
During the Qingming Season, it is recommended to eat more "5 dishes and 2 grains" to dehumidify and improve the spleen, laying a good foundation for summer

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes

"Rain during the Qingming Festival", this ancient poem vividly describes the atmosphere of the Qingming Season, and also tells the weather before and after the Qingming Dynasty, that is, it is often rainy. In such a climate, many people always feel that the body is very uncomfortable, listless, and weak, which is actually very likely to be more or less "moisture" in the body, so from spring to summer, it is an important thing to get rid of dampness. In life, we should try to ensure regular work and rest, stay up less late, adhere to the right amount of exercise, and pay attention to eating less raw, cold, greasy, and sweet food in the diet, and at the same time, you can match some foods that are helpful to get rid of dampness, so that moisture has nowhere to hide. Today to share with you a few kinds of food: 5 dishes and 2 grains, usually may wish to give more to the family to eat, dehumidification and spleen, body relaxed and mental foot, lay a good foundation for summer, let's take a look at it together

Eat 5 more dishes

broad bean

Recommended recipe: Garlic broad beans

During the Qingming Season, it is recommended to eat more "5 dishes and 2 grains" to dehumidify and improve the spleen, laying a good foundation for summer

Ingredients: 1 kg of fava beans with skin, 5 cloves of garlic, 3 spring onions, a little oil and salt, a little oyster sauce

1, the green fava beans peel off the skin, if there is spare strength, you can peel off the skin outside the fava beans, so that it is more convenient to eat, of course, directly with the skin together to fry, eat when peeling is more fun.

2: Prepare some raw garlic and shallots, wash them separately, and cut into minced garlic and green onions.

3: Rinse the peeled fava beans, put them in boiling water and cook for 3-5 minutes, cook until they are cut off.

During the Qingming Season, it is recommended to eat more "5 dishes and 2 grains" to dehumidify and improve the spleen, laying a good foundation for summer

4: Heat the oil and stir-fry half of the green onion and minced garlic into the pan and stir-fry quickly.

5: Then pour the broad beans into the pot, add a little oyster sauce, salt, and stir-fry quickly until flavorful.

6: Finally, put the remaining general minced garlic and green onion under the pot, continue to stir-fry for a few seconds, you can turn off the heat and put it out.


Recommended recipe: Spinach vegetarian bun

During the Qingming Season, it is recommended to eat more "5 dishes and 2 grains" to dehumidify and improve the spleen, laying a good foundation for summer

Ingredients: 400 g spinach, 1 carrot, 10 black fungus, 3 eggs, a little thirteen spices, 1 spoonful of oyster sauce, a little sesame oil, an appropriate amount of green onion, an appropriate amount of oil and salt

1: Remove the damaged leaves and yellow leaves of spinach, wash it several times in clean water, and then drain the water. Put in boiling water, add a little cooking oil, blanch until it changes color, then remove it, soak it in cold water to cool down.

2, the egg into the bowl, after stirring, spread in the pot, directly into small pieces, so that the taste is better.

3: After the carrots are washed, cut into shredded carrots, then cut them shorter with a knife, fry them in oil for about 1 minute, and put them out after the cooking oil turns yellow.

4: In the bottom oil of the fried carrots, add the green onion and stir-fry until fragrant, let cool and set aside.

5: Fish the spinach out of the water, squeeze out the water, and then change the knife to chop some.

During the Qingming Season, it is recommended to eat more "5 dishes and 2 grains" to dehumidify and improve the spleen, laying a good foundation for summer

6: Put all the ingredients into the pot, add oyster sauce, thirteen spices, salt, green onion oil, sesame oil, stir well, and the filling will be adjusted.

7: After the dough is fermented in advance, after kneading it smoothly, sort out the long strips, cut into about 40 grams of dough, and then roll out thinly and wrap in the appropriate amount of filling. Then let stand for about 10 minutes and let the wrapped buns ferment for a second time.

