
【Monthly Taboo Old Yellow Calendar】Detailed explanation of the horoscope of the 12th zodiac sign in April 2022

【Monthly Taboo Old Yellow Calendar】Detailed explanation of the horoscope of the 12th zodiac sign in April 2022

On April 5, 2022, 03:20:03 seconds entered the "Qingming" solar term, before that, the zodiac signs will be "癸卯" luck, and after the 5th solar terms, they will enter the "Jiachen" luck. The horoscope of each zodiac will also undergo substantial changes, so let's take a look at it with the teacher!


General Luck: Everything goes well

Overall: In the first 5 days of the "sub-punishment" luck, the bad guys are easy to be spoiled, and accidents occur frequently. After the Qingming Festival on the 5th, it will enter the auspicious luck of "three nobles", and the people around you can provide help to make the work and life smoother.

Fortune: Bad luck at the beginning of the month, investors should think twice before doing so, so as not to lose money. After the 5th Qingming Festival, the enviable fortune arrived, and it was possible to find suitable investment projects with the help of nobles and make a lot of money. Those who go to work also have the opportunity to increase their income, and bank deposits have skyrocketed.

Love: This month's love fortune of the rat people is very ideal, and the lovers get along sweetly, talk about everything, and are very happy. Get the chance to meet for a candlelit dinner and spend a romantic and heartwarming moment. At the beginning of the month, there are "red luan" peach blossoms into life, and there may be a hot object around the single person, and the confession is successful.

Career: At the beginning of the month, it is difficult to make progress in interpersonal relationships, it is not suitable for career development, and talents are easy to be buried. After the 5th Qingming Festival, I have the courage to do things, maintain a diligent and hard-working heart, and as long as I pay, I will gain something. The development of the cause is smooth, the leadership attaches importance to it, the nobles help each other, and the promotion and salary increase are all natural things.

Health: Health is also better, optimistic, usually more exercise, can make the body stronger.

Ugly cow

General Luck: Endless learning, courage to climb the peak

Overall: The first 5 days of "wealth and prosperity" luck, do things unsatisfactory, stressful, easy to lose credit for money things. After the 5th Qingming Festival, it will enter the "ugly day" and "official star robbery" luck, the career has suffered a decline, the road to success is full of thorns, and it is necessary to redouble our efforts.

Fortune: At the beginning of the month, there is a little wealth, but it is also easy to be right and wrong because of wealth, and it is not to be overwhelmed. After the 5th Qingming Festival, the fortune is still unstable, it is difficult to seek wealth, and personal expenses will suddenly increase, and it is necessary to do a good job of open source and throttling. The judgment of market investment is not strong, and it is not appropriate to lend money to others to avoid debt disputes.

Love: This month's feelings will be more complicated, single people do not rush to get off the single, fate has not arrived, do not force, be careful to fall into the emotional trap, hurt god and sad. Married people's marriage is prone to crisis, we must pay attention to maintaining the relationship with the other half, if there is a disagreement with the other party, we must also calmly solve it.

Career: Things are not going well, and the original plan is easy to fail. Career cattle people should give full play to high INTELLIGENCE, do a good job in interpersonal adjustments, abandon useless social interaction, and work seriously to reduce mistakes. It is easy to have some difficulties, but as long as you face the difficulties, you can finally turn things around.

Health: Health is disturbed, the physical condition is not good, there will be frequent illness, sub-health and other conditions, pay more attention.

Yin Tiger

General Luck: Indifferent to Ming Zhi, Quiet and Far-reaching

Overall: The first 5 days of the "printing silk protective body" of the auspicious luck, business improvement, suitable for the use of the brain or to carry out new areas. After the 5th Qingming Festival, it will enter the "better than robbery" luck, and the social rewards will increase, resulting in spending money like flowing water, and the income will not be enough, and it is necessary to control expenditure.

Fortune: This month's financial fortunes have been declining, and investment and financial management are prone to mistakes, resulting in investment failures. Don't be opportunistic, and don't believe in some myths of wealth. Partnerships, loans, etc. should be done carefully so that the hard-earned money will never return.

Love: At the beginning of the month, there are "salty pool" peach blossoms into life, and single people are full of personal charm and will attract excellent members of the opposite sex. After the 5th Qingming Festival, the peach blossom luck is not as good as before, there are quarrels between partners, do not let the cold war affect the feelings. Men and women have a good relationship, energetic, pay attention to appearance, and someone has a crush.

