
Uncovering a past from 45 years ago, the choice of a crossroads in life

author:Favorite emotional station

Author: Lao Gong Calligraphy Source: Mei zhang app

Uncovering a past from 45 years ago, the choice of a crossroads in life

The last century, 1976, was a very unusual year. Today, people over the age of fifty can still remember that in this year, there were many major events that shocked the whole country and even the world, such as the death of three great people (Premier Zhou Enlai, Chairman Zhu De, and Chairman Mao Zedong); the Tangshan earthquake in Hebei Province and the smashing of the Gang of Four. None of these events affects the fate of the country and touches the hearts of the people of the whole country. For me, there is another thing that determines my personal future and future life this year, that is, the enrollment of colleges and universities across the country. That is to say, this year my life path is at a crossroads, and how to choose is crucial.

Uncovering a past from 45 years ago, the choice of a crossroads in life

Similar to the enrollment model of previous years, the enrollment of colleges and universities in 76 years is still deployed by the State Education Commission, and the principle is to delegate or return to their hometowns young people who have trained in rural areas, factories or troops for more than two years, and are enrolled by individuals, recommended by the masses, and admitted on the basis of merit. The difference is that the graduation direction is "three to three to three" (that is, the society comes to the society, the factory comes to the factory, and the army comes to the army).

The enrollment schools and places are directly allocated to each commune by the county education committee. My commune is divided into 4 places, namely: 1 from Anhui University, 1 from Huainan Electric Power School, 1 from Lu'an Normal School and 1 from Lu'an Agricultural Machinery School. The Party Committee of the Commune broadcast its information at the radio station, and the relevant documents were transmitted to each production brigade. The party committee held a special meeting to study the deployment recommendation work, and the preliminary plan was to first recommend a newspaper commune in each brigade, and our commune had a total of 9 brigades, that is, there were 9 candidates recommended, and then the commune party committee held a meeting to study and vote 4 people to report to the county education committee.

The personal materials (including personal summaries, political study experiences and related papers) of the recommended candidates are collected and sorted out by the Commune Education Group. Director Yao, the head of the education group, is in charge of the "culture, education and health" of the whole commune and the work of delegating intellectuals, and I have known each other for many years and trusted me, so in the first two years of college admissions recommendation work, he asked me to help sort out the written materials. With these experiences, it is easy to organize your own materials this year.

Because my personal materials were relatively complete and of good quality, they were first determined at the second voting meeting of the Commune Party Committee, and the other 3 people, Sun **, Zhang **, and Mao**, were finally clear after full discussion. At the meeting, Secretary Li of the Party Committee suggested: "Comrade Xiao Gong performed very well during the rural exercise period, the private teachers did a good job, and often did some secretarial work for the commune (Secretary Li is a cadre of workers and peasants in the south, his education level is limited, and many of his speeches are mostly drafted by me), and the quota of Anhui University should be very suitable for him." How do others implement democracy for all?" After full discussion and voting, the result was: Zhang * went to Huainan Electric School, Sun * went to Lu'an Normal School, and Mao * went to Lu'an Agricultural School.

Sun's father, when he learned that his son had not gone to Cheng'an University, ran into the commune compound and was furious (he was the captain at the time), and even cursed and grinned. Speaking of how the children's families come from (alluding to me), our family is a martyr of the Red Army, more than three generations of illiterate, bitter hatred, my children do not go to college, who goes to college? After he made such a fuss, the whole commune knew about it, and the impact was very great, and in the era when politics was in charge at that time, the secretary of the commune was also helpless, so he had to convene the party committee again, adjust the original plan to Sun * to Go to Ontario, arrange for me to go to the Electric School, Zhang * to go to the Teacher's School, Mao * unchanged, or in the Agricultural School.

After the adjustment of the recommendation plan, Secretary Li of the commune and Director Yao, who was in charge of specific work, talked to me one after another and did my work. Due to political factors, I was persuaded to give up Ontario University, and said that the electric school is also very good, or the state allocation, where do the other schools come from. After being persuaded by the two leaders, I had no choice but to admit it.

Uncovering a past from 45 years ago, the choice of a crossroads in life

When I got home, my father saw that I was frowning, so he asked the reason, and I told him the truth about the scene that happened in the commune compound of my grandson, and my father felt stunned at first, but later he regained his calm, followed by a strong shake of his head, and sighed. It turned out that my father and my grandfather had been grass-roots cadres of the same brigade, and I had many years of colleague experience, and my father had a violent personality and loved to compete and compete, which he knew very well, and persuaded me to endure, fortunately, this time I could also jump out of the farm, so that I could obey the arrangements of the leadership. In the face of my father's relief, I have no resentment.

To say two more words, I was originally in the same brigade as Sun *, during the Cultural Revolution, the administrative division of my family was divided into another brigade, in the new brigade, I was the only high school student, so I was selected as a private teacher, and was recommended to go to college. If you are still in the original brigade, these two opportunities are really difficult to say. My father's relief about this matter and my later desire to open up are not unreasonable.

As the saying goes, there are unpredictable storms in the sky, and people have bad luck and bad luck. It turned out that the commune leaders let me go to the electric school because Zhang * did not want to go to Huainan, at that time Huainan was still relatively chaotic, afraid of insecurity, then had to go to the teacher's training, and then Zhang * saw that my andda opportunities were squeezed out by Sun *, and went back to the city to complain to my father (Zhang Father was the deputy director of the Education Commission and the principal of the normal school, very powerful), Zhang Father learned of this situation, did some tricks in the prefectural committee and the county, and then the county called the commune leaders and said that the quota of Anda was taken back! Saying that Anda is an "empty quota", at the same time, Zhang * gave up the teacher training, and Sun *? Like a lightning strike, the head is dejected. At this time, teacher training can only be a last resort. Just like this back and forth, Mao*'s seat is still the agricultural school has not changed.

Uncovering a past from 45 years ago, the choice of a crossroads in life

In the blink of an eye, it was summer vacation, and the whole holiday, in addition to insisting on participating in the production team to earn work points, was full of "admission notices" and scenes of the new school, looking forward to the hope of the future, which made me sleep all night.

On September 9, Chairman Mao, who was loved by the people of the whole country, passed away, and people were immersed in great sorrow, and in order to mourn the death of Chairman Mao and express their condolences for the great man, the registration of new students in colleges and universities across the country was forced to postpone.

It was not until December of that year that the registration of new students in each school began one after another. When I received the admission notice and applied for the household registration and grain and oil relations, I met Zhang *'s classmate and asked him about his situation, and she made two perfunctory remarks, and I stopped asking questions.

I came back from winter vacation, about a few friends to come to my house to get together, Zhang * classmates are also invited, through conversation, roughly understand that Zhang students are going to report to school in the next year, of course, "Anda", I suddenly realized, it turned out that Zhang Father played a game of "Tanuki cat for prince"!

Uncovering a past from 45 years ago, the choice of a crossroads in life

Before I graduated from the school, I was retained and walked to the podium three months in advance, one stop for 38 years. In the middle, various opportunities such as "resuming the college entrance examination" and "turning the people's teachers into regular teachers" were missed. But I have no complaints and no regrets, there are thousands of paths in life, once I choose, I must insist on going to the end!