
China's new ambassador to Malaysia accelerates the promotion of the Belt and Road Economic Circle, Johor Bahru Chinese Association: agreed to set up the New Chinese Consulate General

author:Mobile phone and news network

As Malaysia welcomes its new ambassador to Malaysia, Ouyang Yujing, johor Bahru Chung San Chinese Association issued a statement saying that in response to the proposal of the Malaysian Chinese Town Hall Association (hereinafter referred to as hua zong) to set up a new Chinese consulate in Johor Bahru, it expressed its gratitude and recognition, stressing that it will bring more convenience to the relations between China and Malaysia in various fields, and will also promote economic and trade cooperation in the Belt and Road economic circle.

In the statement, hua pointed out that the establishment of the Chinese Consulate General in Johor Bahru will bring advantages, malaysian Chinese account for 30% of the total population of Johor 4 million, a number of Chinese companies including R&F Properties, Country Garden and Greenland have also settled in the Iskandar Special Economic Zone of Malaysia, and some Chinese companies have set up factories in Johor Bahru. The Johor Bahru Chinese Association believes that the entry of Chinese enterprises will not only drive the economic and trade development of Johor Bahru, but also promote the economic take-off of China and Malaysia. At present, Johor Bahru only has direct flights to Guangzhou Baiyun Airport in China, and when all aspects of the economy are booming, it is expected that China will increase international flights, and the people of Johor will no longer have to rely on the airports of neighboring Singapore, which is very worth looking forward to. Johor is malaysia's closest state to Singapore, and malaysians often live in Johor and travel to and from Singapore to work.

Accompanied by the leadership of General Hua, President Dan Sri Wu Tianquan held an exchange meeting with Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia Ouyang Yujing. During the meeting, Wu Tianquan proposed the establishment of the Chinese Consulate General in Xinshan, South Malaysia. He pointed out that from the perspective of geographical location, once the Consulate General is established in Johor Bahru, there will be embassies and consulates general throughout Malaysia, which will bring more convenience to strengthening ties between Malaysia and China in various fields, especially cooperation and exchanges between the people. Ouyang Yujing indicated that the embassy would study the matter in depth and report the matter to the Chinese government.

Ouyang Yujing stressed at the exchange meeting that as the new Chinese ambassador to Malaysia, he will uphold the contributions and efforts of the previous ambassador to Malaysia and continue to innovate and develop, so that the relations between the two countries will continue to move forward. He said: "I hope that in the coming days, I will continue to work together with the Chinese delegation, including President Hua, to make the relations between the two countries go further, and I am confident that we will make joint efforts in this regard." ”

In addition to supporting the local Chinese street, Ouyang Yujing also said: "I also learned from the newspaper reports that Hua Zong is concerned about the topic of Chinese teaching and bursaries, and I am touched by it, hua zong also plans to host cross-racial activities, arrange indigenous friends and Chinese friends to visit China, such as summer camps, so that different groups and different young scholars can better understand Chinese culture, and promote the communication and friendly exchanges between the two peoples." ”

The Johor Bahru Chinese Association added: "With China's proposed Belt and Road Economic Circle, it also enhances the importance of China and the Johor Bahru economy. In addition, the Bank of China and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China have also set up branches in Johor Bahru, proving the importance that Chinese enterprises attach to Johor Bahru. As early as the visit of a number of Chinese ambassadors to Johor Bahru, the Association successively proposed to set up a consulate in Johor Bahru, but in the end it has not yet been fulfilled. According to the development profile described above, the establishment of the Chinese Consulate General in Johor Bahru will be more effective in promoting and assisting the economic development of China and Malaysia with half the effort. The Council hopes that the new Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia, Ouyang Yujing, will have a positive response after taking office, and also welcomes the new Ambassador to visit Johor Bahru to further understand the development and cultural exchanges in Johor Bahru. ”

Ouyang Yujing issued a statement on January 1, saying: "The unity of the yuan is restored, and vientiane is renewed." As the Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia, on behalf of the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia, I would like to extend New Year's greetings to the Malaysian people and to all friends from all walks of life who care about and support the development of China-Malaysia relations! I believe that the new year will inject new momentum into the mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Malaysia and open a new chapter in China-Maldives friendly relations. ”

In response to the opportunities and development challenges that China and Malaysia will face, he also said: "In the new year, China and Malaysia will face new opportunities. 2021 is the first year of China's "14th Five-Year Plan", China will achieve the first centenary goal (100 years since the founding of the Communist Party of China) - to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and at the same time take advantage of the momentum to start a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, and march towards the second centenary goal (100 years after the founding of New China). China will accelerate the construction of a new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycles promoting each other, stimulate the huge domestic market potential, and achieve a wider range, wider field and deeper opening up. Malaysia is working on the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for Malaysia to point the way to revive the economy and revitalize the country. The development needs of China and Malaysia are highly compatible and they are natural development partners. The road is long to go, and the wind is flat and the sails are good. As a friendly neighbor of China, with the deepening of the Belt and Road Cooperation, Malaysia will surely get more investment and more opportunities from China's development and share the fruits of China's development. ”

"In 2014, the giant pandas Xingxing and Liangliang, who represent the friendship between China and Malaysia, came to Malaysia from Sichuan, China, and began their overseas life. I heard that in the past six years, they have given birth to two cute panda babies in Malaysia in succession - warm and friendly, Malaysia is indeed a blessed land. In the past six years, the China-Malaysia comprehensive strategic partnership has also been as vigorous and vigorous as these giant pandas, and the pragmatic cooperation between China and Malaysia in various fields has yielded fruitful results and blossomed everywhere. A few years ago, I might have been just a passer-by for Malaysia. A few years later, I was appointed as the 16th Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia, taking over the baton of inheriting and promoting the friendship between China and Malaysia. Standing on the current height of China-Malaysia relations, I am deeply honored and soberly aware of the responsibilities and pressures on my shoulders. The century-long changes, the intertwining of the epidemic of the century, and the increase in uncertainties in world development have also brought challenges to the development and stability of China and Malaysia. But in the midst of danger, hope and challenge coexist, and we can only move forward courageously. Ouyang Yujing said.

Source: FX168