
Ultraman Ged: Skarug Mora Skill Summary

Scarugor mora

Ultraman Ged: Skarug Mora Skill Summary

Scarug gomorrah itself is a Beria Fusion Beast, first appeared in the TV version of The 1st Episode with red eyes, is Fukui Izumi through the sublimator, based on the power of Beria Ultraman, the King Ofe capsule and Gomora capsule fusion sublimation, the chest has the same stripe as Beria Ultraman, from the two horns of the head, the body and the lower part of the tail can see the characteristics of King Godola, and the back and the upper part of the tail can see the characteristics of King Red. With a strong physique and strong defense, as well as the power of two monsters, with 200,000 tons of powerful monster power, the head corner impact is its special skill. The trick is "Scaru Super Vibration Wave".

Ultraman Ged: Skarug Mora Skill Summary

Scaru supervibral waves

Xinchuanghua translation name: skeleton super vibratory wave

Derived from Gomorrah's killer skill, like Gomorrah's Super Vibration Wave, he pierces his opponent's body with the horn of his head and then attacks his opponent like a ray.

Ultraman Ged: Skarug Mora Skill Summary

Hell Magma

Scarugor Mora erupted from its mouth and shot at the target.

Ultraman Ged: Skarug Mora Skill Summary

Stunned hellball

Scarugor mora focused his strength on his right foot and stepped on the flame-encased rock that appeared on the ground, then fired forward.

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