
Longevity secrets are public, healthy and long-lived, come and learn the scriptures

author:Small talk entertainment rvgz

Happy people are similar, unhappy people are different. To put this sentence in health care is: the happiness of the long-lived elderly is similar - four generations in the same house, happiness and health. Let's walk into these longevity races and get a glimpse of their longevity secrets.

In May 2016, the World Health Organization released the World Health Statistics 2016 report, showing that the average life expectancy in the world is 71.4 years, the average life expectancy of Chinese is 76.1 years, and the average life expectancy of Germany is 81 years.

So why did the Germans become one of the world's most famous longevity countries in just over a hundred years? This is inextricably linked to the traditional habits of the Germans. Their longevity secret is worth learning and learning.

Tip 1: Eat fish every Friday

On Fridays in Germany, whether it is a company canteen or a university, a primary and secondary school canteen, a restaurant or an ordinary person's home, the main dish is fish. Why do Germans love fish on Fridays? A special time period has also been set.

This is because of its religious origins. In the West, fish is not meat, and meat is not eaten on Fridays, but fish can be eaten. Germans have long realized that eating too much red meat is not good for their health, so more and more Germans are willing to eat fish, just to borrow Friday to "force" eat fish, which has become a dietary habit.

Fish protein is rich in methionine and taurine, which help reduce the incidence of high blood pressure and stroke, and fish oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and has a hypotensive effect. In addition, expert studies have found that eating fish can also reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer.

Tip two: Drink milk from an early age

Foreigners love to drink milk, according to statistics, Germans drink the most milk. They drink about 85 kilograms of milk every year, which is the highest in the world. They drank a lot of milk from a young age, and even put milk in cooking, similar to our Chinese goji, so germans are almost not short of calcium.

Milk has a high nutritional value, rich in protein, fat, amino acids, sugars, carbohydrates, a variety of vitamins and trace elements and other nutrients, can meet the physiological needs of the human body, enhance the body's physique, improve the body's immunity and disease resistance, very conducive to the health of the human body. The calcium contained in milk is easily absorbed, which is conducive to the development of bones and teeth in adolescents, and can also prevent osteoporosis in middle-aged and elderly people. Pure milk can calm the mind, and drinking a cup of warm pure milk before going to bed can improve the body's sleep. In addition to protein, it also contains fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus and many other nutrients. In general, it is advisable for adults to drink 300 to 500 ml of milk a day. Germans don't have many kinds of breakfasts, but maintain the simplest nutritional combination - milk and honey. Simple sunny breakfast that gives Germans a good day' spirit.

Tip three: Stand more than sit

Research in the journal National Cancer Research shows that sedentary people have a higher risk of diseases such as colon cancer, endometrial cancer, and lung cancer than those who sit down the shortest. Germans don't like to "sit" very much.

They like to stand up, hold meetings, and go to class while standing. This is conducive to alleviating the symptoms of lumbar discomfort and can also achieve weight loss.

Tip Four: Riding a Horse

Germans liked to ride horses in ancient times, and now Germans directly introduce the posture of riding horses into the daily sitting posture, often using "saddle chairs". This kind of sitting posture that seems to sit instead of sitting, like standing instead of standing, is a bit of a traditional Chinese martial arts exercise posture "squat horse step". It can alleviate low back pain, reduce abdominal fat accumulation, maintain mental clarity, protect the reproductive system, and improve blood circulation in the body.

Tip Five: Traditional Hobby – Walking

Germany is the "land of beer", but they have very few beer bellies. Because about two-thirds of Germans participate in physical activity at least twice a week, most adults walk for at least 15 minutes a day. Every Sunday, it is their "walking day".

Walking can increase the contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, is conducive to the buffering of the prostate, is conducive to the stimulation of rectal function, such as patients with mixed hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids, it is recommended to walk more, can promote the return of local blood circulation.

Strengthens the muscles of the lower extremities.

It can enhance the adaptability of cartilage in large joints such as hip joints, knee joints, and ankle joints, making cartilage stronger and tougher.

It also includes increasing local lung capacity, which is conducive to promoting metabolism, is conducive to intestinal peristalsis, and can promote the functional rehabilitation of the gastrointestinal tract, such as patients with constipation, to often multi-activity, more exercise. At the same time, it is also very good for mood and consciousness, and can promote patients to maintain a healthy and upward psychological state. It can alleviate the tension of work and mental fatigue, but also promote the increase of blood vessel elasticity, especially the continuous movement of the legs, which can promote more blood back to the heart, which is conducive to improving blood circulation and improving the work efficiency of the heart.

Research released by the American Heart Association says walking is the best form of exercise to lose weight, protect the normal function of the heart and burn calories. A 30-minute walk a day can greatly reduce the risk of many diseases. For example, people who walk regularly are at lower risk of dying from colon cancer than sedentary people.

Tip Six: Self-Relaxation

Germans' self-relaxation is the cornerstone of health.

Relaxation can enhance our memory, and stress can lead to an increase in the amount of a certain protein inside the brain, which is associated with Alzheimer's disease. So if the usual mood is relaxed, it can relieve stress, inhibit a certain protein, and then enhance memory.

Promote sexual life, stress will reduce most men's sexual desire, so do not want to be bothered by sexual dysfunction, do not give yourself too much pressure, in addition to maintaining the figure also has a certain effect, eating high-fat and high-sugar foods will lead to fat accumulation, and pressure will make us unable to control ourselves.

It can also be a good relief for acne, and stress may increase oil secretion and block pores, which can lead to the production of acne. The sudden appearance of other skin problems is also related to stress, and if the pressure is relaxed in time, it will be of great help to your health.

Germans eat, dress and wear hats casually, do not compare, and do not take out loans to buy houses, although they are not unaffordable. In fact, the work pressure in Germany is also very large, but they are often satisfied with their lives, do not want to bear a heavy burden of loans, many people simply rent a house for life.

In the eyes of Germans, the house has no direct impact on the home and on happiness. The house appears in their lives in its most primitive and basic form and meaning.

The two big rewards for a positive mindset are mental health and physical health. In a sense, mindset determines health. When a person's mental state is optimistic and cheerful, a variety of physiological processes in the body become active, and at this time, the defense function is also fully exerted. When immune function is enhanced, nature is not easily invaded by diseases.

Tip Seven: Understand leisure, rest days back to nature

Germans have a meticulous work attitude, but they also believe that if they continue to work without rest, their work efficiency will inevitably deteriorate, so Germans attach great importance to leisure life.

Leisure, in a harmonious and pleasant mental state, can also promote inspiration, ideas and abilities to create a new life. Leisure can relax the nerves, delight the body and mind, enliven creative thinking, make people get inspiration, and produce wonderful ideas. Leisure can also relieve fatigue, produce and relax a leisurely mentality, and make people have abundant energy.

It turns out that their longevity secret is so simple that ordinary people can do it.

Longevity secrets are public, healthy and long-lived, come and learn the scriptures
Longevity secrets are public, healthy and long-lived, come and learn the scriptures
Longevity secrets are public, healthy and long-lived, come and learn the scriptures