8, boil water in the steamer in advance, after the water is boiled, put in the bun, steam on high heat for 12 minutes, continue to simmer for a minute after turning off the heat, you can remove the lid and take out the bun.

9, now you can take advantage of the spring spinach is cheap, a little more at a time, cool and frozen into the refrigerator, used to make breakfast delicious and time-saving.

bean curd

Recommended recipe: Tofu with eggplant sauce

During the Qingming Season, it is recommended to eat more "5 dishes and 2 grains" to dehumidify and improve the spleen, laying a good foundation for summer

Ingredients: 41 pieces of tofu, 7-8 small tomatoes, 2 spring onions, 1 spoonful of tomato paste, oil and salt to taste, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1/2 spoon of oyster sauce

1, the tofu directly cut into small cubes of about 2 cm, put into boiling water, cook for about 2 minutes, add some salt in the water, so that the tofu can be put into a bottom taste, and can remove the odor.

2, prepare 7-8 small tomatoes, the price of small tomatoes is similar to large tomatoes, but its taste is much better than large tomatoes. After washing, cut into small pieces, which makes it easier to release the soup and aroma.

3: Heat the oil, add two-thirds of the green onion, stir-fry until fragrant, pour in the small tomatoes, add salt, quickly stir-fry, let the small tomatoes release the soup and aroma.

4: Then add soy sauce, oyster sauce, tomato sauce, half a bowl of hot water to the pot and stir-fry evenly.

During the Qingming Season, it is recommended to eat more "5 dishes and 2 grains" to dehumidify and improve the spleen, laying a good foundation for summer

5: Finally, pour the tofu into the pot, gently stir with a spatula, let the tofu soak into the soup, simmer for 2-3 minutes, let the tofu taste. Finally, sprinkle in the remaining shallots and turn off the heat and serve.


Recommended recipe: Eggplant with meat foam

During the Qingming Season, it is recommended to eat more "5 dishes and 2 grains" to dehumidify and improve the spleen, laying a good foundation for summer

Ingredients: 2 purple eggplant, 100 grams of pork, more minced garlic, green onion, 1 spoonful of light soy sauce, 1/2 spoon of oyster sauce, 1/2 spoon of dark soy sauce, a little pepper, a little balsamic vinegar, a little sugar

1: Wash the eggplant, then cut into strips, soak in salted water for 2 minutes, and then remove.

2: Add an appropriate amount of water to the steamer, bring to a boil over high heat, add eggplant strips, steam for about 8 minutes on high heat, and steam the eggplant.

3: Prepare some lean pork, cut into small cubes, add salt, pepper and cooking oil, grasp well and marinate for 15 minutes.

During the Qingming Season, it is recommended to eat more "5 dishes and 2 grains" to dehumidify and improve the spleen, laying a good foundation for summer

4: Heat the oil, add the diced meat, sauté quickly until it turns white, then put the minced garlic and green onion into the pot, stir-fry until fragrant and start seasoning.

5: Add soy sauce, oyster sauce, soy sauce, salt, pepper, sauté the meat until colored, pour in the steamed eggplant, stir-fry quickly, let the eggplant taste.

6: Finally, add a little sugar, cook a little balsamic vinegar, stir-fry quickly, you can turn off the heat and put it out.

7, eggplant is easy to absorb oil, and not easy to fry, we can use the method of steaming in advance to reduce the time of stir-frying in the oil, so that it is both flavorful and will not be greasy, delicious and healthy.

Oil wheat vegetables

Recommended recipe: Garlic stir-fried oil wheat vegetables

During the Qingming Season, it is recommended to eat more "5 dishes and 2 grains" to dehumidify and improve the spleen, laying a good foundation for summer

Ingredients: 1 handful of oil and wheat vegetables, 3 cloves of garlic, a little soy sauce, a little oyster sauce, oil and salt to taste

1, break the leaves of the oil and wheat vegetables one by one, wash clean, and the remaining young stems are also cleaned and cut into slices.

2: Prepare some garlic, peel it, crush it, then cut into minced garlic and set aside.

