
With a spring diet, the child is healthy and strong and less sick

author:Child nutritionist Huang Tingwei

Spring is coming, the grass is long and warblers fly, many parents like to take their children out on an outing to walk in the spring, close to nature, looking at the buds and bright flowers, making people feel relaxed and comfortable. But spring is also a high incidence of disease, the temperature difference between day and night is large, the breeding of bacteria and viruses, pollen allergies, all of which challenge children's immunity.

How to improve the child's immunity, so that the child's health is strong and less sick, is a problem that many parents pay attention to, but the situation is different in each season, in the face of different climates, parents should also adjust in the child's diet and living habits, so as to more effectively and scientifically improve the child's immunity.

With a spring diet, the child is healthy and strong and less sick

So in the spring, how can parents match their children's diets to be more reasonable and help their children grow up healthily?

  1. Eat more vegetables and fruits

Winter weather is dry, vegetables and fruits are single, many children in the winter will have chapped lips, inflammation, which is mainly the reason for dry, fruits, vegetables are too few. In the spring, parents need to supplement this nutrition for their children, eating some seasonal fruits and vegetables, such as celery, spinach, rapeseed, mulberry, pineapple and so on.

With a spring diet, the child is healthy and strong and less sick
  1. Eat more foods that moisturize the lungs and dissolve phlegm, mainly light

Spring is the season of frequent respiratory diseases, and it is necessary to eat more foods that moisturize the lungs and dissolve phlegm, such as white radish, green vegetables, etc. The diet is best to be light, do not have big fish and meat, you can make some light soup for children to drink, such as shiitake tomato soup, white fungus soup and so on.

  1. The variety of staple foods is diverse

In the spring, children like to go out to play, physical exertion naturally becomes larger, the need for calories and nutrition have increased, parents can prepare a variety of staple foods for their children at this time, rather than simple rice, pasta, when boiling porridge, you can add red beans, peanuts, black rice and other cereals, supplement a variety of nutrition, balanced diet.

With a spring diet, the child is healthy and strong and less sick
  1. Eat less spicy, greasy foods

Spring because of the climate, it is easy to occur respiratory diseases, in the diet to eat less spicy food, so as not to stimulate the intestines and lungs, while spring is the season of hair, to eat less lamb, pork and other greasy food, so as not to increase the burden of the stomach and intestines, causing discomfort to children.

  1. Eat more sweets

Chinese medicine says that the five tastes into the five viscera, the spring liver is exuberant, the sour taste into the liver, to eat less sour food, and the sweetness into the spleen and stomach, the spleen and stomach is an important organ of human digestion and absorption, only the spleen and stomach are good, in order to better absorb the nutrition of food, promote physical development, in the spring can eat more sweets, nourish the spleen and stomach, such as sugar cane, dates, pumpkins and other foods, children can eat more.

With a spring diet, the child is healthy and strong and less sick

Spring in addition to the spring warm blossoms suitable for outings, but also a good time for children's physical growth and development, rapid growth and height, many parents hope to use this time, let children through diet to achieve a jump, so how can parents do to help their children?

As the saying goes, "the plan of the year lies in the spring", spring has arrived, children like to play outdoors, the time for children to bask in the sun naturally increases, at the same time, the body will synthesize vitamin D because of ultraviolet radiation, help the digestion and absorption of calcium, so that children grow faster, which is also the reason why children generally grow faster in spring. And the child's diet, parents only need to pay attention to these points, you can promote the child to grow taller.

  1. Eat more foods high in calcium

If the child's body bones are compared to a tall building, then calcium is the brick tile of this building, if you want the child to grow tall, sufficient calcium is essential, the baby should consume enough milk every day, and the older child needs to supplement meat, fish, soy products, dairy products, etc., these substances are also rich in calcium elements, parents to the child with the match, to change the pattern, more variety, so that the child is more willing to eat more.

With a spring diet, the child is healthy and strong and less sick
  1. Eat more foods rich in vitamin D

Vitamin D can promote the body's absorption of calcium, if there is no sufficient vitamin D, even if more calcium is supplemented, the human body can not absorb, can not achieve the purpose of growing tall, vitamin D supplementation is also very necessary. Animal liver, deep-sea fish contain a lot of vitamin D, such as pork liver, sheep liver, salmon, sardines, etc., in addition to meat, egg yolk, mushrooms also contain more vitamin D, parents can according to the child's taste, do some children's favorite dishes.

In addition to food supplementation, playing outdoors in the sun can also help the body synthesize vitamin D and promote body growth.

  1. Eat more foods that contain zinc

The content of zinc required by the human body is very low, but it is crucial, zinc can not only promote growth and development, but also have a great correlation with the human body's intelligence, appetite, immunity, when the child always has no appetite and does not want to eat, parents can give the child some zinc-rich foods, such as lean meat, animal liver, peanuts, soybeans, seaweed and so on.

With a spring diet, the child is healthy and strong and less sick

Children's diet has always been a very important thing for parents, in addition to a balanced diet, but also according to the different seasons of climate and children's physical condition to adjust, so as to achieve the effect of doubling the results with half the effort, so that children are more healthy and strong.