
Wei Xiuying, who gathered in the 100,000 mountains, once instructed his subordinates to rape female students, what was her fate?

author:Ji characters

The source of this article is the public number: Ji People

In 1958, the Bayi Film Studio produced the thrilling spy film "Hero Tiger Guts", which has become a classic of a generation.

Wei Xiuying, who gathered in the 100,000 mountains, once instructed his subordinates to rape female students, what was her fate?

"Heroic Tiger Guts" is based on the true story of the People's Liberation Army in the 1950s when the People's Liberation Army suppressed the remnants of Chiang Kai-shek's army in the 100,000 Dashan area of Guangxi. The characters in the film all have their own life archetypes. However, in history, the supreme commander of the remnants of Chiang Kai-shek's army was Wei Xiuying, known as the "Captain's Wife".

In 1900, Wei Xiuying was born in Natong Village, Guitai Township, Qin County, Guangxi Province, his father was a blacksmith, who made a living by helping others make tools such as sickles and hoes. Wei's father befriended his neighbor Zhang Family, who had a son named Zhang Ruigui, who happened to have a daughter in the Wei family, so the Wei family and the Zhang family formed a doll kiss.

Wei Xiuying, who gathered in the 100,000 mountains, once instructed his subordinates to rape female students, what was her fate?

The Zhang family can be described as destitute, in order to earn food to eat, Zhang Ruigui herded cattle and ducks for people when he was very young. Forced to make a living when he grew up, Zhang Ruigui chose to join the army and became a big soldier under the old Gui warlord Lu Rongting. Unexpectedly, this boy was really a good material for being a soldier, and in less than two years he became a platoon leader, and later promoted to company commander, he returned to his hometown and became close to Wei Xiuying.

Zhang Ruigui's life can also be regarded as catching up with the tide of the times at that time, in that era of regarding human life as grass and mustard, in the bloody rain and wind, he can rise all the way with bravery and life. One will achieve ten thousand bones, and I don't know how many corpses have built pedals behind Zhang Ruigui's success.

Zhang Ruigui was then promoted all the way to the head of the regiment, and married Chen Peilan as a concubine in Nanning. After the "Two Cantons Incident" in 1936, Chiang Kai-shek reorganized the Cantonese Army and appointed Zhang Ruigui as the commander of the 63rd Army, at which point he reached the peak of his life. And Wei Xiuying also followed the rising tide, and then Wei Xiuying moved to Guangzhou as an official's wife, and the local people's title for Wei Xiuying also became "the military commander's wife". But Chen Peilan was very repulsive to her, and due to her age, she began to be snubbed by Zhang Ruigui and ran to Conghua life.

Wei Xiuying, who gathered in the 100,000 mountains, once instructed his subordinates to rape female students, what was her fate?

But Wei Xiuying is not a deeply resentful woman, but a fierce character, she has been unable to leave her body for many years, and people call her the lady of the military commander when she is in her hometown.

At the end of the Liberation War, the Kuomintang army was completely defeated, and Zhang Ruigui, who was in charge of suppressing the Communists in the Guangdong-Guangdong region, was also defeated again and again and retreated to Hainan. When there was no way out, he remembered his wife who had been left in his hometown, and if Wei Xiuying could pull up a team in Guangxi and cooperate with himself inside and outside, then there was great hope for returning to Guangxi.

One day in early 1950, Li Chengwei, a close associate of Zhang Ruigui, sneaked into Wei Xiuying's home in Guitai Town.

Seeing Li Chengwei, Wei Xiuying was shocked: "Didn't he flee to Hainan with Zhang Ruigui?" Why did you suddenly run back? ”

When he was about to press the question, Li Chengwei had already stuffed a letter into her hand, which was a handwritten letter written by Zhang Ruigui to Wei Xiuying.

In the letter, Zhang Ruigui spoke earnestly and his true feelings were revealed, and he hoped that Wei Xiuying would save himself from the water and fire in the love of the husband and wife for many years, and fight side by side with himself inside and outside.

After reading the letter, Wei Xiuying slapped the box gun heavily on the table, and said to Li Chengwei with full confidence: "When I was young, watching singing, I admired Mu Guiying the most, but I didn't expect that now that I am old, I actually became She Taijun." ”

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Wei Xiuying agreed to Zhang Ruigui and put up the banner of the "National Salvation Army".

Wei Xiuying, who gathered in the 100,000 mountains, once instructed his subordinates to rape female students, what was her fate?

On February 13, 1950, Wei Xiuying issued a general riot order: "March 3, 1950 is the day of general rioting, and the password is: 'Anti-communist to save the country'." ”

Specific insurrection policies and methods: Strengthen the propaganda work of the people, so that everyone can understand: "The Communist Party is engaged in rent reduction and interest rate reduction, and we practice that the cultivators have their own land." ”

With the call of "protecting guns, resisting grain, resisting taxes" and "breaking the warehouse and distributing grain", the people were encouraged to participate in the riots.