Career: Good interpersonal relationships at the beginning of the month, easy to get help from others. After the 5th Qingming Festival, I felt a great degree of pressure, and the progress of various matters was quite unsmooth, and it was recommended that the tiger people should face it calmly and calmly. As long as you adjust your mindset, everything will turn around.

Health: The physical condition is very good, the mood is exciting, but it is easy to exhaust the physical strength, do not be greedy.

Oh rabbit

General Luck: Hard work, inspirational deeds

Overall: The first 5 days of the "Owl God Sitting Ratio" luck, easy to have conflicts with the people around them, the most unfavorable to business. After the 5th Qingming Festival, it will step into the luck of "harming each other" and "robbing and robbing wealth", running and working hard for the affairs of relatives and friends, and there is a lot of loss of money.

Fortune: At the beginning of the month, the fortune is average, and the harvest is not large. After the 5th Qingming Festival, the fortune continues to decline, the pursuit of wealth is not smooth, investment needs to be cautious, it is best to think twice, or ask experienced people for advice. It is not easy to keep money, there will be an economic crisis, do not spend money indiscriminately, and be careful of imbalances in income and expenditure.

Love: This month, whether married or unmarried, is not conducive to the development of feelings, and needs to be managed with heart. Single people have no chance to fall in love for the time being, put your energy on work and study, if you bloom, butterflies come. Married people are prone to extramarital love affecting marriage, and we must cherish the people around us.

Career: The workplace is not smooth, housework affects the work, and it is necessary to adjust personal planning. Entrepreneurs should be cautious and careful if they cooperate with others, so as not to be used by others, not only lose money but also waste valuable time. It is recommended that rabbit people calmly analyze, look at the problem from different angles, and give themselves more confidence.

Health: Health is bad, pay more attention to rest, relaxing exercise is the best way to live.


General Luck: Work hard, the time is not waiting

Overall: The first 5 days of the "death and harm" luck, bad luck, work and life can not be satisfactory. After the 5th Qingming Festival, it will enter the "Chenchen Self-Punishment" and "Seven Kills and Sit Ratio" luck, the fortune is low, it is easy to impulsively provoke right and wrong, and it will also be affected by others.

Fortune: Fortune has not improved, and it is not a good time to seek wealth. It is easy to spend money for unexpected things, financial management should maintain the existing model, if you want to change the strategy, make some minor adjustments, do not change significantly, easy to money is not guaranteed.

Love: Love luck is very bad, there are partners easy to quarrel, it is recommended to communicate patiently with each other, find a plan that everyone is more satisfied with. Single people are not easy to meet people who are related, and they mistakenly love jokes. Even if your feelings have gone wrong, don't close your heart.

Career: Career progress is not smooth, doing things is more reckless, easy to offend the leader, do not be angry, to calm down and think about the problem will benefit you a lot. At the same time, we must beware of others secretly acting strangely, resulting in difficulties in the development of work, and it is recommended that dragon people be down-to-earth and do things in a disciplined manner, and natural problems can be solved.

Health: upset mood, leading to physical discomfort, be careful to cause pain, to learn to self-regulate and relax the mood.


General Luck: Work hard and think twice

Overall: The first 5 days of the "official seal and life" of the great luck, easy to win fame and status, very respected. After the 5th Qingming Festival, it will enter the "Owl God To Seize Food" luck, disputes and losses will increase, interpersonal relations will decline, and it will not be harmonious with the people around you.

Fortune: At the beginning of the month, the financial road is smooth, you can do wealth planning, and you can achieve harvests in the future. After the 5th Qingming Festival, there is a loss of money, go out to keep your belongings, do not show off your wealth, so as not to attract thieves. In addition, it is also possible to break the wealth due to family affairs, and pay more attention to the parents and elders in the family.

Love: This month the love road is smooth, and the heart is joyful. After the 5th Qingming Festival, there are "Tianxi" peach blossoms into life, love luck becomes more and more exuberant, partners have harmonious feelings, and sweetness continues to increase. Partnerless people can contact their favorite opposite sex, and snake people who want to end their single life in love hurry up and act!

Career: At the beginning of the month, the career is prosperous and stable, and it is expected to make some achievements and impress people in the same industry. After the 5th Qingming Festival, the progress of the work is often hindered, and it is easy to argue with others due to poor communication, so as to avoid it as much as possible, so as not to let others catch the handle. It is recommended that snake people control their temper and endure the calm of the wind and waves for a while.

