the Qingming Festival.

(3) Recite ancient poems related to the Qingming Dynasty.

Regarding the poems of Qingming, Du Mu's Qingming is very familiar to us, but what other poems besides this poem are related to Qingming?

In order to expand the knowledge of children. Next, I will share 5 poems with you. Remember to accompany the baby to read and memorize.

Coinciding with the Qingming Festival education can not be less, these 5 far-reaching things must be done with children

clear and bright

Coinciding with the Qingming Festival education can not be less, these 5 far-reaching things must be done with children

Clear Night

Coinciding with the Qingming Festival education can not be less, these 5 far-reaching things must be done with children

Cold food on the way

Coinciding with the Qingming Festival education can not be less, these 5 far-reaching things must be done with children

Cold food

Coinciding with the Qingming Festival education can not be less, these 5 far-reaching things must be done with children

Su Di Qingming is the matter

(4) Life education, talk to children about life, old age, illness and death.

Qingming Festival children know that it is to pay tribute to and commemorate the deceased and the martyrs who created a better life for us. Children will wonder why people die. Where do people go when they die?

Children have a vague understanding of life education. Many parents avoid mentioning death to their children, but the best education is for children to understand and learn to face and accept.

Children of different ages perceive death differently. Therefore, we must pay attention to ways and methods.

If your baby is about 5 years old, here is a good book on life education, that is, "The Gift of badger".

Coinciding with the Qingming Festival education can not be less, these 5 far-reaching things must be done with children

Through picture book stories, understand that the loss of life is not terrible, death is not the end of life, there is a loving life, will make people miss forever.

Coinciding with the Qingming Festival education can not be less, these 5 far-reaching things must be done with children

The picture book "The Badger's Gift" is hailed as the best reading book for life education, and Grandma Badger is dead, but the warmth and love he left to the world is still there.

It also makes children understand that death is not the end of everything, as long as it is not forgotten, the lost life will exist around us in another way and will not dissipate.

(5) Gratitude education. Feel the traditional Chinese "filial piety" culture of "filial piety first".

Parents serve as role models for their children. Qingming Festival should have a sense of ceremony, passing on the feeling of nostalgia for martyrs and deceased relatives. It also allows children to understand the inheritance of respect and spirit, and lets children learn to be grateful for life and cherish the present.

Of course, for the little baby, we can also let them understand life education through fun and interesting things, may wish to accompany the child at home to plant a seed, if the small seed wants to take root and sprout, it is indispensable to take care of carefully, the child in the watering, sun, weeding, perseverance every day as a day in the process will experience the care of a small life is not easy. More empathetic thinking to understand the hardships of parents and mothers, learn to be grateful, learn to share, and learn to have a sense of responsibility.

Life is education, just in time for the Qingming, festival education can not be less, I hope you and your baby can have a far-reaching Qingming Festival.

#清明节有哪些你不知道的习俗 #

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