
Optimistic about the relaxation of the situation in Russia and Ukraine The Ukrainian people outside the country began to gradually return home

author:CCTV Finance

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On April 2, local time, Ukraine's National Border Guard said that since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, about 620,000 Ukrainians have registered to return and enter Ukraine. The data shows that the number of people leaving Ukraine in recent days has gradually decreased, while more and more people have returned.

Optimistic about the relaxation of the situation in Russia and Ukraine The Ukrainian people outside the country began to gradually return home

The Szegini checkpoint is the largest port on the Upanish border. Many have lived abroad for some time before beginning to return to Ukraine through the Sekini checkpoint.

Optimistic about the relaxation of the situation in Russia and Ukraine The Ukrainian people outside the country began to gradually return home

Ukrainian people: We are now ready to go home and visit my husband and grandparents. We miss our hometown so much that we cried when we crossed the border just now.

Ukrainian people: We're going home for two days now, my son misses his dad and grandma a lot, our family is scattered everywhere, but we'll all be back.

After the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, flights to Ukraine were almost completely grounded, and some people were stranded overseas. Only recently did he return to Ukraine.

Ukrainians: We were on holiday in Turkey. When the Russian-Ukrainian conflict broke out, we spent a month in Turkey.

At present, the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine shows signs of easing. The Ukrainian side expressed optimism about the Russian-Ukrainian peace talks. Many believe that the situation will improve.

Optimistic about the relaxation of the situation in Russia and Ukraine The Ukrainian people outside the country began to gradually return home

Ukrainian people: We hope that everything will be fine and we will not leave Ukraine again.

Reporter: Do you expect the situation to improve?

Ukrainians: Yes, I think so.

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(Edited by Sun Yonghui)

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