
Stuffed mud carp with minced shiitake mushrooms, pork chops with wild lotus root kelp, chicken fir in green onion oil


Stuffed mud carp with minced shiitake mushrooms

Stuffed mud carp with minced shiitake mushrooms, pork chops with wild lotus root kelp, chicken fir in green onion oil

Ingredients & Ingredients:

Mud carp, pork, dried shrimp, shiitake mushroom grains, tangerine peel, horseshoe grains, green onions, soy sauce, water, salt, corn starch, peanut oil, white pepper powder, sauce seasoning (oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, soy sauce, clear chicken soup, corn starch water, peanut oil)


  1. Wash the mud carp and remove the meat with a knife, and the shell is covered with a little cornstarch.
  2. The extracted fish is minced into minced fish, and the seasonings and ingredients other than the sauce are added until the glue is formed, and then brewed back into the shell to restore the shape of a fish.
  3. The stuffed mud carp is fried in a saucepan until golden brown on both sides, then cut into pieces and placed on a plate.
  4. Add the sauce seasoning and add the tail oil, drizzle on the prepared mud carp pieces, and sprinkle a little green onion.
Stuffed mud carp with minced shiitake mushrooms, pork chops with wild lotus root kelp, chicken fir in green onion oil
Stuffed mud carp with minced shiitake mushrooms, pork chops with wild lotus root kelp, chicken fir in green onion oil

Lotus root, kelp, yellow carrot, salt, chicken juice, chicken powder, pumpkin juice

  1. Chop the steaks into small pieces and soak in water for three hours.
  2. Add star anise and onion ginger and sauté until fragrant, add the water-pressed wax steaks for 20 minutes and out of the pan.
  3. Add rapeseed oil to the pot, sauté the green onion and ginger until fragrant, add the chicken broth, add the pressed pork ribs and accessories and simmer together for 20 minutes.
Stuffed mud carp with minced shiitake mushrooms, pork chops with wild lotus root kelp, chicken fir in green onion oil

Wild lotus kelp stewed pork chops

Stuffed mud carp with minced shiitake mushrooms, pork chops with wild lotus root kelp, chicken fir in green onion oil

Fresh chicken fir fungus, shallots, leek leaves, chicken juice salt, shallot oil, flavor powder

  1. Blanch the chicken fir mushrooms and control the moisture and set aside.
  2. Mix the dried chicken fir mushrooms with the above seasonings.
  3. Finally, squeeze in the leek leaves, drizzle with shallot oil, and garnish with pansy.
Stuffed mud carp with minced shiitake mushrooms, pork chops with wild lotus root kelp, chicken fir in green onion oil