Health: the body is not very good, easy to get sick, go to bed early and get up early, maintain good eating habits and normal work and rest, is conducive to health.

Noon Horse

General Fortune: Seeking is hindered, and there are more worries than joys

Overall: The first 5 days of the "noon break", "seven kills sitting owl" luck, the mood is not good, the idea is difficult to achieve, overall not very optimistic. After the 5th Qingming Festival, it will enter the "Indian Silk Sitting Injury" luck, with continuous setbacks, high pressure, difficult to control emotions, and careful collapse.

Fortune: This month's money should adhere to the principle of steady progress, not rushing to achieve results, easy to break the wealth. After the 5th Qingming Festival, the effect of seeking wealth is not too ideal, but there will also be a small partial wealth coming, adjust their own planning, grasp it well, and accumulate a small amount of money.

Love: At the beginning of the month, there are "Tianxi" peach blossoms into life, married people are single-minded with each other, and the feelings are very good. After the 5th Qingming Festival, it is not harmonious to get along with the other half, and it is necessary to avoid tongue-in-cheek. To communicate well, be more patient, once love begins to decline, it is difficult to return to beauty.

Career: Workplace luck is very ordinary, there will be some problems in the work, to know how to adjust themselves, overcome psychological obstacles, is expected to break through the difficulties, do not be discouraged, persistence is victory. And if you can seize the opportunity to play your talents, you will also be praised.

Health: Emotional fluctuations are large, easy to insomnia, there are unhappy things to say in time, put in the heart is not conducive to health.

Not sheep

General luck: Bad luck, left and right

Overall: The first 5 days of the "three nobles" of the auspicious luck, the observation power is enhanced, the popularity is good, and the noble people can help. After the Qingming Festival on the 5th, it will enter the luck of "official star robbery", gain benefits from people, but also be implicated by people, and benefit from career promotion.

Fortune: At the beginning of the month, the financial road is very smooth, and there will be a good gain in investment and financial management. After the 5th Qingming Festival, the fortune is general, there is a phenomenon of breaking wealth and scattering wealth, someone is around to trick you into spending money, it is easy to exceed the budget to affect future life, restrain desire, and consume to know how to stop at the right time.

Love: At the beginning of the month, the god of love is still caring, and there are more peach blossoms around the single person, and there will be a chance to meet a good person. After the 5th Qingming Festival, single people are prone to encounter love enemies, at this time, they must pay attention to their words and deeds, and do not leave a bad impression on the object of their choice. Married people have bad feelings, they will argue over some small things, and they can be happy for a long time if they make compromises at the right time.

Career: Get the guidance of your nobles at the beginning of the month, and any small troubles can be properly solved. After the 5th Qingming Festival, although it can be recognized and praised by the leaders, there will also be stronger opponents, at this time, do not give up lightly, bravely accept the challenge, and turn the difficulties into motivation will be able to gain something.

Health: There are more things this month, and the sheep people feel tired, so they should rest well and supplement nutrition appropriately.

Shen Monkey

General Luck: Soaring, Harvest

Overall: In the first 5 days, the great luck of "eating god and making money" was carried out, and the positive fortune was the most exuberant and the cause was strong. After the 5th Qingming Festival, it will enter the auspicious fortune of "three nobles", good luck is still the same, with the help of nobles, it is easy to achieve something.

Fortune: Fortune soars, becoming the lucky one chosen by the god of wealth, and will gain something in terms of money and career status. Business people in the workplace can have good opportunities to make money, suitable for investment negotiations, and will make a lot of money. Even if you encounter small difficulties, you will have noble people to help you and turn the crisis into safety.

Love: Peach Blossom Luck is still very beautiful, single people try to show that they can stand out in the crowd, and thus get the favor of the people they want. Lovers are suitable for dating, confession, marriage proposal, no matter which aspect can be smooth and successful.

Career: In the career, there will be noble people who will bring good opportunities and get the opportunity to display their talents. The salary and treatment at work are good, there are no twists and turns, all the way is smooth, and the heart is successful. Work modestly and low-key, single-mindedly, and work hard to complete the goals in your heart, and get everyone's praise and leadership weight.

Health: good physical condition, comfortable mood, enjoy life, taste life.