Wei Xiuying, who gathered in the 100,000 mountains, once instructed his subordinates to rape female students, what was her fate?

On March 3, more than 1,000 members of the "Anti-Communist National Salvation" army suddenly surrounded the village of Nayuan. Among the members of the captured people's government grain collection task force were two young female members, students of Qinxian Middle School, who were shot and killed by dozens of people after taking turns raping and defiling. Another 13 male team members were taken to the ditch opposite the village of Banma and shot en masse, and only 1 escaped.

Wei Xiuying led the bandit armed forces to massacre the local people and cadres. Her methods were extremely cruel, and the people she caught were beheaded, buried alive, cut off their hearts and livers, severed hands and feet, and then violently killed in the wilderness.

In order to encourage the people to vote, she set up a series of reward and punishment mechanisms, not only declared to the outside world to "save the country and save the country", but also promised that as long as they joined the army, there would be 30 oceans, which was simply a rich "settlement fee" for ordinary people.

Wei Xiuying served as the commander-in-chief of the "National Salvation Army" in guangdong and Guangdong and became chiang's right-hand man. She organized a brief but massive armed campaign at 100,000 Dashan, as did bandits elsewhere in Guangxi, with riots in 97 counties across the province.

According to the statistics of existing historical data, after the march 3 riots, the bandits led by Wei Xiuying attacked the local township and district governments 11 times, killed as many as 231 civilians, burned a total of 1,029 houses, and looted a total of 1,029 houses, in addition to the number of looted property was also very alarming, 6 times robbed a total of 7692 quintals of grain, robbed 1298 cattle, and snatched 1167 pigs.

Wei Xiuying, who gathered in the 100,000 mountains, once instructed his subordinates to rape female students, what was her fate?

In the face of the serious problem of banditry in Guangxi, Chairman Mao Zedong severely criticized Guangxi for "the worst achievements in the work of suppressing bandits in all provinces in the country." Then, he severely criticized: "Guangxi was liberated before the southwest, but the results of the suppression of bandits lagged behind the southwest, why is this so?" Please review it and tell us the results. ”

Chairman Mao Zedong was enraged twice, which greatly shocked the party, government, and military departments in Guangxi; commander Li Tianyou of the Military Region personally commanded the work of suppressing bandits in Guangxi, and the work of suppressing bandits in Guangxi took rapid action, and the 100,000 mountain areas became a key area for suppressing bandits, and the primary target was Wei Xiuying's department.

Subsequently, the Central and Southern Military Region quickly dispatched troops from Hunan and Guangdong to Guangxi to participate in the suppression of bandits, and the main force of the bandits in Guangxi Province reached 15 divisions and 12 independent regiments of about 200,000 people.

Wei Xiuying, who gathered in the 100,000 mountains, once instructed his subordinates to rape female students, what was her fate?

In September 1950, the war of bandits mainly encircling and annihilating Wei Xiuying began in the 100,000 Mountains.

At the beginning of December, Wei Xiuying felt that the end was coming, so he led more than 1,000 bandits to the west along the 100,000 Mountains in an attempt to flee to Vietnam, but was intercepted by our army, and Wei Xiuying desperately broke through and was surrounded and annihilated more than half.

At this time, Wei Xiuying had no master for six gods, and he was panicked like a dog that had lost his family, so he had to lead his troops back.

At 11:00 a.m. on December 14, 1950, our army, which had been besieging the village for a day and a night, launched a fierce attack on a house trapped by Wei Xiuying and his men. In order to reduce unnecessary casualties, the commander of the 3rd Battalion of the 452nd Regiment of the 151st Division ordered all the light and heavy machine guns of the battalion to aim at the high-rise buildings in the courtyard and shoot fiercely, and several 60 guns continued to shell. With the help of a few improvised ladders, the assault team risked their lives to climb to the roof of a tall building, lifted the broken rafters, and threw a bundle of grenades into the house.

Wei Xiuying, who gathered in the 100,000 mountains, once instructed his subordinates to rape female students, what was her fate?

After a series of explosions, the house finally became silent. Platon soldiers rushed into the house and found the body of a woman in her early 50s under the bed. After verification, she is Wei Xiuying, the once invincible female bandit leader of the 100,000 Mountains.

By February 1951, the bandits in the Dashan area had been basically eliminated, with a total of more than 31,000 bandits and more than 40,000 guns seized, completely reversing the unfavorable situation of bandit suppression in Guangxi and fully grasping the initiative. The efforts of the Guangxi Military Region have also been praised by the central leadership, including Chairman Mao.

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