
Women are more likely to suffer from depression than men, why?

author:Psychological counseling at Taiyuan University of Science and Technology

Every time an article about depression is published, the number of views is relatively high, although this does not represent the large number of depression groups, but it can show that many readers are more concerned about the topic of depression, and even most people may have depression or even depression.

Women are more likely to suffer from depression than men, why?

Women are more likely to be depressed than men

Biological factors

Hormone levels in women fluctuate more easily than in men. This fluctuation is particularly pronounced during these periods of childbearing (prenatal/postnatal depression) and menopause, which are associated with a high risk of developing depression.

Psychological factors

Women think more than men. Thinking, while a good thing, can also make them vulnerable to depression. And what men often encounter is anger and substance abuse.

Women are more likely to suffer from depression than men, why?

Girls are more likely to develop depression than we think

There is a very pessimistic reality: women have a higher chance of depression than men.

There are many reasons for this. Women themselves are a sensitive animal, and changes in hormone secretion during menstruation and postpartum can easily lead to elusive turbulence in women's emotions.

In recent years, there have been many social events in which postpartum depression has led to family tragedies, both physiological factors and the influence of family environment.

Second, women value and invest in emotions much more than men. Therefore, in the matter of lost love, men often turn the page lightly, while women are trapped in an emotional black hole and cannot extricate themselves.

Women are more likely to suffer from depression than men, why?

Sometimes we mistakenly think that women are emotional, which may be a precursor to depression.

From depression to depression, it's not as far away as we think. Although frustration in a relationship and poor work can lead to a bad mood, it does not necessarily mean that it will lead to depression, but if it lasts for a long time, and it affects work and life, then it is necessary to be careful that it may be a disease.

And people with certain personalities need to pay special attention to preventing the occurrence of depression. For example, introverted and sensitive people, people who always suppress their true emotions, and people who do not love or are not used to expressing emotions are often more likely to let this negative emotion be stuffed in the heart.

Women are more likely to suffer from depression than men, why?

How to identify depression?

Everyone's signals when expressing bad emotions such as anxiety and depression are often different: appetite, sleep, attention, points of interest, and energy may change.

If you want to identify the symptoms of depression in the early stages, there are actually traces:

1. Lack of vitality, easy fatigue, and do not seem to be interested in many things

2. Changes in diet, sleep or lifestyle habits, usually manifested as insomnia, decreased appetite and even weight loss

3. It is easier to get angry, temper becomes grumpy, and it is easy to get angry because of small things

4. Have a sense of despair about life, have a negative attitude towards many things, feel that life is not interesting, and have no hope for the future

Women are more likely to suffer from depression than men, why?

5. Self-enclosed, unwilling to communicate with others, sullen and unhappy alone, and unwilling to go out with friends to relax

6. Denying yourself, feeling that you are a failure, and even feeling that you are depressed is also a sign of a loser

7. Often feel chest tightness, unable to breathe, abnormal sensation in the body, there is a clear sense of pressure

8. Can't control the urge to cry, and often collapses and cries when no one is there

8. Unable to concentrate, work life often forgets things, and the mind is blurred

9. Inexplicable sense of fear and loneliness

If you or a female friend, family member, etc., have the above performance, please seek the help of a professional doctor in time.