
Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!

author:Wenxian release

It is located in the village of Wangtun Township in Xiuwu County

Since March 18

I see such a group of people every day


Or walk in and out of people's homes

Or pedal an electric tricycle to ride on the country road

It is a white-clad angel who rushes to the aid of Wenxian People's Hospital to repair Wu

Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!
Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!
Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!
Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!
Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!
Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!


The world has given them a lot of roles —

Parents, children, wives, husbands

And at the moment

Their only role

It is retrograde white

Tough task

It is completely encircled and sealed

Fight out the outbreak as soon as possible

Abandoning her father and abandoning her son, she did not flinch backwards

On the evening of March 23, Zhang Huili, a nurse in the supply room who had just completed the sampling work of the day and was preparing to rest, suddenly received an urgent call from her husband: "Dad has a sudden heart attack!" The situation is critical! ”

Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!

The two young children in the family have been taken care of by the in-laws, at this time the father-in-law suddenly fell ill, the husband who was already busy, the heart was confused, work, housework, children's online classes, tutoring homework... What to do? Hearing her husband's appeal, she was silent for a long time, but still firmly replied: "No! I can't go back now! I need it here! ”

Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!

The support captain learned of this and wanted to help her apply for a return, but she refused. She still chose to stay, during the day she put everything down to concentrate on work, and at night she worried about her father and elder at home. Someone asked, "Aren't you worried about your family?" "Aren't you worried about your child's learning?" "Do you regret it?" ...... She replied firmly: "Since I chose to come to cultivate martial arts support, I should first do my own work well, so that I can be worthy of my family's support for me!" Because I am an angel in white! ”

With great love, she is a role model for children

Feng Zijie, a nurse from the anesthesiology department, lost her parents at the age of Miao Ling, and after becoming a mother, she was inspired to become a role model for her children.

Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!

On March 18, when she learned of the epidemic in Xiuwu, she enthusiastically signed up, became a pioneer in the fight against the epidemic, and rushed to help Xiuwu, only for her promise: "I want to be a role model for my children!" Make him proud of me! ”

Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!

In fact, she knows that her family at this time also needs her. The mother-in-law in the advanced stage of breast cancer is in the critical stage of chemotherapy; the 6-year-old child is also the age that needs a mother. However, she chose to go retrograde without hesitation. Her husband encouraged her: "Go ahead! I have it at home! Late at night, after a busy day, she finally had a moment of peace, through the WeChat video, she saw the child she had not seen for several days, "Mom, you are awesome! Mom, you've worked hard! Hearing the child's childish encouragement, she was tired and suddenly full of strength...

Cloaked in armor, she was such a military sister-in-law

Wang Dan, from the dialysis room, is both a nurse and a military sister-in-law, and has been gathering with her husband for many years. This year, the husband's hard-won family leave has encountered the epidemic.

Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!
Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!
Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!

She is an angel, but also a white warrior, and with the encouragement of her husband, she gave up this rare reunion and joined the support team to fight the epidemic on the front line. In the villagers' homes, a warm word, a cordial greeting, she used her actions to touch the people waiting to collect nucleic acid, showing the responsibility and responsibility of the white-clad angels and military sisters-in-law.

"Hong Changqing", the head of the Girl Scout Army "Male"

Ran Xiangang from the dialysis room, a big man in his early thirties, became the captain of the WenXian Aid Medical Team of the ninety percent of the women's army. Not only is it responsible for everyone's daily life during the period of aid, but also to contact and dock with the secretaries of the party branches of various townships and villages, and it is even more necessary to go deep into the homes of various people to collect nucleic acid with everyone.

Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!
Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!
Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!
Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Praise Wenxian People's Hospital "retrograde"!

In the early morning, when everyone has not yet gotten up, he is already distributing supplies and delivering food; late at night, everyone has fallen asleep, he is still writing and drawing on the hotel table, combing and distributing the next day's work... Wangtun Township has 15 villages and more than 5,200 households, and every day they need to rely on him to assign work tasks.

He is the captain of everyone, and he is also the "big butler" of everyone. With his help, 99 WenXian aid angels struggled to hold on to this battlefield!

Wenxian Rong Media Center reporter Wang Mengjie correspondent Ren Huaijiang Zheng Yawen reported

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