3: Pour cooking oil into the pot, do not wait for the oil to heat, put the minced garlic into the pot, fry until slightly yellow, and pour in the oil wheat vegetables.

4: Stir-fry quickly over high heat and stir-fry the oil and wheat vegetables until slightly hairy. At this time, cook in soy sauce, add oyster sauce, a little salt.

5, continue to stir-fry quickly on high heat, let the oil and wheat vegetables into the flavor, you can turn off the heat. Then immediately remove from the hot pan to avoid further heating that causes the oil and wheat vegetables to turn yellow and soften.

Eat 2 more grains


Recommended recipe: Cornmeal purple potato flower roll

During the Qingming Season, it is recommended to eat more "5 dishes and 2 grains" to dehumidify and improve the spleen, laying a good foundation for summer

Ingredient preparation: cornmeal 150 g, flour 200 g (approximately), purple potato 100 g, yeast powder 4 g

1: First clean the purple potatoes, peel them, cut them into purple potato chips, and then steam them on high heat in a steamer. The steamed purple potatoes are then pressed into a delicate purple potato puree.

2, the purple potato puree to room temperature, add 2 grams of yeast powder, and then add flour little by little, all the way to the purple potato puree into a moderate soft and hard purple dough, and then cover the full fermentation to 2 times larger.

During the Qingming Season, it is recommended to eat more "5 dishes and 2 grains" to dehumidify and improve the spleen, laying a good foundation for summer

3, corn flour first with about 40 grams of hot boiling water blanched again, stirred into small knots, and then rub open, add flour, yeast powder, then mix evenly, continue to use warm water and into a moderate soft and hard dough, the same fermentation to 2 times larger.

4: Take out the two doughs that have awakened, knead and exhaust, continue to cover with a basin, relax for 2 minutes, and then rub the long strips separately and divide into the same amount of dough.

5. Take a yellow and a purple two flour agents, roll out the long strips respectively, and try to keep the length, width and narrow consistency. Then place the cornmeal slices on the bottom and the purple potato dough slices on top.

6. Fold the two dough pieces in half, and then use a knife to break a small strip about 2 cm wide, but do not cut it.

7. Finally, roll up from one end of the dough, roll it all the way to the other end, then lay flat on the surface mat, organize it into a pattern, and then wake up for 15 minutes.

8: Boil water in a steamer, steam, put in the flower rolls that have been awakened for the second time, and steam for 15 minutes on high heat. Continue simmering for 3-5 minutes after turning off heat. The steamed flower rolls in this way are beautiful and delicious and nutritious.

Red beans

Recommended recipe: Red bean paste dumplings

During the Qingming Season, it is recommended to eat more "5 dishes and 2 grains" to dehumidify and improve the spleen, laying a good foundation for summer

Ingredients: 50 grams of red beans, 80 grams of glutinous rice flour, about 40 grams of milk, appropriate amount of goji berries, a little osmanthus flowers

1, prepare about 50 grams of red beans, clean, put into the wall breaker, add about 600 grams of water, select the red bean sand key, the red bean paste into red bean paste.

2, during the cooking of red bean paste, we come to prepare small dumplings, you can prepare more at a time, put them in the refrigerator and freeze them. Add milk to the glutinous rice little by little, and knead the glutinous rice flour into a ball all the time.

3: Directly knead the kneaded dough into slender strips, and then cut into small pieces. Then knead further in your hand.

During the Qingming Season, it is recommended to eat more "5 dishes and 2 grains" to dehumidify and improve the spleen, laying a good foundation for summer

4: Pour the boiled red bean paste into the pot, continue to boil, put in the kneaded small glutinous rice balls, cook for 3-5 minutes, all the small balls are floating up, it is almost cooked.

5: Finally, add some goji berries and osmanthus flowers to garnish, then turn off the heat.

6, like sweeter, you can put some honey after cooling, you can also add an appropriate amount of brown sugar or rock sugar to taste.

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