
The temperature of society! Sun Haiyang posted a video of Rising Sun And Zhang Yi, saying that he had no plans with the traffickers

In this society, everyone has a different life for everyone, some people have a righteous heart and are doing good things all their lives, some people are opportunistic and opportunistic, left and right, and some people have done bad things all their lives, but society still brings warmth to people continuously.

The temperature of society! Sun Haiyang posted a video of Rising Sun And Zhang Yi, saying that he had no plans with the traffickers

The heat of Sun Haiyang's search for children has gradually subsided, but for those who helped themselves at the beginning, they are still in Sun Haiyang's heart, and this gratitude is probably difficult to forget for a lifetime.

The temperature of society! Sun Haiyang posted a video of Rising Sun And Zhang Yi, saying that he had no plans with the traffickers

Sun Haiyang posted a video of Rising Sun Yang gang looking for his own relatives to promote, when Rising Sun Yang Gang can be described as popular all over the country, a singer originally had no intersection with the family looking for relatives, but he was willing to take out his time to promote Sun Haiyang's search for children.

What makes Sun Haiyang unforgettable, as well as the entire crew of "Dear", dear uses Sun Haiyang and others as the prototype to shoot a touching and profound movie, originally the two are just cooperative relations, after the completion of the film, you can enjoy its success.

The temperature of society! Sun Haiyang posted a video of Rising Sun And Zhang Yi, saying that he had no plans with the traffickers

But dear whole crew, but never forgot the family of Sun Haiyang, Sun Haiyang as the prototype played by Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi in the interpretation of this role, need to know more about Sun Haiyang's past, for this reason the two took a group photo in the crew, until Sun Haiyang found the child, Zhang Yi also talked to Sun Haiyang on the phone, moved to tears for Sun Haiyang.

The temperature of society! Sun Haiyang posted a video of Rising Sun And Zhang Yi, saying that he had no plans with the traffickers

At the end of the video, you can see the scene of all the crew members and the family looking for relatives hugging each other, and each hug contains warmth and strength, so that these family members are no longer lonely, giving them the determination and perseverance to go firmly.

A person is not afraid of how long the goal is, nor is it afraid of a person going down alone, what is important is that every time the road passes, someone will light a lamp to bring him warmth, which has the belief of persevering to the end, even if it is only a warm wind that blows, it will make them full of strength.

The temperature of society! Sun Haiyang posted a video of Rising Sun And Zhang Yi, saying that he had no plans with the traffickers
The temperature of society! Sun Haiyang posted a video of Rising Sun And Zhang Yi, saying that he had no plans with the traffickers

In the ocean, although these are the past, they are all important, and there are always many people who appear, so that I see hope, like a spiritual food that is constantly replenished. From the original resentment at the sight of human traffickers, to now it has become no longer concerned about human traffickers, and all that remains is gratitude and luck.

A person who has been robbed of his child by human traffickers and has never found a child has how much he hates the trafficker, who is eager to cramp his bones and swallow it raw, and even some families are full of negative emotions about society because of the loss of children.

The temperature of society! Sun Haiyang posted a video of Rising Sun And Zhang Yi, saying that he had no plans with the traffickers

But Sun Haiyang looked at the warmth of being helped in the past, chose to reconcile with himself, let go of his hatred for human traffickers, and what remained was gratitude to society, thanking these people for being able to help them persevere to the end, thanking the world, and bringing his children back, grateful for the experience that made him strong, and experiencing so many setbacks with a steady stream of pressure and motivation.

This is the temperature of society, which can constantly give people strength and the ability to heal, and has never let go of anyone and any family, but the important thing is to persist in going on, which is also the belief that Sun Haiyang has been passing on.

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