Unitary chicken

General transportation: the time comes to run, the future can be expected

Overall: The first 5 days of the "unitary collision" luck, there are many unexpected things, the plot is blocked, it is difficult to achieve the wish. After the 5th Qingming Festival, it will enter the auspicious fortune of "Liuhe Nobles", the cause of wealth and good luck will be fully opened, the momentum is fierce, and life will shine.

Fortune: At the beginning of the month, during the downturn in financial fortune, there is a possibility of breaking wealth and losing money. After the 5th Qingming Festival, the transfer begins! It is really enviable that the fortunes are booming, the workers have high incomes, and sometimes there will be additional bonus benefits. The past investments of business entrepreneurs will bring exciting good news, a million profits.

Love: At the beginning of the month, those who have a partner need to clean themselves and love themselves and keep their distance from other members of the opposite sex. After the 5th Qingming Festival, the love of the chicken people is like bathing in the spring breeze. People in love are emotionally stable and have a great chance to enter the wedding hall. Single people have more admirers around them, and there will also be the opposite sex who is involved, and they should seize the opportunity to strive for it.

Career: At the beginning of the month, the workplace was full of obstacles and crises. After the 5th Qingming Festival, get along well with colleagues, work smoothly, perform excellently, and pay and ability are seen and remembered by leaders. Noble people take the initiative to approach, have the opportunity to exercise themselves, which is beneficial to future development and a higher level of career.

Health: Good health luck, physical and mental pleasure, full of spirit, full of passion and vitality.


General luck: born at the wrong time, there is little help

Overall: The first 5 days of the "Liuhe Nobles" and "Luma Fellow Villagers" of the great auspicious luck, the cause of mastery can be harvested, there are noble people to help. After the 5th Qingming Festival, it will step into the "Tatsumi Clash" and "Seven Kills and Sit Ratios" luck, not too ostentatious, no one in sight, be careful not to find the door, and be secretly calculated by others.

Fortune: At the beginning of the month, the positive fortune is coming, the income is stable, and the financial fortune can be continuously improved. After the 5th Qingming Festival, the fortune declined, it is easy to provoke lawsuits because of money, be careful, contracts and other matters should be handled according to procedures. In the workplace, we must redouble our efforts in terms of work, otherwise we will be caught by the leader and even fined.

Love: At the beginning of the month, there are "salty pool" peach blossoms into life, and the love luck of singles is very beautiful, with an excellent opposite sex. After the 5th Qingming Festival, the Eros god is far away, the married people have many misunderstandings, they do not trust each other enough, and they should give each other enough patience and tolerance. Single people are not bright enough, have no sense of existence, and only by showing their 100% sincerity can they hope to impress each other.

Career: At the beginning of the month, your luck is strong, and you have the opportunity to exercise, which is conducive to future promotions and salary increases. After the 5th Qingming Festival, bad luck, affecting interpersonal relations, easy to offend people, it is recommended to keep a low profile, do not be proud. Many things cannot be carried out according to their own intentions and plans, and it is necessary to prepare mentally in advance.

Health: the body is relatively weak, easy to cause a variety of diseases, should pay attention to the conditioning of the body and mind.

Oh pig

General luck: satisfactory and smooth sailing

Overall: The first 5 days of the "three nobles" of the auspicious luck, no matter what to do, smooth and profitable, very lucky. After the 5th Qingming Festival, it will enter the auspicious luck of "eating god to kill", with outstanding ability, remarkable work, and a positive attitude that can attract nobles.

Fortune: A good time to make money, no matter which line of business can have a satisfactory harvest. Partial financial luck is also relatively strong, suitable for saving money and financial management. Material life is rich, may wish to take this opportunity to buy some gifts for yourself or your family, it is possible to buy good things at a good price.

Love: This month, the peach blossoms are in full bloom, the true destiny of women is coming, and the male beauty is invited. After the 5th Qingming Festival, there are "red luan" peach blossoms into life, single people are expected to recognize the object with good conditions, open a good relationship, completely end the single life, and enjoy the taste of being loved!

Career: Career luck is very smooth, the future is full of hope. You can get guidance from your people and get a platform to show yourself. Suitable for taking the initiative to play their own talents, improve the efficiency of work, there will be a good luck to pay one point and get three points. Heaven rewards hard work, hard work is not in vain, come on belongs to the pig people!

Health: Health luck is slightly weaker, there will be some pressure to come, but can quickly adjust themselves, mood and physical fitness back to normal.

Feng Shui Relationship

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